Better converting to gray? - opencv

Is there a better way to converting (RGB) image to grayscale than
This way produces light intensity, which may not mark objects well for further processing. For example, if we have some hotspot or reflection, this will be depicted as noticeable object in such a grayscale.
I am experimenting with other color spaces like Lab, but hey have poor contrast.

It's not that simple as asking for a recipe - you need to define what you need.
The transform you used harks back to the early days of color TV, when there was a need for a way to separately encode the luminance and chrominance in the analog broadcast signal, taking into account the fact that a lot less bandwidth was available to transmit chroma than luma. The encoding is very loosely related to the higher relative sensitivity of the cones in the human retina in the yellow-green band.
There is no reason to use it blindly. Rather, you need to clearly express what the goal of your desired transformation is, translate that goal into a (quantifiable) criterion, then find a particular transform that optimizes that criterion. The transform can be global (i.e. like the TV one you used) or adaptive (i.e. depending on the color values in a neighborhood of the current pixel), and either way it can be linear (like, again, the TV one) or not.

Since people actually can identify the terms "shadow" and "reflection", it stands that this is a decently high level operation. In addition, a person can be "blinded" or confused due to these effects. So I will go with "No, there is no significantly better, low-level way to eliminate different luminance effects".
You can make a module that detects adjacent lightness-distorted regions (based on cues like hue and chroma, spatial factors of whether they form a "jigsaw puzzle", etc), and stitch them together.
I recommend HSV because it has worked well for me for quite reliably overcoming shadows in images.

A trick you can use with Lab is to just ignore the L channel, then the other two channels just give variation in color. This can be very effective if you want to find the boundaries of an object that has a bright light shining on it.
There are many other color spaces that separate brightness from color information, like Lab. Some examples are HSV, YUV, YCrCb. Just pick whichever of these works best, discard the brightness and work with two channels of color.
Lab is a 'perceptual" color space that attempts to match non-linearities in the eye. That is Lab numbers that are close together will be perceived as very similar by a human, while Lab numbers that differ greatly will be perceived as very different. RGB does not work nicely like that.
Some notes about the conversion you mentioned:
If use CV_RGB2GRAY conversion in OpenCV, it uses the coefficeints that you mentioned. However whether these are the correct numbers to use depends on the flavor of RGB you have.
Your numbers are for BT.601 primaries as used in analogue TV such as NTSC and PAL.
Newer HDTV, and sRGB which is widely used in computer monitors and printers uses BT. 709 primaries, in which case the conversion should be Y = 0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B, and Y here is as defined by CIE 1931. The L channel in Lab also corresponds to the CIE 1931 luminance value.
Then there is Adobe RGB, which can represent more colors than sRGB (it has a wider "gamut"). But I don't think OpenCV has a conversion for it.
The best way to convert RGB to grayscale depends on where your image comes from and what you want to do with it.
It would be worth looking at the OpenCV cvtColor() documentation.

There are a few works in this field. For example this one:


