How to write integration test for complicated rails index (best practices) - ruby-on-rails

Let's say I have a page which lists articles. The code in the controller used to be
# articles#index
#articles = Article.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 10, order: :title)
and my test was like
# spec/requests/article_pages_spec
Article.paginate(page: 1, per_page:10, order: :title).each do |a|
a.should have_selector('h3', text: a.title)
Ok fine. Now my code changes a bunch. The index is like
#articles = Article.find(:all, conditions: complicated_status_conditions)
.sort_by { |a| complicated_weighted_rating_stuff }
.select { |a| complicated_filters }
Or something. So what should my request spec now look like? I don't want to just copy and paste the application code into the test, but at the same time, the conditions and ordering are now fairly complex, so testing the existence and order of all the expected elements will definitely fail unless I emulate the index controller.
What's the best way to do this, avoid testing so specifically, copy in the application code? Refactor the query to some central place like a model and re-use it in the tests?

# articles#index
#articles = Article.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 10, order: :title)
The way we test this is not by writing Article.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 10, order: :title) again in the spec. The spec must test the result of your program code, not copying over your program code itself!
Long story short - you must just call articles#index controller, and afterwards just check the #articles variable. i.e.
# We usually call this as a controller spec
# spec/controllers/articles_controller
# But feel free to put it anywhere you want
describe ArticlesController do
it "should ..." do
get :index
# assigns[:articles] will give the #articles variable contents
assigns[:articles].each do |a|
response.should have_selector('h3', text: a.title)
This way, you directly test using the #articles variable itself, without having to do a second query (which both consumes unnecessary time, as well as results in copying over code).
If you want to test the actual query itself, then since your query is complicated, you should write a spec like the following:
it "should ..." do
# Create 10 articles in the database
# out of which only 5 are expected to match the expected output
article1 = Article.create! ...
article10 = Article.create! ...
get :index
# Test whether the articles are correctly filtered and ordered
assigns[:articles].should == [article5, article3, article7, article1, article4]
Edit: Footnote
Edit 2: Added extra example for testing the actual query


How to join 2 queries in Arel, one being an aggregation of the other (Rails 5.2.4)?

My application monitors ProductionJobs, derived from BusinessProcesses in successive versions. Thus the unique key of ProductionJob class is composed of business_process_id and version fields.
Initially, the ProductionJob index would display the list of objects (including all versions) using an Arel structured query (#production_jobs).
But it is more convinient to only show the last version of each ProductionJob. So I created a query (#recent_jobs) to retrieve the last version of the ProductionJob for a given BusinessProces.
Joining the 2 queries should return only the last version of each ProductionJob. This is what I can't achieve with my knowledge of Arel, and I would be grateful if you could show me how to do!
Here is the code in production_jobs_controller:
a) Arel objects setup
def jobs
def processes # jobs are built on the processes
def flows # flows provide a classifiaction to processes
def owners # owner of the jobs
def production_jobs # job index
def job_index_fields
def order_by
[jobs[:code], jobs[:updated_at].desc]
# Latest jobs
def recent_jobs
def recent_jobs_fields
[ jobs[:code],
b) The index method
# GET /production_jobs or /production_jobs.json
def index
#production_jobs = ProductionJob.joins(production_jobs).
where("business_flows.code in (?)", current_user.preferred_activities).
paginate(page: params[:page], :per_page => params[:per_page])
#recent_jobs = ProductionJob.joins(recent_jobs).select(recent_jobs_fields).group(:business_process_id, :code)
#selected_jobs = #production_jobs.joins(#recent_jobs).where(business_process_id: :bp_id, version: :max_version)
Unfortunately, #selected_jobs returns a nil object, even though #production_jobs and #recent_jobs show linkable results. how should I build the #selected_jobs statement to reach the expected result?
Thanks a lot!
After several trials, I finally included the sub-request in a 'where ... in()' clause. This may not be optimal, and I am open to other proposals.
The result can be understood as the following:
#recent_jobs provide the list ProductionJobs'last versions, based on their code and version
#production_jobs provide the list of all ProductionJobs
#selected_jobs adds the where clause to #production_jobs, based on the #recent_jobs:
The last request is updated to:
#selected_jobs = #production_jobs
in (?)",
It works this way, but I'd be glad to receive suggestions to enhance this query. Thanks!

