Ruby on Rails application installer - ruby-on-rails

I want to develop my rails application installer like in joomla in which we can configure database name, username, password, port, host etc. what is the best idea for it. I tried through rake tasks. But don't know is it good idea or not? Please help me.
Is it possible to configure rails application during runtime. If yes, how to configure?
Any ideas, tutorials, links. Thanks in advance.

What about capistrano? It's a great tool to deploy rails applications
I'll suggest you some links about it)


Deployed rails app using chef

Is there is any predefined cookbook to deployed rails app using chef.
I have searched a lot and found a resources:
Is there any good stuff from it or alternatives? Please share your experiences.
Try this out. The Opscode cookbook page has tons of resources
Chef wiki have lot of resources. You can check there. Try this one
You can download cookbook from Opscode community sites. You will get a search and Advance Search option on of basis of category and tags. Make sure to check out rating ,no of download, last update and followers.
You can use the following to deploy rails app server, and then can use capistrano to deploy the code. There are multiple options like you want passenger or unicorn, mysql or posgresql etc. You can use any combination as both have predefined setup in separate branches.

Deploy rails site from local to justhost server

I am new to rails and this question might be very basic. I learnt ruby on rails to create a small site which i have tested on herokuapp as well.
Now, I want to deploy it in the actual site which is hosted on justhost.
How should the application be deployed? Is there any way we could move the herokuapp directly to the server?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried checking their help section? This tutorial from their website should show you everything you need:

Using Windows Authentication in Ruby on Rails

I'm working on a Rails app for an internal project and can't work out how to set up the users model to use Windows Authentication for logging in. I had a look and can't find anything that was covering this topic. I've managed to configure Rails to use SQLServer fine but I'm just blanking here.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe this article helps:

How do you remove a Ruby on Rails app from a production server?

I'd like to replace our existing Ruby on Rails application with a new version of the site in PHP, but I'm not sure how to remove the rails app from our shared VPS server.
Is there a way to delete the app via FTP or some way to remove it in Cpanel? The developers set it up to use a custom deployment script. Are there any typical uninstall scripts that might remove it?
Ideally, I'd like to avoid completely re-provisioning the server instance because I don't want to lose our blog database and email accounts.
Sorry for such a dumb noob question, but I'd really be grateful for some advice.
Thanks so much!
If its on linux, it should be at /var/www. Remove the database entries and put the PHP versions there too.

Use JBoss with IntelliJ for creating Grails apps

I want to run my grails apps from intelliJ on JBoss-5.1.0.GA installed locally on my machine.
If somebody has any experience please share.
p.s. The aim is to simulate different production enivronments (development,Staging & test)
After a lot of research and going throught Grails FAQ's and other sites I was able to deploy and run my Grails app on a JBoss-5.1.0.GA server installed locally on my machine. The only thing that requires confiruing is:
comment out the WarClassLoaderDeployer bean inside JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deployers/jbossweb.deployer/META-INF/war-deployers-jboss-beans.xml
and that should be it.
Thanks so much for the answer.. I was breaking my head for many days and hours on how to get grails working on jboss5.
I found a similar answer here.. but yours was right on the head... thanks again.
