Static : Creating a solution for document rating (Redis/Rails/NodeJS ?) - ruby-on-rails

I'm building a static website with 10000+ pages generates from json file with middleman.
Each page is a document (pdf) with it's own id, summary and a download link.
I need to give anonymous users the ability to rate a document and show global rating for each document.
Since the website is static, i've been looking for a solution like disqus that handles pages rating and ability to get counts via api. I didn't find any.
Let's say I'll have to create a seperate server that handles rating. Which technology should I use ? I think about Redis, but the big problem is what if a visitor creates a scripts that rates up/down a document million times. How can I make sure there will be no flooding?
I know about captcha, but will it be effective in this scenario?
Are there other solutions?
So here are my questions:
Is Redis the right choice for this?
NodeJS/Rails ? I'm pretty confortable with Rails, but NodeJS is faster ?
Is captcha enough to be sure there will be no (minimum) flooding ? Other solution?
Thank you.

Redis is an awesome solution for it. you can use redis abilities to store each rating given and another key to store the calculated rating for an easy fetch
If you are familiar with Javascript, Node JS is a fun choice to go. if you are more familiar with ruby - Sinatra would do the trick just fine.
as for the captcha solution - keeping anon users from flooding your rating queue is a PITA. you should probably allow only registered / logged in users to rate - and only after a successful download that case - a captcha would be just fine.


How do I achieve single sign on and data sharing across 2 rails apps?

I am looking to set up 2 rails apps (with the same tld) which have single sign on and share some user data. If I have I will have the second app set up as or I will most likely have handle registration/login etc (open to suggestion if this is not the best solution).
So lets say I sign up and upload an avatar and start accumulating user points on the main-app, I can then browse to the other-app and my profile there has the correct avatar and points total. is there an easy way to achieve this? Do the available SSO solutions create the user in the second app with the same user ID? if not, how are they tied together? (ie how can I query the other app for information I would like to be shared across the 2 - user points and avatar) I was initially looking at sharing a database or at least the user table between the 2 apps, but I can't help thinking there must be an easier solution?
I think the simplest solution is if you set the cookie on the domain, then it should be sent when you do requests to or any other subdomain (just stressing that as it might be a security concern). Remember to mark the cookie as secure!
And a extra bit you might need to make this work, is to store authentication tokens on a database so they can be shared between the two apps.
Disclaimer: I don't have much experience with Rails anymore, so I'm not sure if some of the frameworks like Devise can do something like this out of the box.
Got curious and ... google had the answer:

How do I hide my API calls / routes from users of my Rails app?

I'm writing an app that make some calls to my API that have restrictions. If users were to figure out what these url routes were and the proper parameters and how to specify them, then they could exploit it right?
For example if casting a vote on something and I only want users to be able to cast one vote, a user knowing the route:
get '/castvote/' => 'votemanager#castvote'
could be problematic, could it not? Is it easy to figure out these API routes?
Does anyone know any ways to remove the possibility of this happening?
There is no way to hide AJAX calls - if nothing else, one just needs to open Developer Tools - Network panel, and simply see what was sent. Everything on clientside is an open book, if you just know how to read it.
Instead, do validation on serverside: in your example, record the votes and users that cast them; if a vote was already recorded by that user, don't let them do it again.
Your API should have authorization built into it. Only authorized users having specific access scopes should be allowed to consume your API. Checkout Doorkeeper and cancancan gems provided by the rails community.
As others have said, adding access_tokens/username/password authorisation is a good place to start. Also, if your application should only allow one vote per user, then this should be validated by your application logic on the server
This is a broader problem. There's no way to stop users from figuring out how voting works and trying to game it but there are different techniques used to make it harder. I list some solutions from least to most effective here:
Using a nonce or proof of work, in case of Rails this is implemented through authenticity token for non-GET requests. This will require user to at least load the page before voting, therefore limiting scripted replay attacks
Recording IP address or other identifiable information (i.e. browser fingerprinting). This will limit number of votes from a single device
Requiring signup. This is what other answers suggest
Requiring third-party login (i.e. Facebook, Twitter)
Require payment to cast a vote (like in tv talent shows)
None of those methods is perfect and you can quickly come up with ways to trick any of them.
The real question is what your threat model and how hard you want it to make for users to cast fake votes. From my practical experience requiring third-party login will ensure most votes are valid in typical use cases.

