YouTube Client Side Uploads From iOS Device - ios

I am trying to build an iOS app that uses the Google-API-Objective-C-Client ( to upload YouTube videos from a device. In the example code provided, it is assumed that a user of the library will uploading a video to their own account, and takes them through a sign-in process that interrupts the app flow and either presents a modal window or webview to ask for the user's permission to post on their account.
The issue is that in the app I am building, the video will be posted to our account (not the user's). I can't figure out how to complete the oAuth process and obatin a key without presenting a modal to the user in the process.
The class I'm trying to get around is GTMOAuth2WindowController.
Any help from someone who has used this API before would be much appreciated.

For privacy issues, users have to upload videos into their accounts first. There is one way to get around it. You can use YouTube Direct Lite. So user's would still upload their videos with their own credentials, but then you have to option to moderate and approve those videos to have them in your playlist.


Secure in-app purchases of video content in iOS

I have a relative simple business model yet I cant really figure out how to solve it:
I have hundreds of small videos that I produce and some of the videos must be paid to be watched.
I dont want the users to need a login. They just need their apple id to pay for the content. That way I dont need to server code.
I was thinking of using in-app purchases but:
1) Where do I host my videos? I think its best that they can be streamed.
2) How do I secure my videos so that people doesnt just share the urls (which they can get from a web debugger)?
3) Optional: Do you know a simple (maybe free) server for hosting a tree structure of data (in my case video categories)?
you can upload your video on youtube or on Vimeo in private channel. so no one can view that video without your permission. Then you can write code to play that private video.
Another way is you can host your own server and upload video over there. To stream video you can your server need access token. which your server has provided while login. in the way you can also prevent the user not to play video without paying you.

Video upload and sharing to from my IOS app

I'm trying to upload user videos to facebook ,youtube or etc from my ios app ?
I knew and implemented the youtube and facebook api to upload the video for user's account. But at same time i want to video upload on my channel or group with user information also? I saw one option in youtube channel account setting page they given one email id to attached video to upload my youtube account. Upload was done but i dint get user information?
i all user can see all video and whom can uploaded it? its possible please advice how to implement.

Stream song via Spotify SDK without Spotify account on the users' side?

Is it possible to build an iOS app that streams from spotify in a way where it won't need the user to login to Spotify? In a way where only our application is registred.
It is just not clear after scanning through the SDK / API section.
Disclaimer: I didn't work with the Spotify SDK
It should be possible. I suppose you can hardcode the login info in the code directly, and have the app login to spotify with the same user account every time (the one hardcoded in the app).
On the other hand, I don't see a good reason why you would want all the users of your app to connect as the same user to Spotify. But that is your decision :).
Also, I think you should also check the Spotify terms and conditions before you do that. Not sure if that's an issue or not.

How to screenscrape my youtube video feed?

How to get the feed of my account? (Or how can I sign in my account when using Nokogiri?)
What would be a good solution to get the video from various video channels?(So I can avoid signing in my account in problem1)
Specifically, how to deal with pagination?
The videos screenscraped may not be all needed. How can I make a pre-save page to cancel out the videos that I don't want? i.e. create a editing interface for screenscraping
YouTube has a developers API from which all this should be available. Have you checked it out? See:

Upload video to Youtube without user autentication

I'm building an iPad app (which is actually going to be part of a promotional kiosk), which lets whoever wants, to record a video (at the place, using the iPad), in order to get a chance to win a prize.
But I just realized that the Youtube API seems to have changed and now it requires user authentication in order to upload the video - which can't be done in my case.
Has anyone faced this problem before? Has anyone found an alternative to uploading the video from the iOS app directly to a specific Youtube account (which I've got full control of) without requiring user's authentication?
Help is highly appreciated!
For privacy issues, users have to upload videos into their accounts first. There is one way to get around it.
You can use YouTube Direct Lite.
So user's would still upload their videos with their own credentials, but then you have the option to moderate and approve those videos to have them in your playlist.
Otherwise if you try to login with only one account and upload all videos there, you will hit limits really soon.