Understanding NetPBM's PNM nonlinear RGB color space for converting to grayscale

I am trying to understand how to properly work with the RGB values found in PNM formats in order to inevitably convert them to Grayscale.
Researching the subject, it appears that if the RGB values are nonlinear, then I would need to first convert them to a linear RGB color space, apply my weights, and then convert them back to the same nonlinear color space.
There appears to be an expected format
In the raster, the sample values are "nonlinear." They are proportional to the intensity of the ITU-R Recommendation BT.709 red, green, and blue in the pixel, adjusted by the BT.709 gamma transfer function.
So I take it these values are nonlinear, but not sRGB. I found some thread topics around ImageMagick that say they might save them as linear RGB values.
Am I correct that PNM specifies a standard, but various editors like Photoshop or GIMP may or may not follow it?
When you use this option, the input and output images are not true Netpbm images, because the Netpbm image format specifies a particular color space. Instead, you are using a variation on the format in which the sample values in the raster have different meaning. Many programs that ostensibly use Netpbm images actually use a variation with a different color space. For example, GIMP uses sRGB internally and if you have GIMP generate a Netpbm image file, it really generates a variation of the format that uses sRGB.
Else where I see this
Each gray value is a number proportional to the intensity of the
pixel, adjusted by the ITU-R Recommendation BT.709 gamma transfer
function. (That transfer function specifies a gamma number of 2.2 and
has a linear section for small intensities). A value of zero is
therefore black. A value of Maxval represents CIE D65 white and the
most intense value in the image and any other image to which the image
might be compared.
BT.709's range of channel values (16-240) is irrelevant to PGM.
Note that a common variation from the PGM format is to have the gray
value be "linear," i.e. as specified above except without the gamma
adjustment. pnmgamma takes such a PGM variant as input and produces a
true PGM as output.
Most sources out there assume they are dealing with linear RGB and just apply their weights and save, possibly not preserving the luminance. I assume that any complaint renderer will assume that these RGB values are gamma compressed... thus technically displaying different grayscale "colors" than what I had specified. Is this correct? Maybe to ask it differently, does it matter? I know it is a loaded question, but if I can't really tell if it is linear or nonlinear, or how it has been compressed or expected to be compressed, will the image processing algorithms (binarization) be greatly effected if I just assume linear RGB values?
There may have been some confusion with my question, so I would like to answer it now that I have researched the situation much further.
To make a long story short... it appears like no one really bothers to re-encode an image's gamma when saving to PNM format. Because of that, since almost everything is sRGB, it will stay sRGB as opposed to the technically correct BT.709, as per the spec.
I reached out to Bryan Henderson of NetPBM. He held the same belief and stated that the method of gamma compression is not as import as knowing if it was applied or not and that we should always assume it is applied when working with PNM color formats.
To reaffirm the effect of that opinion in regard to image processing, please read "Color-to-Grayscale: Does the Method Matter in Image Recognition?", 2012 by Kanan and Cottrell. Basically if you calculate the Mean of the RGB values you will end up in one of three situations: Gleam, Intensity', or Intensity. After comparing the effects of different grayscale conversion formulas, taking into account when and how gamma correction was applied, he discovered that Gleam and Intensity' where the best performers. They differ only by when the gamma correction was added (Gleam has the gamma correction on the input RGB values, while Intensity' takes in linear RGB and applies gamma afterwords). Sadly you drop from 1st and 2nd place down to 8th when no gamma correction is added, aka Intensity. It's interesting to note that it was the simple Mean formula that worked the best, not one of the more popular grayscale formulas most people tout. All of that to say that if you use the Mean formula for converting PNM color to grayscale for image processing applications, you will ensure great performance since we can assume some gamma compression will have been applied. My comment about ImageMagick and linear values appears only to apply to their PGM format.
I hope that helps!
There is only one way good way to convert colour signal to greyscale: going to linear space and add light (and so colour intensities). In this manner you have effective light, and so you can calculate the brightness. Then you can "gamma" correct the value. This is the way light behave (linear space), and how the brightness was measured by CIE (by wavelength).
On television it is standard to build luma and then black and white images) from non-linear R,G,B. This is done because simplicity and the way analog colour television (NTSC and PAL) worked: black and white signal (for BW television) as main signal, and then adding colours (as subcarrier) to BW image. For this reason, the calculations are done in non linear space.
Video could use often such factors (on non-linear space), because it is much quick to calculate, and you can do it easily with integers (there are special matrix to use with integers).
For edge detection algorithms, it should not be important which method you are using: we have difficulty to detect edge with similar L or Y', so we do no care if computers have similar problem.
Note: our eyes are non linear on detecting light intensities, and with similar gamma as phosphors on our old televisions. For this reason using gamma corrected value is useful: it compress the information in a optimal way (or in "analog-TV" past: it reduce perceived noise).
So you if you want Y', do with non linear R',G',B'. But if you need real grey scale, you need to calculate real greyscale going to linear space.
You may see differences especially on mid-greys, and on purple or yellow, where two of R,G,B are nearly the same (and as maximum value between the three).
But on photography programs, there are many different algorithms to convert RGB to greyscale: we do not see the world in greyscale, so different weight (possibly non linear) could help to make out some part of image, which it is the purpose of greyscale photos (by remove distracting colours).
Note Rec.709 never specified the gamma correction to apply (the OETF on the standard is not useful, we need EOTF, and often one is not the inverse of the other, for practical reasons). Only on a successive recommendation this missing information were finally provided. But because many people speak about Rec.709, the inverse of OETF is used as gamma, which it is incorrect.
How to detect: classical yellow sun on blue sky, choosing yellow and blue with same L. If you see sun in grey image, you are transforming with non-linear space (Y' is not equal). If you do no see the sun, you transform linearly.

