An app build does not appear in TestFlight - ios

I don't remember this has happened to me before, but for some unknown reason my last app build does not appear in TestFlight. The archiving and upload went as usual with no problem. And if I try to make a new upload, it says there is already a build with this number (as expected).
Has anyone experienced the same issue and found a working solution?

Check email linked with apple account, you might have received email listing with issues apple found on your build which most of the times related to .plist file for any missing permission description. After removing issues do change the build Number as you cannot upload with the same build number as previous one.

Besides the reason mentioned by Ali there can be one more thing. Your application might be on processing for the time. Just go to:
Your application>TestFlight>Activity
Check if application with uploaded build version is there and status is in processing. It may take up to and hour or more before it come to your testing tab.

I could fix the problem by adding this key "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" in Info.plist
App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption = NO

We encountered the same issue and here is our breakdown of steps.
Important note - phone connects to BT device
Our steps: Solution is under 4. and 6.
Archive the app and upload it over Xcode successfully
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Build never shows up on TestFlight
There are no emails about failed processing or any indication of what went wrong
Accidentally found that we’re missing Bluetooth privacy string in Info.plist
Added NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription, archived, and uploaded again
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Received an email from AppStoreConnect that Info.plist is missing NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription
This is the first email I received stating something is wrong. Only after adding NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
Added NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription, archived, and uploaded again
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Build visible on TestFlight within several minutes
The issue was that the app was crashing because it was missing the string. The app did not crash on our testing device because that string was once there and the system already asked the user for permission. The field was probably accidentaly deleted during development.
To find similar issues, try to delete the app from your device and install it again to see if it runs.

I have also faced this issue before, tried all the fixes had not received any mail from apple about what the issue is, but finally fixed the issue after making changes in the info.plist file the issue was that description was missing in info.plist file, mostly it occurs because of that check the file again.

I was also facing the error when I make a build and upload it to the app store it display successfully on Xcode. but the build was not appearing on the app store test flight. then I check my email where the app store team was indicating my issue clearly. in my case, my app name contains a white space on starting.


ipa uploaded successfully but not showing after upload completes xcode 8

While my build is uploading, it shows in iTunes Connect, but when uploading gets completed successfully the build no longer shows on iTunes Connect, it get vanished from there.
I tried with both XCode 8 and application loader. I added all required keys in info.plist for usage descriptions.
First of all, check the message from Apple. Recently I also faced same issue. The reason was pretty simple, I missed description keys in info.plist. These keys are mandatory in Xcode 8 + iOS 10 SDK
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to
the user how the app uses this data.
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key with a string value
explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Additionally, I was also forced to include "Camera usage description key". I uploaded again with new bundle number, and build reflected in iTunes connect.
This is overcrowded question so this problem is multiple type of process you can try.
This processing step taking around 15 to 20 minutes as it usually does, now applications stay in processing for 24 hours or more at a time.
Try 1 - Upload new binary:
upload a new binary of the same application with an incremented build number.
Try 2 - Avoid using Bitcode
If you've enabled Bitcode in your application,This can be done by going to Setup: Project>Build Settings>All>Build Options and setting "Enable Bitcode" to NO after this you should recompile the app, archive and upload it again using iTunes Connect.
Try 3. Use Application Loader
use the Application Loader utility to upload a new build of your app. After the upload process finishes, your app should also get out of the "Processing" status.
Try 4. Use the latest Xcode.
iTunes Connect "Processing" issue and managed to solve it, using Latest Xcode to build and upload your app might just be the winning solution for your problems.
Try 5. Go to Contact
"Resources & Help" in iTunes Connect. Select "Contact Us".
There are 2 possibilities in this:
1. You are using outdated Xcode to upload. Try the latest one, because apple support stop working for old xcodes after launch of new xcode version.
Your permissions in plist are not available, like you may be using camera feature, photos feature, location feature but permissions are not given in plist so kindly add keys for the permissions in plist..
The best way to figure out about the issue is to check the email ID that is registered with Apple developer account, you must have received email from Apple about the missing component in code. That makes the build of application invalid, so check email first to figure out what exactly the main issue is. It clearly states the next steps. Most of the time above 2 issues are found when build is not appearing in iTunes.

