Downloading Nexus artifacts to Jenkins Job workspace - jenkins

I have an use case where I need to download selected jar files from nexus repository to a Jenkins job workspace and run a program over the downloaded jar files. (I Want to use the .class files in the jars)
Is there any Jenkins plugin available for this?

Add a build-step in the job, prior to the one doing the actual work
and use a copy (or ftp) command to get the files.

You could try the groovy plugin and embed a script within your Jenkins job


How can I explore Jenkins workspace?

I want to scan file stored in my Jenkins project workspace.
for example, when I make a project named my_project, I will get report pattern from Jenkins like **/report.xml. and to find report.xml file, I will explore in my own plugin.
since when I print pwd on jenkins console, it prints where my plugin written, not jenkins workspace. so I need to know how to explore jenkins workspace in my plugin.
If you're asking where your jenkins workspace is, it is in the workspace folder where you can find all your projects. It should be relative to your plugin folder: ../workspace. You can try to change directory using the relative path. Hope this helps.

Is there any way to get Jenkins artifacts in Gitlab pipeline?

Basically the opposite of this question: Is there any way to get Gitlab pipeline artifacts in Jenkins?
My project is built on Jenkins. It generates a JavaDoc.
I want to publish this JavaDoc as a Gitlab Pages.
So I would need my gitlab-yml to be able to retrieve the produced javadoc from Jenkins.
Alternatively, my artifacts are stored on a network drive, so an access to this network drive would work too
I think that this plugin could be helpful to you...
There is a plugin called Archived Artifact Url Viewer. It seems to be like you needs.
"Jenkins plugin to view contents of a file inside a zip or jar file under a subdirectory of artifacts directory of a build The url to access a file inside a zip or jar archive within the artifact folder of a build is as follows"
/archivedArtifacts/artifact/<job_name>/<build_number/<relative location of zip or jarfile within artifact folder>/<location of file within archive>

How can I use Artifact Deployer to copy from the archived artifacts, instead of the workspace?

We've been using Jenkins for a while, now, and have used the ArtifactDeployer plugin to copy build artifacts out of the working directory to our artifact repository fileshares.
I'm working on a new deployment promotion job, that needs to obtain the artifacts of a given build, and I thought I might use the Copy Artifact plugin. But that expects that the artifacts be saved using Jenkin's artifact archive feature, which we've not been using.
There are some nice features, in the Copy Artifact plugin - we can configure it to specify the upstream build that triggered the job, rather than having to pass a specific build number as a parameter. But to use it, we'd need to configure archive.
But we still need to copy artifacts to our artifact repository fileshares, which means we have to specify the files we want to archive twice - once in the archive config and once in the ArtifactDeployer config.
Unless we can configure the ArtifactDeployer plugin to copy the contents of the archive directory.
Is this possible?
What would be the path?

Copy artifacts from other job only if there is new version of file

We have a master and two slaves.
On Master there is a job which checks if there is new version on Nexus and if yes downloads latest jar and updates latest version (i.e. xxx-0.012.jar) in text file VERSION.TXT. (It is possible to access nexus only from master).
We need to run downloaded jar on slaves so we need to copy it from master.
We have a job which triggers few other jobs:
1)CHECK_LATEST_JAR: job which runs on master and checks if there is new version of jar on nexus, downloads it.
2)GET_JAR_TO_SLAVE: job which runs on slaves and should copy latest jar from master
3)RUN_JAR: job which gets latest jar name from file VERSION.TXT and runs jar with such name.
In CHECK_LATEST_JAR if newer version is found on nexus we download it to workspace and archive artifacts (jar + text file with latest version).
Now in GET_JAR_TO_SLAVE we wanted to use "Copy artifacts from another job" plugin - but here we need to add a condition to run this step only if there is newer version as if there are no artifacts in CHECK_LATEST_JAR this job fails..
Is there a way to compare file which is located on master with file which is located on slave?
Tried to use conditional step with groovy script - but cannot figure out how to tell it to access file on master if job runs on slave.
Just came across FSTrigger plugin which probably can be used - but same problem here how to tell it to monitor file VERSION.TXT on master and if there is a change to run job on slave.
would be grateful for any ideas how we can achieve our goal.
We found plugin Copy Data to Workspace and used it to copy file containing latest version from folder on Master to workspace of job running on one of slaves.
After that we compare content of files using Conditional BuildStep plugin strings comparison with Token macro and if files content is different we copy artifacts of the job where jar is downloaded.

Package the result of a build in Jenkins into a zip

I've just started using Jenkins and need some advice.
After a successful build I would like to have the resulting directory packaged into a zip file and stored in workspace so later I can send to Artifactory.
At the moment I'm using a program that I wrote for that purpose which I run in a batch file as the last step of a build, but I wonder if there is a way of having Jenkins do that.
The file operations plugin has a zip operation.
Used with ${GIT_BRANCH} to create a zip file of the successful build.
I you use a pipeline job (wheter that's declarative or scripted) you can use the zipFile step and give it the directory path that you want to be zipped.