Alternatives to nested conditionals Rails controller

I have a page that presents bits of information in a grid format. What shows up in each grid tile depends on:
Whether the user is logged in or not
What the user clicks on
Other factors
I'm using AJAX to send the controller what the user clicks on and grab fresh content for the tiles.
# Simplified pseudocode example
def get_tile_content
tile_objects = []
if current_user.present?
if params[:user_selected_content] == 'my stuff'
tile_objects = [... some model scope source here...]
elsif params[:user_selected_content] == 'new stuff'
tile_objects = [... some model scope source here...]
elsif params[:user_selected_content] == 'other stuff'
tile_objects = [... some model scope source here...]
tile_objects = [... some model scope source here...]
render :json => tile_objects.to_json || {}
Any ideas on how to approach this differently? I tried moving the complexity to models but I found it to be less readable and harder to figure out what is going on.
Looks like a decent case for a case statement (...see what I did there? ;P)
def get_tile_content
tile_objects = []
if current_user.present?
tile_objects = case params[:user_selected_content]
when 'my stuff' then Model.my_stuff
when 'new stuff' then Model.new_stuff
when 'other stuff' then Model.other_stuff
tile_objects = Model.public_stuff
render :json => tile_objects.to_json || {}
Sometimes case statements are necessary. Can't really say if that's the situation here since I can't see the larger design of your app, but this at least will clean it up a bit to fewer, easier to read lines, depending on your style preference.
You could wrap the case statement into its own method if you prefer, passing it the value of your parameter.
Another style point is that you don't typically use get_ at the beginning of ruby method names. It's assumed that .blah= is a setter and .blah is a getter, so .get_blah is redundant.

Unit Testing Tire (Elastic Search) - Filtering Results with Method from to_indexed_json

I am testing my Tire / ElasticSearch queries and am having a problem with a custom method I'm including in to_indexed_json. For some reason, it doesn't look like it's getting indexed properly - or at least I cannot filter with it.
In my development environment, my filters and facets work fine and I am get the expected results. However in my tests, I continuously see zero results.. I cannot figure out where I'm going wrong.
I have the following:
def to_indexed_json
to_json methods: [:user_tags, :location_users]
For which my user_tags method looks as follows:
def user_tags if tags.present?
Tags is a polymorphic relationship with my user model:
has_many :tags, :as => :tagable
My search block looks like this:
def self.online_sales(params)
s ='users') { query { string '*' }}
filter = []
filter << { :range => { :created_at => { :from => params[:start], :to => params[:end] } } }
filter << { :terms => { :user_tags => ['online'] }}
s.facet('online_sales') do
date :created_at, interval: 'day'
facet_filter :and, filter
I have checked the user_tags are included using User.last.to_indexed_json:
{"id":2,"username":"testusername", ... "user_tags":["online"] }
In my development environment, if I run the following query, I get a per day list of online sales for my users:
#sales = User.online_sales(start_date: - 100.days).results.facets["online_sales"]
"_type"=>"date_histogram", "entries"=>[{"time"=>1350950400000, "count"=>1, "min"=>6.0, "max"=>6.0, "total"=>6.0, "total_count"=>1, "mean"=>6.0}, {"time"=>1361836800000, "count"=>7, "min"=>3.0, "max"=>9.0, "total"=>39.0, "total_count"=>7, "mean"=>#<BigDecimal:7fabc07348f8,'0.5571428571 428571E1',27(27)>}....
In my unit tests, I get zero results unless I remove the facet filter..
{"online_sales"=>{"_type"=>"date_histogram", "entries"=>[]}}
My test looks like this:
it "should test the online sales facets", focus: true do
user = User.create(username: 'testusername', value: 'pass', location_id:
user.tags.create content: 'online'
user.tags.first.content.should eq 'online'
ws = User.online_sales(start: ( - 10.days), :end =>
puts ws.results.facets["online_sales"]
Is there something I'm missing, doing wrong or have just misunderstood to get this to pass? Thanks in advance.
-- EDIT --
It appears to be something to do with the tags relationship. I have another method, ** location_users ** which is a has_many through relationship. This is updated on index using:
def location_users
I can see an array of location_users in the results when searching. Doesn't make sense to me why the other polymorphic relationship wouldn't work..
-- EDIT 2 --
I have fixed this by putting this in my test:
User.index.import User.all
sleep 1
Which is silly. And, I don't really understand why this works. Why?!
Elastic search by default updates it's indexes once per second.
This is a performance thing because committing your changes to Lucene (which ES uses under the hood) can be quite an expensive operation.
If you need it to update immediately include refresh=true in the URL when inserting documents. You normally don't want this since committing every time when inserting lots of documents is expensive, but unit testing is one of those cases where you do want to use it.
From the documentation:
To refresh the index immediately after the operation occurs, so that the document appears in search results immediately, the refresh parameter can be set to true. Setting this option to true should ONLY be done after careful thought and verification that it does not lead to poor performance, both from an indexing and a search standpoint. Note, getting a document using the get API is completely realtime.

How to refactor complex search logic in a Rails model

My search method is smelly and bloated, and I need some help refactoring it. I'm new to Ruby, and I haven't figured out how to leverage it effectively, which leads to bloated methods like this:
# discussion.rb
# If there is a search query, use Tire gem for fulltext search
if params[:query].present? true) do
query { string params[:query] }
# Otherwise grab all discussions based on category and/or filter
# Grab all discussions and include the author
discussions = self.includes(:author)
# Filter by category if there is one specified
discussions = discussions.where(category: params[:category]) if params[:category]
# If params[:filter] is provided, user it
if params[:filter]
case params[:filter]
when 'hot'
discussions =
when 'new'
discussions =
when 'top'
discussions =
# If params[:filter] does not match the above three states, it's probably a status
discussions = discussions.order_by_new.where(status: params[:filter])
# If no filter is passed, just grab discussions by hot
discussions =
question: %w[answered],
suggestion: %w[started completed declined],
problem: %w[solved]
scope :order_by_hot, order('...') DESC, created_at DESC")
scope :order_by_new, order('created_at DESC')
scope :order_by_top, order('votes_count DESC, created_at DESC')
This is a Discussion model that can be filtered (or not) by a category: question, problem, suggestion.
All discussions or a single category can be filtered further by hot, new, votes, or status. Status is a hash in the model and it has several values depending on the category (status filter only appears if params[:category] is present).
Complicating matters is a fulltext search feature using Tire
But my controller looks nice and tidy:
def index
#discussions =
Can I dry this up/refactor it a little, maybe using meta programming or blocks? I managed to extract this out of the controller, but then ran out of ideas. I don't know Ruby well enough to take this further.
For starters, "Grab all discussions based on category and/or filter" can be a separate method.
params[:filter] is repeated many times, so take that out at the top:
filter = params[:filter]
You can use
if [:hot, :new, :top].incude? filter
discussions = "order_by_#{filter}"
Also, factor out if then else if case else statements. I prefer break into separate methods and return early:
def do_something
return 'foo' if ...
return 'bar' if ...
discussions = discussions... appears many times, but looks weird. Can you use return discussions... instead?
Why does the constant STATUSES appear at the end? Usually constants appear at the top of the model.
Be sure to write all your tests before refactoring.
To respond to the comment about return 'foo' if ...:
def evaluate_something
if a==1
return 'foo'
elsif b==2
return 'bar'
return 'baz'
I suggest refactoring this to:
def evaluate_something
return 'foo' if a==1
return 'bar' if b==2
Perhaps you can refactor some of your if..then..else..if statements.
Recommended book: Clean Code

How can this be re-written as an ActiveRecord query? (Rails)

I have the following method in a controller:
# GET /units/1
def show
#unit = Unit.find(params[:id]
#product_instances =
current_user.product_instances.each do |product_instance|
if product_instance.product.unit == #unit
... #rest of method
As can be seen, I have four tables/models: User, Product, ProductInstance, and Unit. A User has many ProductInstances. Each ProductInstance maps to a Product. A Unit has many Products.
I would like to fetch only the User's ProductInstances that are linked to a Product in the current Unit. The current code does it, but how can I re-write it better? I'd like to get rid of the for-each loop and if statement and replace it with chained ActiveRecord queries, if possible.
I tried something like below but it didn't work:
#product_instances = current_user.product_instances.where(:product.unit => #unit)
Seems you cannot do :product.unit.
I think you can try this
current_user.product_instances.joins(:product).where("products.unit_id = ?",
or with hashes
current_user.product_instances.joins(:product).where(:products => {:unit_id =>})