Error while submitting app to itunes connect: "Invalid Signature - Code object is not signed at all"

Well, all was good with submitting to itunes connect, but out of the blue, I just got this email right after uploading my app:
Invalid Signature - Code object is not signed at all. The binary at
path [] contains an invalid
signature. Make sure you have signed your application with a
distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development
certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are
correct at the target level (which override any values at the project
level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built
using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are
certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in
Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your
release target.
I've seen that this a commun, infamous error message, and that there is no clear answer to how to fix this.
Has anyone an idea on what could be wrong with my settings? Thanks you so much in advance, I'm suppose to release the app this month and I'm freaking out a little bit here...
The email is asking you to check the churningseas.codea file. I had a similar issue except they were referencing a docset file in my project. After hours of debugging this issue, it has come to my attention that Apple is now frowning upon docset files. After removing the docset file it fixed my issue. You may want to check the churningseas.codea file and see if removing it doesn't fix your issue.
If that doesn't work check this answer Error itms-90035. There could be many causes for this error.

iTunes Connect binary status "Created"

There is a new App with WatchKit extension that I am helping to publish. Xcode validates it and submits it successfully to iTunes Connect.
The problem is that there it stays with the status "Created" without any change for several days now. I have tried Application Loader, Xcode 6.3.1, different build numbers with no luck.
Something strange is that we also uploaded another app with the same characteristics that doesn't have this problem and their status clears in a matter of minutes.
Same account, same proceedings, WatchKit extension, entitlements, etc. Even this one has some missing version information so it shows warning signs. But still builds can be selected from the version tab and it shows TestFlight related information.
The only difference I can see in iTunes Connect is that in the App with problems the BundleID can still be changed. But I guess it is due to no binary clearing its status yet.
The last difference I can recall between the two apps is that Xcode did create the distribution provisioning profiles for the working one, but I had to manually create them for the problematic one. Also Xcode seemed to skip profiles for the watchkitapp which I added manually to both with no changes. I have double checked all the profiles settings one by one.
I have checked BundleID's, certificates, cleaned, deleted DerivedData, waited for days, checked this answer including the (now old) linked tutorials to make sure I am not missing anything. The only thing that is not present anymore from the tutorials is the "Ready to Upload Binary" button now missing from iTunes Connect. Also checked this and this.
So it looks like it was an iTunes Connect bug. I did the following, not sure which step fixed the issue:
Changed the BundleID in Xcode for the app and WatchKit extension and app.
Deselected team and selected it again to make Xcode generate Development profiles.
Manually created and downloaded Distribution profiles, WatchKit app doesn't seem to need one.
Changed the BundleID for my app in iTunes Connect. I could do this because no binary was successfully uploaded before.
Changed build number and uploaded binary using Xcode.
After some minutes the binary status got cleared and all previous binaries disappeared from the list.
I can now select the binary from the version tab.
I just noticed status emails that were being sent to my Apple ID's secondary email:
Invalid Icon - The watch application contains an icon file with an alpha channel. Icons should not have an alpha channel.
Which was probably the reason of the binaries not being processed. It is still an iTunes Connect bug that this passed Xcode's validation and didn't shown an invalid binary status in the prerelease list.
I too have same issue, but i uploaded same binary by changing the Build number and it worked.

