How to access legendSymbols and change their shape in HighCharts - highcharts

I have a line chart with markers disabled.
The legendSymbol is currently a line. I would like to show the symbol as a square. Any pointers?

With the latest Highcharts release you can also exchange the method that draws the legend icon from outside of Highcharts:
Highcharts.seriesTypes.line.prototype.drawLegendSymbol =
To use the element that is drawn for the area chart as an icon for a line graph.
(I have used this in Highcharts Stockcharts but this should be applicable in basic Highcharts as well)

You can use two series (one normal and one fake) with defined custom symbol. First should be hidden in legend. Then only what you need is use legendItemClick and call action.

You can change the stroke-width attribute on the path element.
We can provide functions to Highcharts that will be drawn whenever the chart is drawn. Since redraw is not called on the first drawing the load event is needed
chart: {
events: {
load: function () {
$(".highcharts-legend-item path").attr('stroke-width', 10);
redraw: function () {
$(".highcharts-legend-item path").attr('stroke-width', 10);
I like this as it's quicker than than the other two answers and adding a "fake series" feels like a hack.
If you need further customization Hendrik's would be great! The original question asked for a square, if all that's really needed is a rectangle (or a large square) this works great.
Also Hendrik's answer didn't work for me out of the box in HighStocks, this does.


Highchart - give to series-marker other zIndex then to the series-lines

I work in angular project and use highchart.
The situation is:
At my chart, I have single series, type area.
I wanted the yAxis grid line to be displayed above my series, so I give it: gridZIndex: 10.
The problem is:
The yAxis is displayed also above the series markers, and I want it to appear only on the series area and line, not on markers.
Any solution?
Please the the demo that I draw:
There is no solution for this case using the regular API options because Z index in SVG is defined by the order the elements appear in the document. You can try to manipulate the DOM, however, this solution might not work well for all cases - like dynamic chart changes, so just keep in mind this is more like a POC then a solid fix.
chart: {
polar: true,
type: 'line',
events: {
load() {
API to the load event:

Highchart Scatter plot with 2 series, tooltip refresh command giving error

I have 1 chart with 2 scatterplot series like so
The series have same data points, basically I am drawing 2-2D plots instead of 1-3D plot..
Series 1 has the legend while on 2 its disabled. When I hover my cursor over the legend I want the tooltip to show up in both the chart, so a user can correlate legend to points on scatter plots.
$('.highcharts-legend text, .highcharts-legend span').each(function (index, element) {
$(element).hover(function () {
chart.tooltip.refresh([chart.series[index].data[0], chart.series[index+data.length].data[0]]);
}, function () {
I use above code to create desired effect, but tooltip is not appearing at the right place. maybe its a limitation from highchart. It throws the following JS error
Could someone please suggest me a workaround?
If you could make the chart.tooltip.refresh to function properly that would be the best. Other wise I am willing to make a compromise with at-least having the points in both series in hovered state and 1 of them showing the tooltip.
here is a fiddle to see the problem in action , Hover over the legend items and you would get JS error in the console.
I can create the desired effect if I create 2 charts instead of using 2 series, but then that complicates other things which are not desirable. So this solution is off
Thanks in advance

Highcharts: Dynamically change single column width to highlight one sample

In a Highcharts column chart we'd like to highlight one value/sample by drawing its column a little bit wider... But this seems not to be possible, is it?
pointWidth only affects the whole series.
Maybe I could overlay a second series, but IMHO that's not a nice solution.
You can also use data attribute and modify width.
I don't see any way to do this with the current API. As an equally not nice solution you could adjust the SVG after the plot is drawn:
// make fifth bar of first series wider
var bar = $($('.highcharts-series').children()[4]);
bar.attr('x',parseInt(bar.attr('x'))-10); // keep it centered
Fiddle here.

Turn series and plot bands on/off using API

I have a chart that has a custom legend i.e. it isn't part of Highcharts at all, it's completely my own code, the Highcharts legend is disabled for this chart.
Is it possible to turn series data AND plot bands on/off in a Highcharts chart using the API?
I found an example that triggered the click event of a legend item to do this, but this obviously relies on a legend being present, so this is no use to me:
I also tried to set the series data .visible property to false and then redraw the chart and although it sets the visible property just fine, it doesn't redraw the chart so nothing changes:
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(myoptions);
$("#custom_legend_link").click(function (e) {
chart.series[0].visible = !chart.series[0].visible;
Here is a jsFiddle using the basic line demo showing my problem:
To toggle the series, use Series.setVisible(). When called without parameters, it toggles.
Plot bands are a bit different, since they don't have methods like hide(), show() or setVisible. To toggle a plot band, you need to remove it by Axis.removePlotBand() and add a new one with the same options by Axis.addPlotBand().

Highcharts longshot, Set stylistically different gridLines for weekends..?

long shot question here!
My chart has 3 views, in one of the views it shows the days of the month (1-31 etc)
My client wants to the highlight the Y-axis gridLines of days that are weekends, to be a darker color.
The other caveat is, I can't specify the stylistically different gridLines when creating the graph, only when I redraw the graph.
(Because this view isn't the initially view and I am redrawing me graph as the user navigates through the views.
ATM between redraws I am removing the old series, adding a new one, changing the chart title etc
Does anyone know how to do this?
While I think that #mg1075's solution of using the plot bands is the best way of doing this, if you wanted to get really crazy you can modify the gridlines through the dom. For example, make every other line red:
$.each($('.highcharts-grid path'),
function(i, elem) {
if (i % 2 != 0)
Fiddle here.