Best tracking algorithm for multiple colored objects (billiard balls)

Let me quickly explain what I have: I have written a custom detector that finds the regions in an image of billiard balls. I did this in using the HSV colorspace and for most ball's I could get away with only thresholding the Hue channel. However for orange (#5) and brown (#7) one must take the saturation into account which adds another dimension to the problem.
From my research it seems like my best route would be to do some manner of mean-shift tracking but everything I've come across has described mean-shift in which only one channel is used (the hue channel).
Can anyone please explain or offer a link explaing how I can adapt mean-shift to work using hue and saturation?
Or can you tell me if you think a different tracking algorithm may be better suited to this problem?
In theory mean shift works well regardless of the dimensionality (in very high dimensions sparseness is a bit of an issues, but there are works that address that problem)
If you are trying to use an off the self mean shift tracker that only takes a single channel input, you can create your own problem specific color channel. You need a single channel that maximizes the difference between the different colored billiard balls.
The easiest way of doing that will be to take the mean colors of all 15 balls and, put them in a 15x3 matrix and decompose it with SVD (subtract the mean first) so you'll get the axis of maximal variance. This will give you the best linear transformation from RGB to a new one dimensional color space that maximizes difference between the billiard balls colors. (If it isn't good enough you can do better with local mapping, but might not be necessary)

Is "color quantization" the right name for color quantization in OpenCV?

I'm looking for a way to get a complete list of all the RGB values for each pixel in a given image using OpenCV, now i call this "color quantization".
The problem is that according to what I have found online, at least at this point, this "color quantization" thing is about histograms or "color reduction" or similar discrete computation solutions.
Since I know what I want and the "internet" seems to have a different opinion about what this words mean, I was wondering: maybe there is not a real solution for this ? a workable way or a working algorithm in the OpenCV lib.
Generally speaking, quantization is an operation that takes an input signal with real (mathematical) values to a set of discrete values. A possible algorithm to implement this process is to compute the histogram of the data, then retaining the n values that correspond to the n bins of the histogram with the higher population.
What you are trying to do would be called maybe color listing.
If you ar eworking with 8 bits quantized images (type CV_8UC3), my guess is that you do what you desire by taking the histogram of the input image (bin width equal to 1) then searching the result for non-empty bins.
Color quantization is the conversion of infinite natural colors in the finite digital color space. Anyway to create a full color 'histogram' you can use opencv's sparse matrix implementation and write your own function to compute it. Of course you have to access the pixels one by one, if you have no other structural or continuity information about the image.

How to use CIELAB to obtain illumination invariance in image processing?

I found out that taking the Euclidean distance in RGB space to compare two colors in applications like image segmentation is not recommended because of its dependence on illumination and lighting conditions. Furthermore, because of the numerical instability of the HSV hue value at low intensity, the CIELAB color space is said to be a better alternative.
My problem is that I don't understand how to actually use it: Since CIELAB is device independent, you cannot simply convert to it from some RGB values without knowing anything about the sensor that was used to obtain these RGB values. As far as I know, you have to convert to CIEXYZ in an intermediate step first, but there are several different matrices available depending on the exact RGB working space of the source.
Or is it irrelevant which matrix you choose if you only want to use CIELAB to compare two colors (as I said, for example to perform image segmentation)?
If you don't know the exact color space that you're converting from, you may use sRGB - it was designed to be a generic space that corresponded to the average monitor of the time. It won't be exact of course, but it's likely to be acceptable. As you observe, perfect accuracy shouldn't be necessary for image segmentation, as the relative distances between colors won't be materially affected.

Is HSL Superior over HSI and HSV Color Spaces?