Testflight testers getting "unable to download app could not be installed at this time"

I distributed version 1.0, build 1, of my app via TestFlight, and everything worked perfectly.
Yesterday I archived and sent out build 2, and now upon tapping the update button, every user seems to be getting an error:
Unable to Download App
[App name] could not be installed at this time
I haven't heard from any users who didn't have build 1 installed already, but looking at iTunes Connect, no user has build 2 installed.
Encountered exactly the same problem today, trying to install a new testflight version downloading it through our company WiFi. We noticed that we could still download and install the app from mobile devices through LTE which lead us to the conclusion that for whatever reason testflight must have blocked our office IP (temporarily) for unknown reasons.
I hope this actually works for someone else. I was seeing the same result over and over again. I restarted my phone. I took my account off the Test Flight list and re-invited myself. Same result. 2 other people were able to install, but I wasn't. I furiously tapped "Install" several times as fast as I could, then tapped "Retry" when the alert box came up. Continued to tap "Install" over and over again, then "Retry". Install, Retry, Install, Retry. Then it finally started installing...
I wish I were making this up.
Bump the build number and resubmit your app. This is a TestFlight/iTunes Connect-side error that, as far as I can tell, we can do nothing about.
Update 12/7: The bug I filed on this (rdar://23296795) was recently returned to me as "We believe this issue has been addressed through changes on our side." – So if you're still seeing this error, please file another radar and let them know it's still not working.
Update 12/10: According to Remy in the comments below, it is still not fixed.
For future readers
This could be a Certificate / Provisioning profile issue.
I just had this issue after wiping my mac and reinstalling OS X (i.e. all my certificates and profiles was gone from my keychain), and I did the following to fix it:
Delete / Revoke any existing certificates and Prov. profiles. (In my case Xcode had tried to download the certificates for my old computer, and they somehow became invalid in doing so).
Then, in the following order:
Create a new Development AND Distribution Certificate
THEN create a Provisioning profile for Development AND Distribution
Xcode signs your app with your Distribution certificate when it builds it for TestFlight, or the app store for that matter. That's why it is important to have a Dist. Cert. when uploading to test flight even thought it's just for internal testing. I don't know if it matters wether you have a valid Dev. certificate and Prov. profile for test flight, but it doesn't harm to have it. You need it to build to your phone anyways
I hope this helps.
I've got this error many times, but I saw a really strange pattern and I have a pretty weird theory.
Next time, after you submit your app to Apple, don't submit it immediately for beta review. Download the app at least once with TestFlight on your iOS device as an internal tester. Do that before you submit the app for beta review and it should work.
Sounds crazy and I can't really confirm if downloading the app as an internal tester "triggers" anything, but it seems to be working for me that way. Could be a random coincidence though, would be interesting if someone can confirm/deny my theory.
Definitely one of the more annoying bugs of TestFlight right now. :/
Same error for me. The only thing that worked for me was to uninstall the TestFlight app and then reinstalling.
I faced the same issue under the follow case:
Created a Test users group in iTunes Connect even before the Build was approved (i.e. it was in "Waiting for Review" state). We did receive notifications from TestFlight, but when clicked on "View in TestFlight", received this error.
I added the approved build to the Group and Resent the invites. This worked perfect for me.
We had a user who had, for reasons only they know, disabled cellular access for the Testflight app. Later, when he'd also turned off Wifi (again, for reasons...) he was in a situation where Testflight had no connectivity.
The error he saw was "could not load apps". It was driving us crazy as our other users were able to install and run without issue!
I had a previous version of this app with the same name. Just deleted it from my device and testflight installation worked.
I encountered the same issue. Not only it fails in TestFlight but also it is rejected by Apple Team in the submission process for not launching. I was able to solve this problem by renaming Project and Target names excluding wildcard characters.
The names were like following;
I spent almost two days to discover the issue. Hope it helps!
I was able to fix this problem by removing the 0s from my build number as described here.
As funny as it sounds, TestFlight currently has a bug that prevents deployment if your buildnumber has a 0 in it.
Buildnumber 102 failed to install on all devices I tested it on, simply changing the buildnumber to 112 (nothing else changed!) and uploading it again fixed it immediately.