Using mixpanel to build custom analytics dashboard for users

I love graphs.
I'd love to get my hands on some data and make it look pretty. But alas, I'm a little lost on what would be considered best practice.
I've selected mixpanel (only as an example) as I seems wonderfully easy to track custom events, and doesn't have any subdomain limitation like Google Analytics.
Say I had 100-1000+ users who have an account (which is publicly facing), and I'm currently tracking the public interactions their pages get. With mixpanel, I can see the data which is lovely, and I've segmented it to individual accounts. So far, so good!
But then, I want to show my users this information. And here my head begins to hurt. Do I schedule a cron jobs, pulling in the data from mixpanel and writing it to their respective accounts? Or is there a better way? I've looked into mixpanel's api (I'm using Ruby), but they keep telling me I should use the javascript api. But in using JS, how does one prevent others getting the data (ie. what's stopping someone faking mixpanel api-posts in the console, or viewing my private key?).
What would you consider a practical solution in such a case?
You can achieve this by storing the user specific events of each user with a $bucket property attached which has a value unique to each user as explained in the mixpanel docs here Mixpanel docs. If you want to still use ruby to serve the events, have a look at Mixpanel's recommended ruby client libraries
mixpanel_client looks like the much maintained option of the 2 mentioned. If you go with that then you can serve user specific events as shown in the example below(which is also in the gem's readme):
data = client.request do
# Available options
resource 'events/properties'
event '["test-event"]'
name 'hello'
values '["uno", "dos"]'
timezone '-8'
type 'general'
unit 'hour'
interval 24
limit 5
bucket 'contents'
from_date '2011-08-11'
to_date '2011-08-12'
on 'properties["product_id"]'
where '1 in properties["product_id"]'
buckets '5'
You could try a service like Keen IO that will allow you to generate encrypted scoped write and read API keys. Keen IO is built for customizable and programmatic analytics features such as exposing analytics to your customers, where as MixPanel is more for exploring your data in their UI. The idea with an encrypted scoped key is they will never be able to access your account, only the data you want them to see. You could easily tag your events with a customer ID and then use the Scoped Keys to ensure that you only ever show customers their own data.
Also, Keen IO has an "importer" which allows you to export your mixpanel events into your Keen IO database.

Rails - Tracking Referrals to Conversions

We just launched and are looking to better understand where the users who are converting to registered users are actually coming from. We can see our traffic sources and referrals via Google Analytics and our other web statistics programs, but in volume, it's difficult to tie these specifically to which users in our database have converted and from where.
We have several "goals" in Google Analytics setup to better help track conversions, but what are others doing to associate user signups with inbound traffic sources?
One thought we've been kicking around - capturing the referral on the first page load and pass it along in the session into the registration form where you store it into the user record.
Any other solutions that are working successfully for you?
Indeed, I would suggest storing the referrer in the user record. Then you can write some code to sensibly draw out additional data from the URL. For instance, you could parse Google URL's to determine the keywords used to discover your site. And your code could detect things like referrals from ad runs, specific SEO campaigns you're running, or partner deals you have going.
It would be beneficial to spend some time building an admin-only page to visualize these conversions to help you better learn what is working and what isn't. And when things are going well, such a page is encouraging for the whole team!
Capturing referral is a good start. You should capture it to persistent cookie instead of a session so that if user returns tomorrow it still has the same referral information.
I've created a gem to automate tracking and saving referral infos. See for more info.
Some notes when designing tracking (I've tried to catch these with the gem already)
It might be better to save tracking data to separate table. So that when you delete user account you won't delete information about how that user account was created. You get the answer like "where does bogus user accounts come from?"
Save also cookies to db. If you are using Google Analytics you can parse Googles cookies to get additional information about the visitor. Like the number of visits or campaign information.
It's good to save also user_agents etc to be able to differ between mobile and desktop browsers etc.
In the end its good to visualize the information and conversions. But in the beginning its hard to know what data you want to visualize and how. So try to capture as much data as possible and then later decide how to crunch that data with scripts.

Associating source and search keywords with account creation

As a part of the signup process for my online application, I'm thinking of tracking the source and/or search keywords used to get to my site. This would allow me to see what advertising is working and from where with a somewhat finer grain than Google Analytics would.
I assume I could set some kind of cookie with this information when people get to my site, but I'm not sure how I would go about getting it. Is it even possible?
I'm using Rails, but a language-independent solution (or even just pointers to where to find this information) would be appreciated!
Your best bet IMO would be to use javascript to look for a cookie named "origReferrer" or something like that and if that cookie doesn't exist you should create one (with an expiry of ~24hours) and fill it with the current referrer.
That way you'll have preserved the original referrer all the way from your users first visit and when your users have completed whatever steps you want them to have completed (ie, account creation) you can read back that cookie on the server and do whatever parsing/analyzing you want.
Andy Brice explains the technique in his blog post Cookie tracking for profit and pleasure.