Is HSL superior over HSI and HSV, because it takes human perception into account.?
For some image processing algorithms they say I can use either of these color spaces,
and I am not sure which one to pick. I mean, the algorithms just care that you provide
them with hue and saturation channel, you can pick which color space to use
Which one is best very much depends on what you're using it for. But in my experience HSL (HLS) has an unfortunate interaction between brightness and saturation.
Here's an example of reducing image brightness by 2. The leftmost image is the original; next comes the results using RGB, HLS, and HSV:
Notice the overly bright and saturated spots around the edge of the butterfly in HLS, particularly that red spot at the bottom. This is the saturation problem I was referring to.
This example was created in Python using the colorsys module for the conversions.
Since there is no accepted answer yet, and since I had to further research to fully understand this, I'll add my two cents.
Like others have said the answer as to which of HSL or HSV is better depends on what you're trying to model and manipulate.
tl;dr - HSV is only "better" than HSL for machine vision (with caveats, read below). "Lab" and other formal color models are far more accurate (but computationally expensive) and should really be used for more serious work. HSL is outright better for "paint" applications or any other where you need a human to "set", "enter" or otherwise understand/make sense of a color value.
For details, read below:
If you're trying to model how colours are GENERATED, the most intuitive model is HSL since it maps almost directly to how you'd mix paints to create colors. For example, to create "dark" yellow, you'd mix your base yellow paint with a bit of black. Whereas to create a lighter shade of yellow, you'd mix a bit of white.
Values between 50 and 0 in the "L" spectrum in HSL map to how much "black" has to be mixed in (black increasing from 0 to 100%, as L DECREASES from 50 to 0).
Values between 50 and 100 map to how much "white" has to be mixed in (white varying from 0 to 100% as L increases from 50 to 100%).
50% "L" gives you the "purest" form of the color without any "contamination" from white or black.
Insights from the below links:
The last post there.
Inspect the color-space cylinder for HSL - it gives a very clear idea of the kind of distribution I've talked about.
Plus, if you've dealt with paints at any point, the above explanation will (hopefully) make sense. :)
Thus HSL is a very intuitive way of understanding how to "generate" a color - thus it's a great model for paint applications, or any other applications that are targeted to an audience used to thinking in "shade"/"tone" terms for color.
Now, onto HSV.
This is treacherous territory now as we get into a space based on a theory I HAVE FORMULATED to understand HSV and is not validated or corroborated by other sources.
In my view, the "V" in HSV maps to the quantity of light thrown at an object, with the assumption, that with zero light, the object would be completely dark, and with 100% light, it would be all white.
Thus, in this image of an apple, the point that is directly facing the light source is all white, and most likely has a "V" at 100% whereas the point at the bottom that is completely in shadow and untouched by light, has a value "0". (I haven't checked these values, just thought they'd be useful for explanation).
Thus HSV seems to model how objects are lit (and therefore account for any compensation you might have to perform for specular highlights or shadows in a machine vision application) BETTER than HSL.
But as you can see quite plainly from the examples in the "disadvantages" section in the Wikipedia article I linked to, neither of these methods are perfect. "Lab" and other more formal (and computationally expensive) color models do a far better job.
P.S: Hope this helps someone.
The only color space that has advantage and takes human perception into account is LAB, in the sense that the Euclidian metric in it is correlated with human color differentiation.
Taken directly from Wikipedia:
Unlike the RGB and CMYK color models, Lab color is designed to
approximate human vision. It aspires to perceptual uniformity, and its
L component closely matches human perception of lightness
That is the reason that many computer vision algorithms are taking advantage of LAB space
HSV, HSB and HSI don't have this property. So the answer is no, HSL is not "superior" over HSI and HSV in the sense of human perception.
If you want to be close to human perception, try LAB color space.
I would say that one is NO better than another, each is just a mathematical conversion of another. Differing representations CAN make manipulation of an image for the effect you wish a bit easier. Each person WILL perceive images a bit differently, and using HSI or HSV may provide a small difference in output image.
Even RGB when considered against a system (i.e. with pixel array) takes into account human perception. When an imager (with a bayer overlay) takes a picture, there are 2 green pixels for every 1 red and blue pixel. Monitors still output in RGB (although most only have a single green pixel for each red and blue). A new TV monitor made by Sharp now has a yellow output pixel. The reason they have done this is due to there being a yellow band in the actual frequency spectrum, so to better truly represent color, they have added a yellow band (or pixel).
