Tiny tiny rss monit - monitoring

I want to set up a monitoring service on my Debian server, that will monitor and start wen needed the updater for tiny tiny rss. The problem is that it is a php foreground process normally run in a screen on a non-root user.
I can run it as:
php ./update_daemon2.php
or better putting it in the background and in order to run it from a different account
sudo -u tinyrssuser php ./update_deamon2.php -daemon > /dev/null & disown $!
I have installed monit, but cant seem to find a way to have it detect if t is running.
I would prefer to keep with monit but it is not necessary.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Found the answer at:
But use this instead under /etc/init.d/
make sure to set the user and group

Create an upstart script /etc/init/ttrss.conf:
description "TT-RSS Feed Updater"
author "The Epyon Avenger <epyon_avenger on TT-RSS forums>"
env USER=www-data
env TTRSSDIR=/var/www/ttrss
start on started mysql
stop on stopping mysql
exec start-stop-daemon --start --make-pidfile --pidfile /var/run/ttrss.pid --chdir $TTRSSDIR --chuid $USER --group $USER --exec /usr/bin/php ./update_daemon2.php >> /var/log/ttrss/ttrss. log 2>&1
Start the script:
sudo start --system ttrss
Add the following lines to your monit conf:
check process ttrss with pidfile /var/run/ttrss.pid
start program = "/sbin/start ttrss"
stop program = "/sbin/stop ttrss"


How can I run script automatically after Docker container startup

I'm using Search Guard plugin to secure an elasticsearch cluster composed of multiple nodes.
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:5.6.3
USER root
# Install search guard
RUN bin/elasticsearch-plugin install --batch com.floragunn:search-guard-5:5.6.3-16 \
&& chmod +x \
plugins/search-guard-5/tools/hash.sh \
plugins/search-guard-5/tools/sgadmin.sh \
bin/init_sg.sh \
&& chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch
USER elasticsearch
To initialize SearchGuard (create internal users and assign roles). I need to run the script init_sg.sh after the container startup.
Here is the problem: Unless elasticsearch is running, the script will not initialize any security index.
The script's content is :
sleep 10
plugins/search-guard-5/tools/sgadmin.sh -cd config/ -ts config/truststore.jks -ks config/kirk-keystore.jks -nhnv -icl
Now, I just run the script manually after the container startup but since I'm running it on Kubernetes.. Pods may get killed or fail and get recreated automatically for some reason. In this case, the plugin have to be initialized automatically after the container startup!
So how to accomplish this? Any help or hint would be really appreciated.
The image itself has an entrypoint ENTRYPOINT ["/run/entrypoint.sh"] specified in the Dockerfile. You can replace it by your own script. So for example create a new script, mount it and first call /run/entrypoint.sh and then wait for start of elasticsearch before running your init_sg.sh.
Not sure this will solves your problem, but its worth check my repo'sDockerfile
I have created a simple run.sh file copied to docker image and in the Dockerfile I wrote CMD ["run.sh"]. In the same way define whatever you want in run.sh and write CMD ["run.sh"]. You can find another example like below
FROM java:8
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install stress-ng -y
ADD target/restapp.jar /restapp.jar
COPY dockerrun.sh /usr/local/bin/dockerrun.sh
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dockerrun.sh
CMD ["dockerrun.sh"]
java -Dserver.port=8095 -jar /restapp.jar &
hostname="hostname: `hostname`"
nohup stress-ng --vm 4 &
while true; do
sleep 1000
This is addressed in the documentation here: https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/multi-service_container/
If one of your processes depends on the main process, then start your helper process FIRST with a script like wait-for-it, then start the main process SECOND and remove the fg %1 line.
# turn on bash's job control
set -m
# Start the primary process and put it in the background
./my_main_process &
# Start the helper process
# the my_helper_process might need to know how to wait on the
# primary process to start before it does its work and returns
# now we bring the primary process back into the foreground
# and leave it there
fg %1
I was trying to solve the exact problem. Here's the approach that worked for me.
Create a separate shell script that checks for ES status, and only start initialization of SG when ES is ready:
Shell Script
echo ">>>> Right before SG initialization <<<<"
# use while loop to check if elasticsearch is running
while true
netstat -uplnt | grep :9300 | grep LISTEN > /dev/null
if [ 0 = $verifier ]
echo "Running search guard plugin initialization"
/elasticsearch/plugins/search-guard-6/tools/sgadmin.sh -h -cd plugins/search-guard-6/sgconfig -icl -key config/client.key -cert config/client.pem -cacert config/root-ca.pem -nhnv
echo "ES is not running yet"
sleep 5
Install script in Dockerfile
You will need to install the script in container so it's accessible after it starts.
COPY sginit.sh /
RUN chmod +x /sginit.sh
Update entrypoint script
You will need to edit the entrypoint script or run script of your ES image. So that it starts the sginit.sh in the background BEFORE starting ES process.
# Run sginit in background waiting for ES to start
/sginit.sh &
This way the sginit.sh will start in the background, and will only initialize SG after ES is started.
The reason to have this sginit.sh script starts before ES in the background is so that it's not blocking ES from starting. The same logic applies if you put it after starting of ES, it will never run unless you put the starting of ES in the background.
I would suggest to put the CMD in you docker file to execute the script when the container start
FROM debian
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nano && apt-get clean
CMD ["/bin/bash", "/opt/your_app/init.sh"]
There is other way , but before using this look at your requirement,
ENTRYPOINT "put your code here" && /bin/bash
#exemple ENTRYPOINT service nginx start && service ssh start &&/bin/bash "use && to separate your code"
You can also use wait-for-it script. It will wait on the availability of a host and TCP port. It is useful for synchronizing the spin-up of interdependent services and works like a charm with containers. It does not have any external dependencies so you can just run it as an RUN command without doing anything else.
A Dockerfile example based on this thread:
FROM elasticsearch
# Make elasticsearch write data to a folder that is not declared as a volume in elasticsearchs' official dockerfile.
RUN mkdir /data && chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /data && echo 'es.path.data: /data' >> config/elasticsearch.yml && echo 'path.data: /data' >> config/elasticsearch.yml
# Download wait-for-it
ADD https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vishnubob/wait-for-it/e1f115e4ca285c3c24e847c4dd4be955e0ed51c2/wait-for-it.sh /utils/wait-for-it.sh
# Copy the files you may need and your insert script
# Insert data into elasticsearch
RUN /docker-entrypoint.sh elasticsearch -p /tmp/epid & /bin/bash /utils/wait-for-it.sh -t 0 localhost:9200 -- path/to/insert/script.sh; kill $(cat /tmp/epid) && wait $(cat /tmp/epid); exit 0;

