How to integrate iAD without a xib file - xib

I have an app that does not use any form of storyboard or xib or nib. I have used iAD before but it involved dragging on and declaring in the code. How do I make the banner add view a subview, (my knowledge of such programming is poor, I have just started objective-c). Thanks in advanced!!!

use admob mediation... its sooooo easy to implement
3 lines of code and you're done


Is a ViewController okay to use for making a loaderView?

I'm making a loader for my app, and can't figure out how to do it. I have no experience with using .xib. Can I just make it in storyboard as a viewcontroller with a view, or is that considered bad practice?

How can I add a UIview to a SpriteKit project?

I am working on a game with Sprite kit (swift) and I need a menu with buttons, stats, store etc.
I know I can make it with a SKScene but I want to edit it in the MainStoryBoard not only with code like in SKScene. If I create a new UIViewController file then just segue a button from that view to the SKScene will that be enough? Is it acceptable in terms of efficiency and memory management?
I think that will work fine for you, but it might be harder to work from a new UIViewController file than from SKScene. How effective creating the new UIViewController file versus creating the SKScene in code depends on how comfortable you feel in swift, so its hard to tell which you would prefer. I do not see any problems with memory management, but it could be less efficient than an SKScene because an SKScene was arguably designed for what you are trying to do. In summary, I believe it will be fine for you to use a new UIViewController, but an SKScene is likely the better route.
If you have a view controller in your storyboard (which you probably have if you go with apple's template), add a swift file like you do for any other app and connect it to your view controller.
Add any ui elements you want and add any actions and outlets.
Just make sure your SKScene is being shown IN your view controller. In most cases that is precoded.
SKScene can also be implemented in a UIView, so you can also drag a UIView in a view controller and set it as an SKScene file.
Hope it helps :)

Adding a cocos2d view to a UIView

I have integrated cocos2d 2.0 into an existing iOS project and would like to be able to create a view and add it to an existing view as a subview.
Where should the cocos2d setup code be placed and how is the cocos2d view then made visible inside the UIView?
I have followed Ray Wenderlichs tutorial and it doesn't help with the specific issue. A lot of the code is deprecated as well.
Is it possible to do the cocos2d setup inside the cocos2d class I create? Im not sure on how to connect the CCDirector and glView to the current architecture.
If I do the setup in the AppDelegate, what exactly is needed in the cocos2d view (CCLayer e.g.) and how is it made visible? The template uses a navigation controller, but I do not use that.
How is the cocos2d view linked to the setup, and who takes care of displaying the view?

How do I transition from a UIView to a UITableViewController using an IBAction in xcode?

I built my app as a single view application and then later added another view with an .xib. I get how to do that. But what I need to do now is add another view, but this is a UITableViewController that uses storyboards. I am adding IAP from a tutorial I used that uses a MasterViewController and automatically loads the first view, but I didn't make my app that way.
If anyone can explain how I can make it so when you click a button (IBAction) on my original view, I can transition to the UITableViewController that use storyboards that has the table for my IAP, that would be awesome. Is this even possible? If there's another way I'm cool with that too! BTW I am very new to this so please explain in simple terms if possible. So if anyone ca help it would be greatly appreciated.
Put a button on the first form, hold down CTRL and drag the mouse and point to the other form and it will create a segue. You can set the type (push, modal, etc.)
Watch the WWDC session from 2011 introducing Storyboards. Worthwhile.

How to add a subview that contains an iAd Banner View?

I have a tab bar with 3 view controllers and I want to implement iAds to the app.
I have been searching and I read that a good way to implement the iAds is to create them apart, like in another ViewController, so that's what I did. I have my First, Second and ThirdViewController and an AdBannerController. I got the Bees 4 Honey iAd tutorial ( and put the iAd in this view controller (AdBannerController). So, now I think I have to add a sub view to each ViewController (First, second and third), but I don't know how. I would be really thankful if you can help me (and if you know a better way to implement the iAds to a tabbar app, thanks a lot too!).
Did you check out the TabbedBanner project in the Apple iAdSuite sample?
