Package the result of a build in Jenkins into a zip - jenkins

I've just started using Jenkins and need some advice.
After a successful build I would like to have the resulting directory packaged into a zip file and stored in workspace so later I can send to Artifactory.
At the moment I'm using a program that I wrote for that purpose which I run in a batch file as the last step of a build, but I wonder if there is a way of having Jenkins do that.

The file operations plugin has a zip operation.
Used with ${GIT_BRANCH} to create a zip file of the successful build.

I you use a pipeline job (wheter that's declarative or scripted) you can use the zipFile step and give it the directory path that you want to be zipped.


Download full workspace from Jenkins build

I am new to jenkins and I have tried downloading a zip archive of this workspace in jenkins, but I only get a part of it. Source folders like tensorflow or tools are not present inside the archive. Is this normal ?
If so, how do I get all of them inside a zip file ?
Use Archive Artifact plugin, to add your workspace into archive folder which will make it easily down-loadable.
But be aware that, an artifact in the Jenkins sense is the result of a build - the intended output of the build process.
A common convention is to put the result of a build into a build, target or bin directory.
The Jenkins archiver can use globs (target/*.jar) to easily pick up the right file even if you have a unique name per build.
putting a complete workspace into it will take lot of time.

Creating artifacts in jenkins

I have been tasked with looking into using Jenkins as a build server. So far I have managed to pull a project from git, restore the Nuget packages, build the project and run the unit tests. However I am struggling to find out how to generate the artifact.
The way the business would like to have the build server generate a zip file to a directory on the build server or a remote server for the systems team then to pick up and deploy to the relevant location. E.g. given a windows service project the built bin directory would be zipped up and put in the relevant artifact directory.
I thought that in order to do this I add an archive the artifacts post-build action. However I am getting the below error:
‘Watchdog.WinService.Monitor/bin/Release/*.zip’ doesn’t match anything:
‘Watchdog.WinService.Monitor’ exists but not
If I look in the workspace for this project I can browse to the bin directory and see all the files so I unsure what I have done wrong.
Can someone please let me know if what I am trying to accomplish is possible, and also if our approach to using Jenkins is correct?
The problem is that you try to create the artifact using the archive artifatcs step.
But the step is to collect artifacts and show them on the job page.
That means you need to create the artifact first e.g. using a shell or batch script.
You can combine this with the Flexible Publish Plugin.
When you select this as post build step you can create a conditional action that runs the artifact archive task and as condition executes the script that creates the zip file.
So if that fails the task won't be executed. Also it may causes your job to 'fail' but that may not be the case in your job.

Downloading Nexus artifacts to Jenkins Job workspace

I have an use case where I need to download selected jar files from nexus repository to a Jenkins job workspace and run a program over the downloaded jar files. (I Want to use the .class files in the jars)
Is there any Jenkins plugin available for this?
Add a build-step in the job, prior to the one doing the actual work
and use a copy (or ftp) command to get the files.
You could try the groovy plugin and embed a script within your Jenkins job

Can a Jenkins build access the archived artifacts from itself?

I'm using Jenkins and have the "Archive the Artifacts" step at the end of my builds to archive them into a zip file.
Instead of using this step, I'd like to use a script to push the artifacts to a remote server at the end of the build. The server I'm pushing to uses a REST API / HTTP PUT request in a script to upload files.
Note that I'm looking to access the artifact created in the same build. So if I'm on build #5, I want the artifacts from build #5, not build #4.
Is there any way to access this zip file with a script, in the same build that it was created in?
I need to upload this zip remotely and don't want to create another job to do so.
You can install one of the "Publish Over..." plugins to upload your artifacts at the end of a build.
The goal of the Publish Over plugins is to provide a consistent set of
features and behaviours when sending build artifacts ... somewhere.
See also the full list of "upload" plugins for other methods of publishing your artifacts.
Like #Christopher said, you can use any of the Publish Over plugins on the Jenkins Plugins page to upload the artifact to any of the
If you want to access the archived zip file from within the build itself, you can use the following link to access it:
http://<server>/job/${JOB_NAME}/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/<artifact name w/folder>
For example:
server =
job name = myproject
artifact = del/
Your URL would be:
EDIT: Question was changed. In any case, this would work for accessing the artifact of the previous build in the current one.
There is no way that I have found to access the "Archive the Artifacts" package of the build that generates it. This step always occurs last in the build. Accessing the URL prior to the build ending (during the build via script for example) results in a blank zip file. To get around this limitation, I'm making a second linked build job to grab the zip and run my script to deploy it.

TeamCity: How To enable FTP in ANT?

I have to copy files after build on a TeamCity-Agent via FTP. The orndinary buildjob works itself works fine. The triggering of a custom script finish successfull, too.
The step "copy files via ftp" fails with the following error:
[15:34:31]: copyFiles
[15:34:31]: [copyFiles] ftp
[15:34:31]: [ftp] Could not create type ftp due to java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/net/ftp/FTPClientConfig
I searched the web for a while and found many times the same answer: "You have to put commons-net.jar and jakarta-oro.jar in your ANT-plugin directory." So I downloaded these two files and copied it into C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\lib, but the error still exists.
Now the question:
Where do I have to copy these files to make FTP work? Or am I on the wrong track?
You've put the jar into the wrong place, it must be in the classpath of Ant, not in the classpath of the build agent.
You should find file (TeamCity\WEB-INF\plugins\ant-tool\agent\ and put the required jar (commons-net-1.4.1.jar, for example) inside ant\lib directory of the file.
After the zip is re-packaged, TeamCity will update build agents with the new Ant version and commons-net dependency will be automatically available for Ant via its own classpath.
Note that you will have to repeat this step every time you update TeamCity to a new version.
Another option is to install Ant on build agent machines manually and configure TeamCity to use custom Ant installation (with all the required custom dependencies in the Ant's lib directory), however it's inconvenient if you have many build agents, but you will not have to repeat this step when updating TeamCity server.
Ant-net-task tool is bundled with TeamCity. This tool has jar files necessary for FTP, sshexec, scp and mail.
To use it Additional Ant command line parameters: -lib "%teamcity.tool.ant-net-tasks%" should be added.
