ios calendar event from website ics - ios

I have a page where I have a link with an ics file.
Using safari the problem is that when downloading and importing the event into the calendar is showing the wrong event, precissely an old one.
The strange situation of this is that obviously some cache or trace from the old file is getting gathered instead of the new ics file, more strange to me at least is the fact that I deleted everything like cache history, calendar entries, etc. , even changed the URL to an invalid one and then does nothing, and the correct one still remains with the old event information from 3 months old.
I tried searching here and internet about reason of this behaviour but I havent find any logical reason.
I also changed all settings under icloud and under Mail,contacts, Calendars without success.
Does anyone knows about this weird behaviour Im facing?

Ok I solved my problem.
The issue was the UID on the .ics. Needs to be Unique and I had it repeated.
Probably is a "stupid" reason but got me crazy. I leave this for someone who would have this kind of "stupid" issue in the future.


Jira: Adding a Link to in issue doesn't work for a project

I've been using Jira recently and I came across a problem that I don't know how to fix it.
I have to Jira instances. when I try to link an issue to one on the other instance it doesn't link. It used to work but now it won't.
every time I try to link it I will get this even though for other projects it wasn't needed :
and when press authenticate I get this page:
afterward, when I press the link nothing changes.
Please if you are familiar with this problem help me.
afterward, when I press the link nothing changes.
I tried to link the other way and it's working but I still can't identify where the problem is.
Please if you are familiar with this problem help me.
It's all about Application Links.
Some server changes (like reverse proxy, update in web.xml, etc.) or changes in the admin user account may break the links.
You need the check Application Links between two instances; if there is a problem, try to solve that first.
If not, remove the application link from both instances and add it again.
By the way, if the users in the two Jira instances are same, enable the "OAuth" in the application links (and also be sure that the admin account is same on these two instances.)
Linking issues
Application Links

Large amount of 404 Not Found errors due to unknown reason

My website worked correctly until last week, when suddenly lots of "not found" errors appeared. The error message is visible but I cannot find the reason. The errors stated that the pages that are unable to be found are linked from sitemap.xml, however prior to the errors appearing Google was able to crawl through the website correctly. Here is an example:
Real link in sitemap (This is the old link that is still functional):طراحی-حرفه-ای-سایت-در-تهران.html
What the search console is actually pointing to:
Apparently the crawlers cannot read content after -, likely due to the different language. I have never encountered this issue until last week, in which perviously was functional.
Thanks in advance for the help!
If this is the actual link :طراحی-حرفه-ای-سایت-در-تهران.html, you are doing it wrong and it should be URL encoded before sending it to the response:
In this case, all of the available engines are able to follow it.

Umbraco 7: Random 404

We have never experienced this issue in Umbraco 4, but we've got this twice in Umbraco 7.
The Problem
So we've got a page:
It has been working for a month, then suddenly it shows 404:
The (non-ideal) Solution
We could change the template of this document, eg. from SalePage to TextPage, then back to SalePage.
That will temporarily fix it.
But after IIS restart, or after republishing the page, it will show the 404 error again.
For a permanent fix, we have to change the page name, eg. from Sale to Sale1.
The Question
Sometimes changing the page name is not an ideal solution at all.
Has anyone experienced this? Or know where to look? May be the database has a corrupted entry somewhere..?
We found the problem! We have this structure under Content:
About Us
The problem started when someone created a "home slide" under Home called "sale".
So, both Home/sale and Pages/Sale has the same path: /sale/
Deleting/renaming Home/sale fixed the problem.
This sounds like a corrupt cache.
To find out what went wrong:
Investigate the xml config (/config/umbraco.config)? I suspect this file will still contain the correct information.
If the umbraco.config file doesn't contain wrong elements, check the examine indexes. When you do a "rebuild indexes" from the developer node in the umbraco backend the problem might go away also.
If you know what is going wrong, you can start finding a solution for fixing the issue. E.g. finding out which action went wrong.

