Getting dominance color opencv - opencv

I have a image which is multi colored.
I want to calculate the dominant color of the image. the dominant color is red, i want to filter the red out. i am doing the following code in opencv but its not performing.
inRange(input_image, Scalar(0, 0, 0), Scalar(0, 0, 255), output);
How can i get the dominant color otherwise? My final project should determine the maximum color of the object on its own. What is the best method for this?

You should quantize (reduce number of colors) your image before searching the for the most frequent color.
Why? Imagine image that has 100 pixels of (0,0,255) (blue color int RGB), 100 pixels of (0,0,254) (almost blue - you even won't find the difference) and 150 pixels of (0,255,0) (green). What is the most frequent color here? Obviously, it's green. But after quantization you will got 200 pixels of blue and 150 pixels of green.
Read this discussion: How to reduce the number of colors in an image with OpenCV?. Here's simple example:
int coef = 200;
Mat quantized = img/coef;
quantized = quantized*coef;
And this is what I've got after applying it:
Also you can use k-means or mean-shift to do that (this is much efficient way).

The best method is by analyzing histograms.
Your problem is a classical "find the peak and area under the peak". By having an image file (let's say we take only the third channel for simplicity):
You will have to find the highest peak in that histogram. The easiest method is to simply query the X for which Y is maximized. More advanced methods work with windows - they average the Y-values of 10 consecutive data points, etc.
Also, work in the HSV or YCrCb color space. HSV is good because the "Hue" channel translates very closely to what you mean by "Color". RGB is really not well suited for image analysis.


Calculate the perceived brightness of an image

I wanna calculate the perceived brightness of an image and classify the image into dark, neutral and bright. And I find one problem here!
And I quote Lakshmi Narayanan's comment below. I'm confused with this method. What does "the average of the hist values from 0th channel" mean here? the 0th channel refer to gray image or value channel in hsv image? Moreover, what's the theory of that method?
Well, for such a case, I think the hsv would be better. Or try this method #2vision2. Compute the laplacian of the gray scale of the image. obtain the max value using minMacLoc. call it maxval. Estimate your sharpness/brightness index as - (maxval * average V channel values) / (average of the hist values from 0th channel), as said above. This would give you certain values. low bright images are usually below 30. 30 - 50 can b taken as ok images. and above 50 as bright images.
If you have an RGB color image you can get the brightness by converting it to another color space that separates color from intensity information like HSV or LAB.
Gray images already show local "brightness" so no conversion is necessary.
If an image is perceived as bright depends on many things. Mainly your display device, reference images, contrast, human...
Using a few intensity statistics values should give you an ok classification for one particular display device.

OpenCV - Saturated pixels

Just like the title of this topic, how can I determine in OpenCV if a particular pixel of an image (either grayscale or color) is saturated (for instance, excessively bright)?
Thank you in advance.
By definition, saturated pixels are those associated with an intensity (i.e. either the grayscale value or one of the color component) equal to 255. If you prefer, you can also use a threshold smaller than 255, such as 240 or any other value.
Unfortunately, using only the image, you cannot easily distinguish pixels which are much too bright from pixels which are just a little too bright.

binarization of colours in images

I am extracting primitives from pixel-based line diagrams and wish select by colour. Thus in the following
I wish to extract the "blue", the "green" and the "black" primitives. (I am prepared to try to reconstruct primitives which have been split by primitives of another colour).
However the "blues" have a varying amount of white added (similar to a gray scale for black). Thus the commonest colours (rounded to 12-bit for simplicity) with their counts might be
000 881 // black
88f 1089 // white-blue
fff 70475 // white
but there are other degrees of whiteness at lower frequency
// other white-blue
99f 207
// other grey
ddd 196
I believe that the authors will have used only a very limited number of pure colours (e.g. 3-6) in many diagrams and that various rendering tools will have added the white. IOW the colours can be expressed by (0 =< x =< 1)
000 + x(FFF)
00F + x(FF0) // blue
0F0 + x(F0F) // green
However there is no requirement to use primary colours and the set could be any colour with arbitrary amounts of white.
How can I reconstruct the (small) set of different colours? If this is possible I can then select those regions, transform to grey, and binarize in the normal way.
I'd prefer source in Java but I suspect that any code will be adequate;
I have read two useful SO questions
"Rounding" colour values to the nearest of a small set of colours
HCL color to RGB and backward
which use H-C-L and might be a way forward although they don't directly answer my requirements.
You could try using region growing. I think it should fit your needs well. Just change the threshold for when it's the same color. I think it should work well here since there seems to be a big difference between any two colors that are connected as objects.
If your intuition is correct (all pixels being a linear mixture of some color and pure white), in the RGB cube all colors will be aligned on line segments originating from the white corner.
If you pick one representative pixel per different color (as far as possible from white, for better accuracy), you can identify the color of any other pixel by finding the best alignment formed by this pixel, by white and by the representative pixels.
Alignment is tested by computing the cosine of the angle formed (use 3D vectors, the cosine is the dot product over the product of the norms; drop the sign). In theory the cosine should be exactly 1, but due to numerical errors it can be smaller, so just consider the representative color that maximizes the cosine.
Take special care of the white pixels (short distance to the white corner), otherwise they will be randomly assigned to some representative color.
Depending on the number of colors involved and their similarity, a simple threshold of the R, G, and B values would quickly reduce everything to one of 8 colors (black, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, or white).

