Error while uploading to App store using Application loader - ios

We are trying to upload an updated version of the app to the store. The upload takes a long time and finally when its done, we receive the following WARNINGS.
... Checksum validation failed.
... Checksum validation failed.
Transporter was unable to update one or more software components. Please try again later.
The upload is anyway received by the Apple server and the status says "Waiting for review".

Upload has received and app is also approved.So i think there is no much problem with this.

I've ran into the same issue when I tried using the internet connection from my company, either using Application Loader, or Organizer.
In fact, the problem came from my company's firewall which was blocking some ports.
As it is written in Apple support, you may correct this problem by allowing access to the ports indicated in this file : from page 6 to 8

I think you can ignore the warning. People who had that warning have had their apps approved by Apple. According to it most probably has to do with version number. Here's a quote
Ignore it. Apple is just letting you know that the version number in
the app isn't the same as the version number in iTunes Connect. The
iTunes Connect version is what's displayed in iTunes/App Store.

I tried to remove these warnings by clean and Archive but could not. Finally I increase the "Bundle versions string, short" in the project's info.plist file and re-uploaded and successfully uploaded the app without warnings.

chec and note the version number in from ur binary details in itunes
delete the updated binary from itunes
setup for a new binary to upload
clean the project
make the bundle name and version name same on ur project(the same on u noted from ur binary details before deleting)


What is an error analyzing app version when distributing from Xcode?

I want to distribute app, but I received the error. I don't know the cause.
I use Xcode Version 13.0 (13A233)
An error was Encountered:
Error Analyzing App Version (Build number request failed with error: BuildsService: ResponseErrors (1): Error status: 403, code: FORBIDDEN_ERROR, title: 'This request is forbidden for security reasons', detail: 'The API key in use does not allow this request', id: 65cc1b85-e0d4-4f86-8bab-e72d7149c9cc)
Might be temporary Apple outage. See:
Here's a workaround:
Organizer -> Distribute App -> App Store Connect -> Export -> NOW DISABLE WIFI / INTERNET (else will fail) -> Exported .ipa
Now use Transporter App -> Login to same account -> Add .ipa -> Upload works !
Transporter can be downloaded here:
I fixed this issue by removing every Apple ID in Xcode except the one that has the developer role in App Store Connect for the app I was trying to validate / distribute. I assume Xcode was trying to use the wrong account at some point in the process.
I was able to resolve it by attempting to submit an older uploaded version and then canceling as soon as that step was completed. Then I tried to upload the new version again, surprisingly it passed that check ✅. If the process fails then try to restart the mac.
Today I've faced the same problem. I tried to remove all previous versions. Then after a while I archived new version and this step successfully passed. It seems that was a problem on Apple side.
Problem at apple dev forum
Don't try to remove certificates and etc. It would bring more problems.
I got "Error Analyzing App Version" without any additional details. I just deleted the archive and create it again and it worked.
Just go to xcode preferences->accounts->Download manual profiles and try uploading again it works for me.
I am also facing the same issue from last few hours, it seemed like this issue is arising form Apple side, so doing any changes with certificates or bundle id etc may make it worst to get resolved, thought to wait if Apple respond on this thread
Solved it through Changing the app version from 1.0.0 to 1.0 on Xcode. still this is not guaranteed solution cause its not working on the other Mac.
Someone posted the following workaround on Apple's Developer Forums:
WORKING BYPASS: While Apple's Hardcore Software engineers drink coffee and figure this bug out!
Organizer -> Distribute App -> App Store Connect -> Export -> NOW DISABLE WIFI / INTERNET (else will fail) -> Exported .ipa
Now use Transporter App -> Login to same account -> Add .ipa -> Upload works !
Transporter Can be downloaded from AppStore
I managed to upload my app to TestFlight this way.
I had the same message without any description error message like below. I was trying to upload the build to Testflight and encountered this issue.
My solution is only to do with the versioning of the XCode. As I was using new Version number with a random Build number. For example Version I set as 1.2.0 and Build 17, even though I haven't uploaded Build 1 for Version 1.2.0.
After setting up Version 1.2 and Build 1, everything worked.
I changed my Apple id password and got this error.
I checked Xcode -> Preference -> Accounts and noticed that session has expired.
I re-logged in and got the same error again.
And I just restarted my Mac and it worked.
Another solution is to recreate the App Store distribution certificate and then it will work.
In Flutter, I solved it by changing the $(MARKETING_VERSION) to $(FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME) for CFBundleShortVersionString key in the Info.plist file
I just had this and fixed it by signing out of Apple in XCode and then signing back in.
XCode > Preferences > Accounts > Minus (-) button at the bottom left, then plus (+) button and signed back in. Took 15secs once I tried it.
I encounter this issue suddently. I had uploaded a binary with build 0 yesterday. Then try to upload a binary with build 2 and meet 'Error Analyzing App Version'.
Instead of upload directly, I export the binary and upload it with 'Transporter' app and everything works. So strange.
In my case my apple certificate in my keychain was expired so after creating new certificate and deleting previous certificate it worked for me.
Go to Runner :
Then Go to Signing & capabilities:
Check All - Debug - Release - Profile
Team , Bundle Identifier and others information are same or Not . if not same kindly fix it . Mainly this is causing the Error.
I was able to fix this by adding a key to Info.plist: Bundle version string (short), set to $(MARKETING_VERSION).
Don't need to do anything special. As strange as it sounds, the error does not occur if you upload during the first few minutes after the top of each hour.
i just give the version number a bump, from .42 to .43,
then it all fine.
still not sure the root cause of the problem.