Termination caused websites executing no more

I had a perfectly well running mvc application and I was debugging message sending via SignalRand I decided to stop debugging and went to edit some code. However, there was an error saying something about IIS termination and whether I want to do that because something (I assume - the application) cannot be stopped. (I am really sorry, but I didn't read it at the time). So now I try to relaunch my program and it just won't open. The website is trying to be opened but the loading circle in chrome just kept on spinning forever.
What I tried to do was:
1. restarted VS - didn't help
2. restarted PC - didn't help
3. created a new project, brought all files to it and launched it and it worked!
So then it worked for ~10 minutes or so and then just stopped again (this time no error message or anything). I tried changing a port in the settings of the project. Didn't work. Tried changing back and it launched successfully. For a minute or so... :(
So finally, I tried putting a break point right at the
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
-> {
The breakpoint was hit, it successfully passed the next line
and just disappeared at
Many times I tried and it always disappears at the same location. Going deeper is not an option since this is system method. I suspect something can be problematic with that, but I am not experienced with much configuration of
P.S. many times VS was acting strange and even tho I set the breakpoint at the place I marked above, it showed the breakpoint with a message that it won't be hit because the source differs from the current code (But I didn't change a thing since before the very first crash! The only place I modified a few symbols at was at MyHub.cs which is an extended class for a Hub for SignalR)
Lastly, I tried deleting everything from bin folder so it got fully rebuilt, but without any success to revive my application.
What could be a possible problem, maybe someone had anything at least similar to this? Or maybe someone would be kind to help me at choosing better keywords while searching in google because "IIS termination" and "AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); not working" didn't bring me much :(
This is a known bug:
We have been unable to successfully reproduce this issue on our servers. We've seen that using a different web server will resolve the issue. If you're able to post a reproduction project to the linked Issue, chances are it will be resolved promptly.
Apparently, the solution I marked isn't the exact thing that helped me. This link was the thing that miraculously helped me and I was able to finally get back to work. However, I found the winning link because of N. Taylor Mullen, so he deserves the full credit :) But letting others know if anyone comes to this question :)

Why does my CSS go screwy "sometimes"

A website of mine is behaving weirdly. The layout sometimes is fine, and sometimes it is screwy. An example page that I see the problem on is this one: link
Disclaimer: I have yet to start my investigation into cause in earnest. I am turning to Stackoverflow because I am lazy and I hope someone will say "That happened to me once, it is probably this...". So please, no one get stuck into this working out this issue if it is something you have never seen before, as it wouldn't be fair as I have not done it myself.
Ok, some background:
The problem usually (maybe always) occurs when first viewing the page
The problem does not show up always, only sometimes
When the page shows up munged, if you refresh it usually reloads looking as it should
The site is a rails app
The css is passed through the neat Smurf Gem, which automatically minifies the CSS and Javascript on the page.
The layout problems happen in firefox (both linux and winXP)
The CSS is served up in the production environment using the ":cache => true" option which concatenates all the css files into one file
Anyway, I am hoping that this has happened to someone before and it will be really simple to fix. If not, I'll go and investigate and return with the solution (or a request for more help).
Thanks in advance!
[edit]I added the first two bullet points, inspired by the comments and first answer[/edit]
We have had something similar when using HAML and SASS that resulted in the CSS being completely unavailable. It only happened on deploys. We determined it was a combination of the Rails stylesheet merging and the generation of the CSS from SASS. Sass was not done generating the CSS, which it did so on the first request to the application, when Rails attempted to merge it all together. The result, a corrupt useless CSS file. Then we stumbled upon this article which has a solution for preventing this issue.
Based on all this, my best guess is that the Smurf gem is attempting to generate your file on the first request, but Rails is serving it out before its done. The generation completes then each following request is fine. If this is the problem then the only solution i know of is to get the file generated before the first request. Of course, this does assume that it is related to deployments or application restarts in some way.
I had such a problem. The problem was only at the first time the page was loaded. Just reload it and it was fine.
The problem in my case was that the images where not there in the cache for the first time so the browser didnt know it's dimensions when preparing the page which caused the problem
If an image doesn't have a height/width assigned to it, a place is created on the page and it's put there. If the image doesn't quite fit, the browser may not know this until it's refreshed. Then it already knows the size and can properly fit it onto the page.
