WebGL troubleshooting - webgl

I am using ubuntu 12.10 OS. I would like to learn WebGL programming.
All at a sudden my WebGL stopped working. Initially firefox provided 3d way of looking at webpage elements. But now it's not working. Saying "Could not initialize Tilt, please check the
troubleshooting information available at http://get.webgl.org/troubleshooting" in an alert box.
Any help appreciated.

I had this problem, in my case while webgl.disabled=false, webgl.force-enabled=true helped.


Is a corrupted screen the result of bad graphic drivers?

Using Blender 2.82a I encountered this screen glitch:
But I had a similar issue with Photoshop 2020 where the GUI had similar glitches. And lastly, Minecraft with the SevTech Ages modpack. This doesn't happen with other software (Firefox, Excel, VSC, Sublime Text, WSL). This makes me think it's should be a graphic drivers issue. I uninstalled the NVIDIA drivers and left Windows reinstall them. I didn't encounter the issue again yet. Can anyone confirm this is a bad drivers issue? I couldn't find much information online (or didn't know what to search for).
I cannot assuredly say that this is a driver problem, but the same happened with me with my old PC. My old PC was very low-end. It was very slow in Blender, but got the work done. To make my PC faster, I saw a youtube tutorial which showed that going to System > advanced system options > graphics and switching off all 'fancy' features will make your PC faster. Doing this resulted in the same glitches in blender and inkscape, but got fixed by switching those options bak to what they were before.

interrupt watson studio AI experiment

In watson studio the AI experiment is running from past 11 days. If I press stop the process from running it is giving an error code 500. How to stop this AI experiment ?
code generated by watson AI
Product manager for this offering here. Thanks for opening this question as this is something we are working to fix ASAP. When you see a 500 error for an AutoAI experiment, it has already been stopped; but as you can see there is a UI issue updating this.
To get support on this, please go to the main navigation in the top left of the Watson Studio interface and scroll down to Manage Tickets and open a support ticket describing the situation. This allow us to work closely with you to troubleshoot this issue.
Hope this helps,
I believe the current version already fixed this problem. #Raavibn, can you confirm? Thanks!

What would be the best way to create a firefox plugin for taking desktop screenshots?

I need to create a firefox plugin that allows a user to take screenshots of any part of their desktop and have them uploaded to a server. There seems to be lots of plugins for screen capturing a webpage, but nothing for capturing anything outside of firefox. So after a little research I have not found much information on how this might be possible. I don't want to resort to a using a java applet but I will if that is my only option.
Does anyone have advice on how I might create such a feature?
I don't think a Firefox addon is the most appropriate approach here. Maybe split the task into a Firefox addon to offer the "upload to a server" component and a native app to do the desktop screenshot (or just integrate with existing screenshot tools).
If you're worried about complicating the installation process for end users, you could look into bundling the addon component and native app into a single installer (e.g. MSI on Windows, RPM on Linux, etc.). You'll have to come up with different apps for each platform you want to support (and maybe even each version - e.g. Windows XP vs Windows 10).
Whatever you decide, you'll probably need to create a more specific question to get further help here (there's no simple Firefox.Addons.API.TakeScreenShot() answer I'm afraid).
Also make sure you're using the right terminology - a plugin is the deprecated NPAPI approach whereas addons are still supported.
I'm actually working on taking native desktop screenshots just in the last coupel of days. I'm using js-ctypes. My work goal is the same exact thing to, upload to server. If you would like to collaborate I am very open to it! We can chat about it on #jsctypes irc channel :) irc://moznet/jsctypes (Mibbit IRC WebApp) If you don't know js-ctypes thats ok i can handle that while you can handle uploading techniques, and an editor on canvas :) The editor is a huge part of it, you can see my ideas/plans here: https://github.com/Noitidart/NativeShot/wiki/NativeShot
I'm really really interested in a collab on this!
I'm still working on windows right now, the color is messed up: https://github.com/Noitidart/NativeShot/tree/digitanks-method
I was just about to start OSX work following this example here: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/samplecode/SonOfGrab/Introduction/Intro.html and here: Take ScreenShot without Window
You can install the addon from that branch and click the icon that gets added to the toolbar, it will take a screenshot with 3sec delay and then append it to the body of the selected tab. (Windows only right now)
Doneskis baby check it out: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nativeshot/
Got some quirks. Released it as v1.0 though. I'm working on Android support, pretty close. I need to flesh out the editor tools. Please let me know if you're willing to collaborate.

setting up for programming using webGL

I am having problems for setting up my laptop to program using webGL.
I am using mint linux 16. I tried installing nodejs because the webGL is javascript program but it seems not working. I am reading a book called WebGL programming guide and try to run an example in the book to make sure that my laptop is set up for webgl. One of the very first example in the book uses javascript libraries such as webgl-utils.js, webgl-debug.js... but I can find those libraries. Can anyone help me please??
I'd check to see if your video card or browser is supported.

Is it possible to compile and use xapian, clucene or lucy on iOS?

I want to compile and use Xapian with xcode on iOS, is there any one with any experiments on this? Is it possible?
Is there any other option for implementing full text search on iOS?I have tried
S4luceneLib (in Obj-C) which works but is port of old version of lucene, also I
have checked Clucene and lucy, which like xapian i can not compile on iOS.
any help and comment will be appreciated.
Speaking as one of the Xapian authors, I don't recall hearing of anyone reporting trying to compile Xapian on iOS. I also don't know of any fundamental reason why it would be impossible to compile it on iOS. I suggest you contact the Xapian developer community (on the xapian-discuss mailing list: http://lists.xapian.org/mailman/listinfo/xapian-discuss or on the #xapian IRC channel on irc.freenode.net), and give details of the attempts you've made to compile Xapian, and the error messages or problems you encountered.