An app build does not appear in TestFlight

I don't remember this has happened to me before, but for some unknown reason my last app build does not appear in TestFlight. The archiving and upload went as usual with no problem. And if I try to make a new upload, it says there is already a build with this number (as expected).
Has anyone experienced the same issue and found a working solution?
Check email linked with apple account, you might have received email listing with issues apple found on your build which most of the times related to .plist file for any missing permission description. After removing issues do change the build Number as you cannot upload with the same build number as previous one.
Besides the reason mentioned by Ali there can be one more thing. Your application might be on processing for the time. Just go to:
Your application>TestFlight>Activity
Check if application with uploaded build version is there and status is in processing. It may take up to and hour or more before it come to your testing tab.
I could fix the problem by adding this key "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" in Info.plist
App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption = NO
We encountered the same issue and here is our breakdown of steps.
Important note - phone connects to BT device
Our steps: Solution is under 4. and 6.
Archive the app and upload it over Xcode successfully
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Build never shows up on TestFlight
There are no emails about failed processing or any indication of what went wrong
Accidentally found that we’re missing Bluetooth privacy string in Info.plist
Added NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription, archived, and uploaded again
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Received an email from AppStoreConnect that Info.plist is missing NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription
This is the first email I received stating something is wrong. Only after adding NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
Added NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription, archived, and uploaded again
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Build visible on TestFlight within several minutes
The issue was that the app was crashing because it was missing the string. The app did not crash on our testing device because that string was once there and the system already asked the user for permission. The field was probably accidentaly deleted during development.
To find similar issues, try to delete the app from your device and install it again to see if it runs.
I have also faced this issue before, tried all the fixes had not received any mail from apple about what the issue is, but finally fixed the issue after making changes in the info.plist file the issue was that description was missing in info.plist file, mostly it occurs because of that check the file again.
I was also facing the error when I make a build and upload it to the app store it display successfully on Xcode. but the build was not appearing on the app store test flight. then I check my email where the app store team was indicating my issue clearly. in my case, my app name contains a white space on starting.

Archive of iOS app says uploaded correctly to iTunes connect but can't be seen

I've recently written my first iOS app in swift using Xcode and am trying to get it into iTunes connect. I have set up the app record with the same identifier as in Xcode, archived the app and uploaded (again with Xcode). The uploader result says that's it's been successful (with the green tick) but in the iTunes connect under activity there is no sign of it. This is after waiting overnight.
Has anyone else had this problem recently? Also my understanding was that if there were errors the uploader normally identifies these (such as no app record found). Is there anything else I should be doing or is this something apple should be resolving?
I had the same issue and surprisingly I just had to wait. Unfortunately I can't tell you exactly how long to wait because I checked my build after a month and it was successfully uploaded to iTunes connect. Make sure to look into iTunes connect -> My Apps -> iOS App (App status) -> Build
It should look like this when it's done:
It might be due to a missing permission in info.plist file, you will receive an email for this on the email id registered with the account, if this happens.
Please check the email id for such a mail. It will be described there which permission is not mentioned in the info.plist.
You can then fix this and re-upload the build. Also, ensure that you have changed the build/version number else you will get an error that build with same version/build number already has already been uploaded.
So in case anyone else has this problem I 'solved' it by:
Not using the downloaded application uploader but by running it from the Xcode > Developer menu within Xcode itself. It showed in the activity part of iTunes connect immediately.

