How to achieve smooth transition when image of button changes between states? - ios

In iOS, we use the UIView animate block for tyo make chnages to properties of any control and that happens with a smooth transition.
Is it possible to achieve that when images of different state changes for UIButtons ?
What I can think of as of now is to manually change the image or state in animation block.
Is there a simpler way at the interface builder level or may be at code level so that I dont have to do this ?

Check out this Stackoverflow answer
I would subclass UIButton like in this answer so you only need to write the code once.


Swift - ios - creating ballon buttons

I want to create a set of buttons that will look like this:
(The selected buttons are those with a different background)
Any ideas for a simple implementation?
Are there any known open source implementations for this?
Following is the library which may be use to solve your problem,
For different appearance you need to give the conditional code for that but with out that your problem may solve with this library or code.
You can download the sample code of RRTagController project here.
For rounded corners use UIButton.layer.cornerRadius. if you set corner radius to half of the box you will get circle. For the border color use layer.borderColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor.
For the background color of the button you can keep track with selected state of the button. Here is an example of using selected state: UIButton state selected
Next thing you could do is to keep data about selected ones, since the best way to do something like this would be UITableView - seems like every row of buttons have same height, and if you want to send that somewhere you can keep track about what items are selected.
I think the best way is to use UICollectionView.

AVAudioPlayer controls handle

Hi all. How can I make a smaller progress circle?
Is that an UISlider? If so, you can customize the slider by adding a set of images for different states.
The one you're looking for is setThumbImage:forState:, which as you can read, is an UIImage. Default thumb size, I think, is between 23x23 and 25x25.
If you need more help on how to customize the UISlider, you can take a look at this tutorial (old but still works), this answer and of course read the UISlider documentation

Set layers programmatically

so I have an application with several images, buttons, etc.. Now, I would like to control programmatically which object is in the foreground and which is further in the back. I know that in the storyboard this is possible, but since I declare a button in the AppDelegate (I don't have in the storyboard) I can't use this function.
Now, is there a way to do this?
You have to use the property .zPosition to accomplish that.
Look at the "Managing View Hierachy" section on UIView to accomplish this.
You can bring views to the front or send them to the back or adjust their index among others.
- (void)bringSubviewToFront:(UIView *)view

Animated move of UIPopoverController?

So, I have a setup where an UIPopoverController presents information at the cursor in a text view. When the cursor moves, I present it again. But this is jarring, and I'd like for the popover to move in a smooth, animated fashion. Will I really have to do that manually by using a series of presentFromRect calls, or is there a better way?
Unfortunately UIPopovers are not designed to be moved around like that.
The only way to do that without presenting it all over again is to write your own UIPopover replacement and animate its position using the standard CAAnimation or UIKit animation techniques.
If think you cannot do that without use presentFromRect. But if you really want to do this, create your own. Recreate the look of a popover controller using a UIView and track the touches. You can use an alternative like WEPopover.

Create custom UIButton with multiple images and shift Label and maybe add properties

for an iPad application in ios5.0 and arc, I need to create a button that has an image covering the entire button, and needs to have another transparent image at the bottom half of this button image OR have the button text label covering the bottom half of this button image.
In posts on this site I've read that using button subclass to just change the appearance of the UiButton should not be done. However, if I don't subclass, can I add these transparent image/and shift the button label? if so, how?
In case I need to add properties to the button, what is the best way to go about it.
If subclassing is the only option, can you also pls give pointers on what are the methods that i must absolutely override and any other such memory/performance considerations that I must keep in mind
Pointers to Any tutorials or third party libraries would be most appreciated.. Thanks in advance for all your help
I don't agree on "subclassing UIButton is not good". That's exactly why inheritance and subclassing mechanisms exist. In all platforms, the framework provides a base foundation for general needs, and you do extend them in the case standard stuff does not satisfy your needs. And you do it by subclassing.
As long as you know what you do, and what you do works for you and solves your problem, you're fine.
When you subclass UIButton, depending on what you actually want to achieve, you may want to override init:, initWithRect:, layoutSubviews:, awakeFromNib: methods.
Inspecting some subclasses would also help:
For UIButton, you can inspect this component. Source code may help a lot.
