Design Custom Icons for IOS Tab Bar - ios

I was wondering how to create high quality custom IOS Tab bar icons. I've been following the Apple Human Interface guidelines and have made the 30x30px images they recommend in Illustrator.
For some reason the icons with curved edges get pixilated. I believe this has to do with the transparency I have to set. On icons I made that use nothing but straight lines there are no rough edges. See the icons below.
I was wondering if anyone knew of any tutorials or had instructions for making high quality icons for the tab bar that don't get pixilated when transparencies are added. I have the entire CS6 suite so I can use any program in there.

Create #2x versions of the images which are 60x60 and see how they look.


Reduce size of UINavigationBar buttons

I noticed that Xcode 7.x interface builder add buttons on the UINavigationBar that are slightly bigger than those used by the standard apps, like the mail app. The add button (+) and back (<) are smaller in the standard apps. I want to keep the standard buttons, but I want them with the same size of the other applications. Do anyone know how to achieve that? Thank you.
Simply modify the size of the images in your assets catalog. Remember to customize each image based on the associated screen resolution.
In the image above, the 1x is what you would see on a smaller/lower resolution device, while 3x is what you would see on a larger/higher resolution product.

Home app icon is not showing up properly on my iphone 6 device. It is completely black

The home app icon is not showing any of my images from xcassets. It only shows a black background.
So far, I've tried cleaning and rebuilding after deleting the app on my device. I've tried uploading different images with the same effect. I've also tried adding the icon files directly into the plist with the same effect.
Here's what it looks like
Link to xcassets img
Sorry, due to my low reputation, I was neither able to upload images nor post more than 2 links. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Delete your previous Appicon image set and create a new one.
In Images.xcassets press the "+" -> "App icons and launch images" -> "New iOS App icon". Then add your images with the right sizes(very important to have the exact right sizes). Make your images png format.
Look at this guide to get the right sizes: iOS Human Interface Guidelines
Hope this helps.
From the iOS Human Interface Guidelines:
Avoid transparency. An app icon should be opaque. If the icon’s
boundaries are smaller than the recommended sizes—or you use
transparency to create “see-through” areas—the resulting icon can
appear to float on a dark background, which tends to look especially
unattractive on the beautiful wallpapers that users choose.

Black lines around icon IOS

I am having this strange problem. I have added icons of sizes 120*120, 58*58, 80*80. This is what I usually add as icon for all my iPhone apps. And there is no rounded corner in the design. But, when i run the app on iPhone4(IOS7), the icon shows a strange black line on all four edges(not on the rounded corners). I have cross checked the dimensions and confirmed it is all ok. I even tried migrating my app to asset catalogues, tried hard reseting the device but nothing helped. Then I tried running the same app on an iPad(running IOS8) and I found a similar issue, just that the lines now appear on two sides, not all. All other icons are ok. The problem just happens for this one app. Can anyone tell me what might be the probable issue and how to resolve it?
The icons might have transparent edges. Remove the transparent edges.
In my case, it was a drop shadow attached to the icon which came along with the export. Sometimes designers add this drop shadow effect so you can better visualize the icon when designing, but if you add this to your app, you will get thin black lines around the app icon.

App's icon color is always darker on the iPhone than it is on the iOS simulator or when viewing the image online

I have been trying to solve this app icon color issue all morning. I am still experiencing this after going through both of these highly recommended photoshop/iOS design articles:
Here is the problem that I am having:
When creating my app's icon, the color that I see in Photoshop is the exact same color that I see in xcode's asset catalog. It is also perfect when I run the app on the iOS simulator.
However, when I run my app on my iPhone the app icon's color is always darker.
What's weird, is if I take a screenshot of my iPhone's screen and email it to myself, the color is correct! So for some reason the color is only darker when you are actually looking at the iPhone's screen.
Pardon my ignorance, but this is the first design I have ever done for an iOS app and I don't understand why this is happening or how to fix it.
EDIT: I am now using LiveView after reading this answer:
What's funny is no matter how hard I try I cannot get the color I see on my screen to appear on my iPhone screen. It's as if this shade of Pink I'm trying to use just isn't possible to render on an iPhone display.
This is because your iPhone and Monitor screens have different color calibrations (if that's the right term)
You're going to want to setup a color profile on your computer that matches the iPhone screens as closely as possible, and use that when developing icons.
for some reason the color is only darker when you are actually looking at the iPhone's screen
Consider turning up the brightness on your iPhone. Go to Settings->Wallpapers & Brightness to adjust it.
In any case, the issue isn't that the value of the color is changing on your device, it's just that that color value is being rendered differently.
Its because the resolution of your screen is different than your iOS device try it on other device

Tab bar icons on retina display

I am making an iPhone App but I can't understand why my custom tab bar icons are pixelated. They are 30x30. If I change the resolution to 60x60, for example, the icons are still pixelated but they are also incomplete.
Can you help me to fix this problem? Thank you very much.
You don't need to double the size of your non-retina images.
You need to create two separate icons icon.png (30x30) and icon#2x.png (60x60).
iOS will automatically load the right file based on the screen scale.
You can find more information about taking advantage of the retina display at this url:
