Adding a cocos2d view to a UIView - ios

I have integrated cocos2d 2.0 into an existing iOS project and would like to be able to create a view and add it to an existing view as a subview.
Where should the cocos2d setup code be placed and how is the cocos2d view then made visible inside the UIView?
I have followed Ray Wenderlichs tutorial and it doesn't help with the specific issue. A lot of the code is deprecated as well.
Is it possible to do the cocos2d setup inside the cocos2d class I create? Im not sure on how to connect the CCDirector and glView to the current architecture.
If I do the setup in the AppDelegate, what exactly is needed in the cocos2d view (CCLayer e.g.) and how is it made visible? The template uses a navigation controller, but I do not use that.
How is the cocos2d view linked to the setup, and who takes care of displaying the view?


Swift Cocoa - Xcode 8: Unable to bind TextField property to #IBOutlets

I am new to iOS programming and I am building a simple swift application that calculate a loan interest. I did create a separate class to handle the logic and designed successfully my view. I am trying now to bind each textfield to the #IBOutlets I have created but I am unable to do so as you can see through this animation.
However, when I do try to bind the textField in the View Controller Scene to the #IBOutlets the custom class presented is NSDefaultUserController and after binding it the text fields are not responding when I launch the app. Here below is what I mentioned. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Edit: Better Explanation:
I am trying to connect all the IBOutlets and IBAction to the UI elements loanField, InterestField and TermField. But when I try to drag them to their respective field it does not work as I showed in the first screen.
To bind a property to a TextField in IB. You should bind them first. Specify a custom class for the storyboard or nib. "TestViewController" in the case.
Then you should be able to connect any module (maybe a textField~) in IB to the class's accord property.
I am new to iOS programming
The first problem is that you don't know the difference between iOS and macOS. You are not doing any iOS programming at all. You have created a MacOS X desktop Cocoa project, not an iOS project. So you're operating in a completely different world.
The second problem is that you are using a storyboard but you don't understand how a storyboard works. With a storyboard, you have a scene with your interface and a view controller. You can only make outlets and actions from objects in that scene to one another. So you would connect a text field in a scene to that scene's view controller — not to the app delegate, which is not part of the scene.

Should Separate ViewController.Swift be Created for each Scene / Screen?

I'm new to iOS development but have used MVC frameworks on other platforms. In ready through the getting started documents about view controllers, it seems that there are several approaches in it's use.
I'm building an app that will have numerous pages / scenes. In using the storyboard, I'm creating a scene for each screen e.g. sign up, log in, home, and feeds to name a few. My question is should a separate view controller be created for each screen e.g. signupcontroller.swift, logincontroler.swift etc.? I started with the single screen project in XCode and have not been able to locate the automated way to create a new view controller for each scene. Is this indeed a manual effort, or is there a better starter projet type for a robust app such as this one?
Thanks much for your help and guidance.
You generally have a separate view controller class for each "scene," although it is often the case that several scenes will share a view controller with different data associated with them. Once you make the scene in the storyboard, you create a new UIViewController class and then associate it with a view controller in the storyboard...
Add a new Cocoa Touch class to the project
Name the view controller
Associate the view controller in the storyboard with the new class you created.

Add multiple MVC to a UIScrollView

Is it possible to add MVC to an UIScrollView?
Currently i dragged three UIView's from the button category and put them inside the scroll view hierarchy, does the UIView's get stacked on top of each other instead of pushing them out on each side? I wrote some code but that did not do anything for now, for now i am wondering if it is possible to add MVC to the UIScrollView and how can i do that?
Swift language preferred.
note: i am new to xcode and would like to get some tips on where to learn some basics about different view controllers and using MKMapKit with GeoLocation if possible!

Is there a way to programmatically force a horizontal split view in Cocoa?

I am writing an iPad app in XCode 4 and would like to create a UISplitViewController instance that displays its viewController references horizontally on the screen. I have been referring to the XCode example provided by Apple (SplitViews) but that example uses a xib to embed two horizontal NSTextViews manually created by the developer.
Is there a way to force a split view to display horizontally using the standard XCode libraries? I've seen a few references to Matt Gemmell's MGSplitViewController class but I am wondering if this can be done using just XCode's standard libraries.
I've also read the thread concerning programmatic split views (here) but there is no mention of forcing the display to horizontal vs. vertical.
UISplitViewController splits the screen into left and right parts. There is no public API (as of iOS 6.1) to tell it to split into top and bottom parts.
You could embed the UISplitViewController's view in a custom view with a rotation transform, and then make each of the contained views use a rotation transform in the opposite direction. That would require you to implement some extra view controller subclasses (and maybe view subclasses). It would be much simpler to just use MGSplitViewController, or to implement your own split view controller.

How to integrate iAD without a xib file

I have an app that does not use any form of storyboard or xib or nib. I have used iAD before but it involved dragging on and declaring in the code. How do I make the banner add view a subview, (my knowledge of such programming is poor, I have just started objective-c). Thanks in advanced!!!
use admob mediation... its sooooo easy to implement
3 lines of code and you're done