Unable to restart rails Delayed Job on system reboot using cron

I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
#reboot ~/Projects/MyAPI/startworkers.sh;
startup script:
# /Projects/MyAPI/startworkers.sh
source /home/server-linux/.bashrc
cd ~/Projects/LucyAPI
# Start background workers
bin/delayed_job --pool=tracking:2 --pool=emailverify:6 start
I expect there to be 6 delayed jobs running after reboot. However, none of them start. However, if I manually execute start.sh everything works as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
I think you might need a /bin/bash as part of the crontab and also the absolute path to the user home. Crontab example:
#reboot /bin/bash -l -c '/home/your_user_name/Projects/MyAPI/startworkers.sh'
I would also strongly recommend using the whenever gem to handle your crontab. You can find it here Whenever Gem

How do i execute script in supervisor?

I have a start-all.sh I specified it in CMD of docker. It works as expected.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "It's Me Dear"
/etc/init.d/hadoop-hdfs-namenode start
/etc/init.d/hadoop-hdfs-datanode start
/etc/init.d/hadoop-hdfs-secondarynamenode start
/etc/init.d/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-tasktracker start
sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 777 /
/etc/init.d/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker start
/etc/init.d/flume-ng-agent start
I can't able to specify the same file in supervisord. I tried
command=bash /usr/local/start-all.sh
start-all.sh present in the same file with mode 777. How do i resolve this?
command=bash -c "/etc/init.d/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker start"
It starts and exits. I checked the log file. It says permission denied. I have to add sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 777 / in the same command.
command=bash -c "sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -chmod 777 /;/etc/init.d/hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtracker start"
It doesn't work. I specified two commands but this also doen't work. Any idea?
My file exists at /usr/local/start-all.sh How do i ensure whether supervisor is looking at correct directory?
If you look at the example file (several screens down, they don't have an anchor for that spot), you'll see something like:
You can specify which directory to run the command from.
There is also a user option for supervisord.
If supervisord runs as root, this UNIX user account will be used as the account which runs the program. If supervisord can’t switch to the specified user, the program will not be started.