Receiving Installation Error: ApplicationVerificationFailed in Flash Builder for iOS

This is the error I'm getting when I try to install my app on my iPhone.
More details:
It did work at one point. I used a different computer recently, working on a different project and had to create a new certificate. This invalidated my other projects (profiles). I went back to working on the first computer and uploaded the certificate from that one. I recreated the app profiles and downloaded the provisioning files based on that previous certificate. None of that worked. In the end I had to start over from scratch as shown in the answer below.
I finally got it to work by starting over from scratch. I think the problem was that when I went to a new computer and uploaded a new certificate I had to revoke the old certificate. It seems that once it's revoked that maybe it can't be used again.
So I recreated my signing certificate, recreated a p12 file from it, recreated (modified) the app profile (making sure to select my certificate again and selected all of my devices again), redownloaded the mobile provisioning file, reselected these in the iOS configuration screen and restarted Flash Builder and it worked again.
I had tried to use a wildcard, "com.myactualdomainhere.*" and I couldn't get that to work but I didn't do all the steps above (I didn't recreate my signing certificate) and if you can't reuse a certificate then that may have been the issue.
So I did all the steps above and used the app name, "com.myactualdomainhere.MyApp" and made sure it matched in the application descriptor file (for AIR apps) com.myactualdomainhere.MyApp.
It would be nice if someday they could simplify this process and give better error messages. Maybe they could verify the different parts along the way, for example, "your certificate is ok, your app profile checks out, but your app id is incorrect."
Also, MilkyWay posted a link to a post that has some more helpful information.
I experienced this error working with code from another vendor. As it turns out, they were trying to compile the IPA with an Entitlements.plist file. I just deleted that block of code (below) and it compiled just fine.
I've just been stuck with this problem this morning, took a while to figure out so thought I'd post incase anyone else has the same issue.
We had a problem adding a device to our provisioning profile, an iPhone 5 on iOS7. It turned out that the application we were using to get the UDID (UDID+) was giving us the wrong UDID. When I used the ID returned by
adt -devices -platform ios
It worked.
In my case it was at matter of unaccepted characters in some embedded folders. Folder names that contained special characters (æ ø å or whitespace) resulted in an ApplicationVerificationFailed error. (Not exactly the most precise error description I have encountered.)
I know this is an old thread, but if anyone else is Googling around and finds this thread and it does NOT fix your issue, I wanted to share my experience on this one. If you've confirmed that your certificates and provisioning profiles are all good and are still getting this, I determined that you will receive this exact same error if you have your app configured for TESTFLIGHT. In other words, in your APPNAME-app.xml make sure that the following is commented out within the IOS entitlements section:
Once I commented that out, I was able to resume debugging locally. Pissed that I spent a day on this, but at least it's working now.
This can also happen if you change your Apple ID password.
My problem was that in my Application ID under apple developers, my app wasn't checked for PushNotification, but within my xml application descriptor, I had the entitlments for push notifiaction (aps_development).
Once à removed the APS value from my XML, worked all good.
If you haven't compiled in a long time, be sure you set your compilation settings to device testing and make sure you are using your testing provisioning profile. I got this today because my settings were still on app store.
The problem for me was that I was using a .p12 file which was meant for Apple Push Notifications instead of the .p12 file of my Developer certificate..
I used the .p12 I exported from my developer certificate and it works great..!
In my case it was incorrect application id problem (different compiled app id then app id I have defined apple)
sometimes this error occurs because of you bin-debug folder.
if that folder has some unknown character or something this error occurs.
I suggest if in that case you have to clean the project or find that file and change it's name
If it was working previously, just restart the flash builder.
I did some tests today on test flight with the Entitlements tags. It need to be remove when testing localy or I get the same error.
Like jbyun94 mentionned, get rid of unknown characters in filenames.
I had files in conflict from dropbox that prevented the app from compiling.
Removed them and everything worked again (though I'd lost a couple of hours :/)
