Is there any free Telerik ASP.NET MVC extensions version? -

I am going to develop website using ASP.NET MVC 4. I'd like to take advantage of rich Telerik extensions. I there any free version of it for ASP.NET MVC?
First of all I need grids functionallity. Can you suggest any alternative solutions?

Try to use the grid of jQuery.
Jquery grid example


DevExpress ASP.NET MVC standalone Filter

I am new to Dev Express controls and I'm currently trying to work with the Dev Express Filter. In the ASP.NET WebForms edition of Dev Express, the Filter was a separate control which could be configured on it's own. From what I saw so far, for the ASP.NET MVC the Filter is part of the GridView helper.
Is it possible to use only the Filter in a ASP.NET MVC app?
Any links of suggestions are welcomed!
Thank you!
The Filter Builder is not available as a standalone MVC Extension (Implement an analog of ASPxFilterControl).
It is only available as a part of the MVC GridView Extension.

Component similar to DevExpress ASPxTreeList (mix of Grid and TreeView) but for ASP.NET MVC

I'm looking for a component similar to ASPxTreeList (mix of Grid and TreeView) from DevExpress, but suitable to use in MVC 4:
My general requirements are:
tree structure with a few additional columns,
possibility of using images in some cells,
possibility of sorting by each column (optional).
I was looking at Kendo UI with it's TreeView control with it's templating option:
Problem is that probably it's not possible to fully simulate table layout using a tree based on ul/li elements. Maybe there are any jQuery solutions which solve that problem?
Thanks in advance for help!
The DevExpress MVC TreeList extension is available in the latest release: DXperience ASP.NET v2012.2
You can take a look at jqGrid and its TreeGrid functionality (the demo is in the "New in version 3.5" section).
You can also check following demos of how to use it in ASP.NET MVC:
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC - Strongly typed helper
jqGrid in ASP.NET MVC 3 and Razor
There is an equivalent for MVC from DevExpress. The component offer almost all the functionalities of the webform's one.
Look at the MVC's demo page

How to use Ajax Control Toolkit in Razor MVC 4?

How to use Ajax Slider from Ajax Control toolkit in MVC4 Razor template application?
Ajax toolkit doesn't work with MVC because it was built for WebForms. So You have to use alternates for that purpose like "JQUERY".
You are unable to use AJAX Control Toolkit for MVC 4 because it is a set of User controls build in Web Forms and only compatible with ASP.NET Web Forms. jQuery, DevExpress, Infragistics and other toolkits are available for MVC.
Check the links here: Dev Express Tool Kit For Asp.Net MVC 4

MVC3 .Net + ExtJs 4

I need to know if it is possible to work with ExtJS 4 components like Grid, Combobox, etc., in the Razor Views of MVC 3 .Net. If it is possible, I'd also like to know where I can read a manual/tutorial or some documentation on this.
Here's a tutorial on ExtJS4 Combo & ASP.NET MVC3:
Sure it's possible, the Razor views will just generate normal HTML pages, so anything you can do in normal HTML, you can do in ASP.NET MVC.
P.s. check out Ext.NET, a ExtJs library for .NET. Perhaps you find it useful:
You can use extjs grid in mvc.
mvc - grid sample
check this also Returning data from to an ExtJS Grid

Umbraco and Telerik MVC

Is this possible to install and use Telerik Extension for ASP.NET MVC in Umbraco project? If "yes", what is a best way to do this.
I try to install but have some errors, eg:
'System.Web.WebPages.Html.HtmlHelper' does not contain a definition for
'Telerik' and the best extension method overload
has some invalid arguments
I assume your using Umbraco 4.7.1 or below, which is based on ASP.NET Web Forms (not MVC). If this is the case you wont be able to use any of the Telerik MVC Extensions.
You may be able to use some of the Telerik controls for ASP.NET AJAX, but I've never tried that myself.