Estimate Brightness of an image Opencv

I have been trying to obtain the image brightness in Opencv, and so far I have used calcHist and considered the average of the histogram values. However, I feel this is not accurate, as it does not actually determine the brightness of an image. I performed calcHist over a gray scale version of the image, and tried to differentiate between the avergae values obtained from bright images over that of moderate ones. I have not been successful so far. Could you please help me with a method or algorithm, that can be realised through OpenCv, to estimate brightness of an image? Thanks in advance.
I suppose, that HSV color model will be usefull in your problem, where channel V is Value:
"Value is the brightness of the color and varies with color saturation. It ranges from 0 to 100%. When the value is ’0′ the color space will be totally black. With the increase in the value, the color space brightness up and shows various colors."
So use OpenCV method cvCvtColor(const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int code), that converts an image from one color space to another. In your case code = CV_BGR2HSV.Than calculate histogram of third channel V.
I was about to ask the same, but then found out, that similar question gave no satisfactory answers. All answers I've found on SO deal with human observation of a single pixel RGB vs HSV.
From my observations, the subjective brightness of an image also depends strongly on the pattern. A star in a dark sky may look more bright than a cloudy sky by day, while the average pixel value of the first image will be much smaller.
The images I use are grey-scale cell-images produced by a microscope. The forms vary considerably. Sometimes they are small bright dots on very black background, sometimes less bright bigger areas on not so dark background.
My approach is:
Find histogram maximum (HMax) using threshold for removing hot pixels.
Calculate mean values of all pixel between HMax * 2/3 and HMax
The ratio 2/3 could be also increased to 3/4 (which reduces the range of pixels considered as bright).
The approach works quite well, as different cell-patterns with same titration produce similar brightness.
P.S.: What I actually wanted to ask is, whether there is a similar function for such a calculation in OpenCV or SimpleCV. Many thanks for any comments!
I prefer Valentin's answer, but for 'yet another' way of determining average-per-pixel brightness, you can use numpy and a geometric mean instead of arithmetic. To me it has better results.
from numpy.linalg import norm
def brightness(img):
if len(img.shape) == 3:
# Colored RGB or BGR (*Do Not* use HSV images with this function)
# create brightness with euclidean norm
return np.average(norm(img, axis=2)) / np.sqrt(3)
# Grayscale
return np.average(img)
A bit of OpenCV C++ source code for a trivial check to differentiate between light and dark images. This is inspired by the answer above provided years ago by #ann-orlova:
const int darkness_threshold = 128; // you need to determine what threshold to use
cv::Mat mat = get_image_from_device();
cv::Mat hsv;
cv::cvtColor(mat, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
const auto result = cv::mean(hsv);
// cv::mean() will return 3 numbers, one for each channel:
// 0=hue
// 1=saturation
// 2=value (brightness)
if (result[2] < darkness_threshold)

Algorithm for determining the prominant colour of a photograph

When we look at a photo of a group of trees, we are able to identify that the photo is predominantly green and brown, or for a picture of the sea we are able to identify that it is mostly blue.
Does anyone know of an algorithm that can be used to detect the prominent color or colours in a photo?
I can envisage a 3D clustering algorithm in RGB space or something similar. I was wondering if someone knows of an existing technique.
Convert the image from RGB to a color space with brightness and saturation separated (HSL/HSV)
Then find the dominating values for the hue component of each pixel. Make a histogram for the hue values of each pixel and analyze in which angle region the peaks fall in. A large peak in the quadrant between 180 and 270 degrees means there is a large portion of blue in the image, for example.
There can be several difficulties in determining one dominant color. Pathological example: an image whose left half is blue and right half is red. Also, the hue will not deal very well with grayscales obviously. So a chessboard image with 50% white and 50% black will suffer from two problems: the hue is arbitrary for a black/white image, and there are two colors that are exactly 50% of the image.
It sounds like you want to start by computing an image histogram or color histogram of the image. The predominant color(s) will be related to the peak(s) in the histogram.
You might want to change the image from RGB to indexed, then you could use a regular histogram and detect the pics (Matlab does this with rgb2ind(), as you probably already know), and then the problem would be reduced to your regular "finding peaks in an array".
n = hist(Y,nbins) bins the elements in vector Y into 10 equally spaced containers and returns the number of elements in each container as a row vector.
Those values in n will give you how many elements in each bin. Then it's just a matter of fiddling with the number of bins to make them wide enough, and with how many elements in each would make you count said bin as a predominant color, then taking the bins that contain those many elements, calculating the index that corresponds with their middle, and converting it to RGB again.
Whatever you're using for your processing probably has similar functions to those
Average all pixels in the image.
Remove all pixels that are farther away from the average color than standard deviation.
GOTO 1 with remaining pixels until arbitrarily few are left (1 or maybe 1%).
You might also want to pre-process the image, for example apply high-pass filter (removing only very low frequencies) to even out lighting in the photo —
