promoting harvest package using jhsdk.jar - harvest

i am trying to connect to All Fusion Harvest using Java using jhsdk.jar,
I can able to connect to login into harvest and browse packages. But when I try to promote the package the next level using the below java code,
JCaMovePackage jPro = context.getMovePackage();
jPro.setToState("ACEDEV13.06.00.00", "Integration Test (AIT)");
I get exception.
E03090050: ERROR: Could not get Move Package Process from Context. E03090050: ERROR: Could not get Move Package Process from Context.
Please help me with this, Thanks in Advance!

I used promotePackage() method and the process name should be created in the Harvest SCM server. Same process name to be set using setProcessName("promotePackages"). It worked.


Pass end point details in Rest Web Service command in Automation Anywhere

In the Rest Webservice Command, I don't see any option to pass a variable in the URI.
We do not want to hard the end point in the script.
As an e.g I will want the script to use different points for dev/stage and prod.
Is there a work around for this.
On building a URI with variables like :
https://$v_hostname$/test-rs-v1/employee/data send request works fine but
bot runs we get an error stating :
Hostname could not be parsed.
Update: That was a bug and fixed on version 11.3.1. You can only achieve that on version 11.3.1 or later.
Workaround for older versions (If you have experience with C#): Build and test DLLs
The following applies only on version 11.3.1 and later.
Make sure that $v_hostname$ contains a value at the run time, using debugging option or message box command.
I did reproduce the same error by entering a variable that doesn't exist or doesn't have a value, there is no another scenario would reproduce "Hostname could not be parsed".
If the hostname/URL is invalid you will get "The remote name could not be resolved:".
I've tested the REST Web Service command on both community and enterprise editions, and it's working very well.

How to run di basic example of WSO2 EI Business Process?

I am absolutly new in WSO2 EI and I have the following doubt.
I am following this official tutorial to study the creation of a business process BPMN process):
If you go in this tutorial the second tab is refered to the Business Process Management tutorial, then I continue following the business process BPMN process street.
I followed all the tutorial and I think that I have understand the key concept of this example but I have some doubts about how to run this example.
At the end of the tutorial it does:
To create the Business Archive File (.bar), do the following.
On the Explorer, found in the upper left of your screen, navigate to Package Explorer.
Right click on the package and select “Create deployment artifacts”.
Navigate to the location of the source. You will find the .bar file inside the deployment folder.
So now I have my /HelloWorld/deployment/ file created.
But now what have I to do with this file?
I also have download the EI Server from here: /HelloWorld/deployment/
Then I have configured it in my Eclipse Developer Studio EI setting it as a WSO2 server.
So my doubts are:
What exactly represent this file? Is it a file representing a WSO2 EI executable project or what?
From what I have understand the previous example represents a work flow representing a BPMN process that implements a flow with some rules without that I need to write Java code (correct me if I am doing wrong assertion). But is it something executable or something that have to be integrated into some other application?
If it is an executable project what have I to do to run it and interact with it?
BPMN is process definition that can be run on BPS server. BPS server is part of WSO2 EI solution. You have to run it from [EI_HOME]/wso2/business-process/bin
On Linux/Mac OS: sh
On Windows: wso2server.bat --run
Then, when it works correctly, open https : // [serverIP]:[port]/carbon/ and log into the EI-Business Process management console.
Next navigate to Home -> Manage -> Processes ->Add -> BPMN and upload your file.
After uploading file, log into the BPMN-explorer at https : // [serverIP]:[port]/bpmn-explorer. On the "proecesses" tab you should see your process which can be run by action->start.
Try studie this example:

Zephyr for Jira Importer (zfj-importer) Connection denied

In my company we already use JIRA and plan to use Zephyr for JIRA for our Testmanagement.
In order to test the AddOn I created a JIRA-Cloud test-account.
Now I want to import some test-cases using the zfj-importer
When trying to connect with the tool, I get this error message:
I followed the steps in the Wiki, so I don't know why I get this error? Maybe somebody has had this before.
Thank you!
The issue was that I was trying to connect behind my company proxy.
Switching to a "normal" network worked for me.

TFS build error - process cannot access

When I am trying to buid on TFS build server I got the following error:
Error CS2012: Cannot open 'xx.dll' for writing -- 'The process cannot access the file 'xx.dll' because it is being used by another process.'
Could anyone please help out with that?
If you are developing a web application or anything of the like make sure that your server process (usually IISExpress or something) is not being run.
Kill all the processes that maybe consuming your compiled code.
Alternatively, you can download Lockhunter and see which program is locking that file.

Deploying an application

What is the correct proceedure when deploying an MVC application? I am using the built in forms based authentication and deploying using the publish function in VS2008 but when deploying it doesn't seem to deploy the ASPNETDB to the server and I end up with errors like
An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 1802 and the SqlException message is: CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.
CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied.) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\HOURS3\APP_DATA\ASPNETDB_TMP.MDF'.
I looked this up and attempted to change the sql server to run under the local system account as per
but that doesn't seem to have helped.
When you try to publish this way, I believe you're going to overwrite your database with the one you are currently developing with. This means if you had any changes in your web environment, such as new users, you would lose them when you overwrote them in a publish. Additionally the reason you're probably getting permission denied, is because the file is already in use by the website, and Windows doesn't like it if you try deleting a file that is in use.
Typically I set my databases to publish in a different methodology than the files. I often generate an upgrade script using a tool such as RedGate SQL Compare. This allows me to upgrade the one live on the server instead of copying a new file.