ROR, Redis, Resque, God & Cron on Ubuntu Server - Boot

I have made several jobs that god takes care of in my ruby application. However when the server reboots the job stops. I want to avoid this so I've made this script on my server. It looks like this.
# god tasks
case $1 in
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/god start
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/god load /usr/local/Linux/apache2/www/hej.se/ruby/config/resque.god
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/god load /usr/local/Linux/apache2/www/hej.se/ruby/config/resque_schedule.god
exit 0
If I log in manually and write
"/etc/init.d/my_app start"
it gives me
Sending 'start' command
No matching task or group
Sending 'load' command with action 'leave'
The following tasks were affected:
Sending 'load' command with action 'leave'
The following tasks were affected:
And everything works, it does what I want it to do, i.e the jobs.
I have tried several ways to start this script on boot (Linux 10.4.4 LTS), rc.local, rc-default and now my latest attempt is crontab.
The script must be run under my user and not root, (it can't find the ruby installation if I run it under root).
Because of this I've configured the crontab under my user account:
#reboot /etc/init.d/my_app start
Sadly this doesn't work... I don't what I'm doing wrong. And this should probably not be necessary. I mean shouldn't you be able to this per auto when booting up the ruby application?
Im using passenger on this server, I don't know if this has something to do with it?
The solution below with the changes I made to the sh:
bash -c "source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm && /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/god"
bash -c "source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm && /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/god start"
bash -c "source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm && /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/god load /usr/local/Linux/apache2/www/hej.se/ruby/config/resque.god"
bash -c "source /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm && /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/god load /usr/local/Linux/apache2/www/hej.se/ruby/config/resque_schedule.god"
Forget the cronjob.
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/my_app
sudo chkconfig --add my_app
sudo chkconfig my_app on
sudo update-rc.d my_app defaults
Both of these symlink the script to /etc/rc1.d, /etc/rc2.d, etc., and make the script available to run on boot for those runlevels.

PHP-FPM Stop/Reload Issues on Mac Lion (OSX 10.7)

I'm setting up php-fpm on my machine and I installed it using homebrew (specifically homebrew-alt). Everything installed fine and if I open up the terminal and type the command "php-fpm" it starts up fine. Unfortunately if I try to run any commands such as "php-fpm stop" I get the message below. Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this or how I could get it working? If I try killing the process with the kill command it just seems to automatically restart itself.
Usage: php [-n] [-e] [-h] [-i] [-m] [-v] [-t] [-p <prefix>] [-g <pid>] [-c <file>] [-d foo[=bar]] [-y <file>]
-c <path>|<file> Look for php.ini file in this directory
-n No php.ini file will be used
-d foo[=bar] Define INI entry foo with value 'bar'
-e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler
-h This help
-i PHP information
-m Show compiled in modules
-v Version number
-p, --prefix <dir>
Specify alternative prefix path to FastCGI process manager (default: /usr/local/Cellar/php/5.3.8).
-g, --pid <file>
Specify the PID file location.
-y, --fpm-config <file>
Specify alternative path to FastCGI process manager config file.
-t, --test Test FPM configuration and exit
You can use Lanchctl:
launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew-php.josegonzalez.php55.plist
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew-php.josegonzalez.php55.plist
Adapt the version number "php55" to your environment.
Alternatively, using the USR2 signal makes php-fpm reload its configuration file:
kill -USR2 `cat /usr/local/var/run/php-fpm.pid`
sudo killall php-fpm
Use this command, you can kill php-fpm.
I have tried, it works.
System: Mac OS X 10.11.4
I've php-fpm installed on OSX Lion (through macports), and using the kill command to stop it. It seems to work fine.
Are you trying to kill php-fpm directly, or using the pid file? There will be lots of php-fpm instances, as it works with child-processes, you might not be killing the main app. The command I'm using is
sudo kill `cat /pid-path/php-fpm.pid`
I don't know what the pid file location is set for php-fpm when installed through homebrew. But you can find out from the compiler script, or php-fpm's conf file (if defined).
Also you can update the file database from terminal, and do a locate call.
Try running these commands with sudo
ln -s /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb /usr/bin/updatedb
updatedb may take some time to finish. And then just do
locate php-fpm.pid
You're also can close php-fpm in Activity Monitor. Just choose the process and press Quit button.