All of these things are based on the human eye having a greater sensitivity to green over any other color in the spectrum.
Regardless, whatever scale you use, the image will be transformed back to RGB to be displayed on screen.
In short, I dont think any one is better than another, just different representations.
Imma throw my two cents in here being both a programmer and also a guy who aced Color Theory in art school before moving on to software engineering career wise.
HSL/HSV are great for easily writing programmatic functionality to handle color without dealing with a ton of edge cases. They are terrible at replicating human perception of color accurately.
CMYK is great for rendering print stuff, because it approximates the pigments that printers rely on. It is also terrible at replicating human perception of color accurately (although not because it's bad per se, but more because computers are really bad at displaying it on a screen. More on that in a minute).
RGB is the only color utility represented in tech that accurately reflects human vision effectively. LAB is essentially just resolving to RGB under the hood. It is also worth considering that the literal pixels on your screen are representations of RGB, which means that any other color space you work with is just going to get parsed back into RGB anyways when it actually displays. Really, it's best to just cut out the middleman and use that in almost every single case.
The problem with RGB in a programming sense, is that it is essentially cubic in representation, whereas HSL/HSV both resolve in a radius, which makes it much easier to create a "color wheel" programmatically. RGB is very difficult to do this with without writing huge piles of code to handle, because it resolves cubically in terms of its data representation. However, RGB accurately reflects human vision very well, and it's also the foundational basis of the actual hardware a monitor consists of.
TLDR; If you want dead on color and don't mind the extra work, use RGB all of the time. If you want to bang out a "good enough" color utility and probably field bug tickets later that you won't be able to really do anything about, use HSL/HSV. If you are doing print, use CMYK, not because it's good, but because the printer will choke if you don't use it, even though it otherwise sucks.
As an aside, if you were to approach Color Theory like an artist instead of a programmer, you are going to find a very different perception than any technical specifications about color really impart. Bear in mind that anyone working with a color utility you create is basically going to be thinking along these lines, at least if they have a solid foundational education in color theory. Here's basically how an artist approaches the notion of color:
Color from an artistic perspective is basically represented on a scale of five planes.
Pigment (or hue), which is the actual underlying color you are going after.
Tint, which is the pigment mixed with pure white.
Shade, which is the pigment mixed with pure black.
Tone (or "True Tone"), which is the pigment mixed with a varying degree of gray.
Rich Tone (or "Earth Tones"), which is the pigment mixed with its complementary color. Rich tones do not show up on the color wheel because they are inherently a mix of opposites, and visually reflect slightly differently than a "True Tone" due to minute discrepancies in physical media that you can't replicate effectively on a machine.
The typical problem with representing this paradigm programmatically is that there is not really any good way to represent rich tones. A material artist has basically no issue doing this with paint, because the subtle discrepancies of brush strokes allow the underlying variance between the complements to reflect in the composition. Likewise digital photography and video both suck at picking this up, but actual analog film does not suck nearly as bad at it. It is more reflected in photography and video than computer graphics because the texture of everything in the viewport of the camera picks up some of it, but is is still considerably less than actually viewing the same thing (which is why you can never take a really good picture of a sunset without a ton of post production to hack the literal look of it back in, for example). However, computers are not good at replicating those discrepancies, because a color is basically going to resolve to a consistent matrix of RGB pixel mapping which visually appears to be a flat regular tone. There is no computational color space that accurately reflects rich tones, because there is no computational way to make a color vary slightly in a diffuse, non-repeating random way over space and still have a single unique identifier, and you can't very well store it as data without a unique identifier.
The best approximation you can do of this with a computer is to create some kind of diffusion of one color overlapping another color, which does not resolve to a single value that you can represent as a hex code or stuff in a single database column. Even then, a computer is going to inherently reflect a uniform pattern, where a real rich tone relies on randomness and non-repeating texture and variance, which you can't do on a machine without considerable effort. All of the artwork that really makes color pop relies on this principle, and it is basically inaccessible to computational representation without a ton of side work to emulate it (which is why we have Photoshop and Corel Painter, because they can emulate this stuff pretty well with a bit of work, but at the cost of performing a lot of filtering that is not efficient for runtime).