ipa uploaded successfully but not showing after upload completes xcode 8

While my build is uploading, it shows in iTunes Connect, but when uploading gets completed successfully the build no longer shows on iTunes Connect, it get vanished from there.
I tried with both XCode 8 and application loader. I added all required keys in info.plist for usage descriptions.
First of all, check the message from Apple. Recently I also faced same issue. The reason was pretty simple, I missed description keys in info.plist. These keys are mandatory in Xcode 8 + iOS 10 SDK
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to
the user how the app uses this data.
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key with a string value
explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Additionally, I was also forced to include "Camera usage description key". I uploaded again with new bundle number, and build reflected in iTunes connect.
This is overcrowded question so this problem is multiple type of process you can try.
This processing step taking around 15 to 20 minutes as it usually does, now applications stay in processing for 24 hours or more at a time.
Try 1 - Upload new binary:
upload a new binary of the same application with an incremented build number.
Try 2 - Avoid using Bitcode
If you've enabled Bitcode in your application,This can be done by going to Setup: Project>Build Settings>All>Build Options and setting "Enable Bitcode" to NO after this you should recompile the app, archive and upload it again using iTunes Connect.
Try 3. Use Application Loader
use the Application Loader utility to upload a new build of your app. After the upload process finishes, your app should also get out of the "Processing" status.
Try 4. Use the latest Xcode.
iTunes Connect "Processing" issue and managed to solve it, using Latest Xcode to build and upload your app might just be the winning solution for your problems.
Try 5. Go to Contact
"Resources & Help" in iTunes Connect. Select "Contact Us".
There are 2 possibilities in this:
1. You are using outdated Xcode to upload. Try the latest one, because apple support stop working for old xcodes after launch of new xcode version.
Your permissions in plist are not available, like you may be using camera feature, photos feature, location feature but permissions are not given in plist so kindly add keys for the permissions in plist..
The best way to figure out about the issue is to check the email ID that is registered with Apple developer account, you must have received email from Apple about the missing component in code. That makes the build of application invalid, so check email first to figure out what exactly the main issue is. It clearly states the next steps. Most of the time above 2 issues are found when build is not appearing in iTunes.

Unable to upload app to iTunes Connect - iTunes Store operation failed. Authentication timeout

I'm trying to upload my app to iTunes Connect with Xcode. I chose product > archive, choose my account, it compiles and when I try to upload it hand for a long time on:
Uploading Archive
Sending API usage to iTunes Connect...
Then it shows an error message:
I've restarted Xcode and the entire machine but still it keeps repeating itself.
What's wrong here?
This usually happens to me when the phone is connected while uploading the archive, and removing the phone so far has been solving the issue for me.
My solution was to install Application Loader. At first it seemed like it's stuck as well, but after about 10 minutes it started uploading.
I solved this issue.
There is a checkbox "include bitcode" at the bottom of the Summary screen (when you validate Archive) or Send XXX to Apple screen (when you upload to App Store) where the Organizer show the Binary and Entitlements together with Provisioning Profile. In XCode 7 it is checked by default. I unchecked it and re-run Validation - worked fine. As soon as checked the checkbox back on, it started failing with same error.
I have also unchecked the other checkbox on the same screen - symbolis upload.
Successfully uploaded the binary using the Organizr just now.
Here the solution that helped in Xcode 8, summary screen:
Still getting the same error despite "unchecking" bitcode and also archiving with the bitcode under Basic Profile turned off in the info.plist.
It would only work if I used Application Loader, like this:
First, export the application Archive from Xcode's Organizer window (it saves this into a directory on the Desktop).
Then, from Xcode:
Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader
My guess is that there is a bug somewhere either with iTunes Connect back end or xCode itself.
A couple of Xcode restart didn't resolve the issue but Application Loader solved it for the very first attempt. Also, Application Loader, is more descriptive for letting one know what's going on during the whole upload process. Plus simultaneous apps upload is possible via Application Loader.
I got this error when trying to upload an app to App Store Connect (01/20/2020). Restarting Xcode fixed the issue for me.
I've had the same issue.
Tried to upload the app with Transporter with no success.
Restarting of Mac and Xcode didn't help.
Solution was to logout from Xcode and log in back
Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Select your Apple ID and click on "-" below
To submit to App Store use Application Loader but after creating the "App-Specific" password as the following:
Log in to and enter your 2FA (TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION) code.
Then in the Security section on the bottom right area, you'll see: APP-SPECIFIC PASSWORDS.
Generate Password... Click the link to create an app-specific password, Enter your password.
Copy the app-specific password. Enter the password into the Application Loader.
Choose the exported ipa to submit it.
For developers uploading apps with Xcode: simply change network and restart your Mac.
I solved this issue with Transporter, native Apple application. You can download it from AppStore.
This application has a much more information about uploading process and possible errors.
Install the "Transporter" app from the MacOS app store.
From Xcode's organizer, select your archive and press "Distribute App"
Select "Export" and proceed as usual.
Choose the exported .ipa file into the transporter and press "Deliver".
I was getting the same error. Application Loader didn't work. I couldn't open any Apple Developer/Forum webpages either to find an answer there. And iTunesConnect wouldn't let me log in. I thought the site was down and I couldn't even access the Apple Status pages.
My VPN was connecting outside the US. After turning off the VPN everything returned to normal. I have been letting the VPN connect to random places around the globe, probably should keep it in my area.
In my case, The build with the same number (e.g. Version 1.0(1.6)) was already been uploaded to AppStore. I found that after logging into itunes and checked the TESTFLIGHT BUILDS -> iOS and there I saw 1.6 (Processing)
Note: 1.0 is the version number and 1.6 is build number.