RGB is a pretty good approximation of the other four characteristics from an artistic perspective. We pretty much get that it's not going to cover rich tones and that we're going to have to crack out a design utility and mash that part in by hand. However the underlying problem with programming in RGB is that it wants to resolve to a three dimensional space (because it is cubic), and you are trying to present it on a two dimensional display, which makes it very difficult to create UI that is reasonably intuitive because you lack the capacity to represent the depth of a 3rd axis on a computer monitor effectively in any way that is ever going to be intuitive to use for an end user.
You also need to consider the distinction between color represented as light, and color represented as pigment. RGB is a representation of color represented as light, and corresponds to the primary values used to mix lighting to represent color, and does so with a 1:1 mapping. CMYK represents the pigmentation spectrum. The distinction is that when you mix light in equal measure, you get white, and when you mix pigment in equal measure, you get black. If you are programming any utility that uses a computer, you are working with light, because pixels are inherently a single node on a monitor that emits RGB light waves. The reason I said that CMYK sucks, is not because it's not accurate, it's because it's not accurate when you try to represent it as light, which is the case on all computer monitors. If you are using actual paint, markers, colored pencils, etc, it works just fine. However representing CMYK on a screen still has to resolve to RGB, because that is how a computer monitor works, so it's always off a bit in terms of how it looks in display.
Not to go off on a gigantic side tangent, as this is a programming forum and you asked the question as a programmer. However if you are going for accuracy, there is a distinct "not technical" aspect to consider in terms of how effective your work will be at achieving its desired objective, which is to resolve well against visual perception, which is not particularly well represented in most computational color spaces. At the end of the day, the goal with any color utility is to make it look right in terms of human perception of color. HSL/HSV both fail miserably at that. They are prominent because they are easy to code with, and only for that reason. If you have a short deadline, they are acceptable answers. If you want something that is really going to work well, then you need to do the heavy legwork and consider this stuff, which is what your audience is considering when they decide if they want to use your tool or not.
Some reference points for you (I'm purposely avoiding any technical references, as they only refer to computational perspective, not the actual underlying perception of color, and you've probably read all of those already anyhow):
Color Theory Wiki
Basic breakdown of hue, tint, tone, and shade
Earth Tones (or rich tones if you prefer)
Basic fundamentals of color schemes
Actually, I'd have to argue that HSV accounts better for human visual perception as long as you understand that in HSV, saturation is the purity of the color and value is the intensity of that color, not brightness overall. Take this image, for example...
Here is a mapping of the HSL saturation (left) and HSL luminance (right)...
Note that the saturation is 100% until you hit the white at the very top where it drops suddenly. This mapping isn't perceived when looking at the original image. The same goes for the luminance mapping. While it's a clearer gradient, it only vaguely matches visually. Compare that to HSV saturation (left) and HSV value (right) below...
Here the saturation mapping can be seen dropping as the color becomes more white. Likewise, the value mapping can be very clearly seen in the original image. This is made more obvious when looking at the mappings for the individual color channels of the original image (the non-black areas almost perfectly match the value mapping, but are nowhere close to the luminance mapping)...Going by this information, I would have to say that HSV is better for working with actual images (especially photographs) whereas HSL is possibly better only for selecting colors in a color picker.
On a side note, the value in HSV is the inverse of the black in CMYK.
Another argument for the use of HSV over HSL is that HSV has much fewer combinations of different values that can result in the same color since HSL loses about half of its resolution to its top cone. Let's say you used bytes to represent the components--thereby giving each component 256 unique levels. The maximum number of unique RGB outputs this will yield in HSL is 4,372,984 colors (26% of the available RGB gamut). In HSV this goes up to 9,830,041 (59% of the RGB gamut)... over twice as many. And allowing a range of 0 to 359 for hue will yield 11,780,015 for HSV yet only 5,518,160 for HSL.
