iOS: Data Driven Drilldown Reference App - ios

I'm looking to create a reference app for iOS that drills-down through categories to display a Detail viewcontroller containing the topic information.
I've been studying Xcode for a while but can't quite find the advice I need to focus my study in this area.
The drill-down will be, at most, 5 levels. What is the best database technology to use for something quite low level?
What should I be targeting in my searches to find tutorials that can help me in this specific area?

Use Core Data backed by a SQL or XML repository. Many tutorials on the Apple sites as well as other sites.


How to show tabular data in a nice and practical way

My iOS app is a mobile version of a management program I had developed for a company as a desktop application. So its main tasks are saving data in a database and retrieve them when needed with the option to edit them. So I guess that the GUI is mainly composed by forms to fill in and tables to show data. So I am asking you if you could link me some tutorials or give me some tips on how to realize them in a nice way but not too complex. I'd rather avoid simply creating a blank view controller and inserting labels and text fields without a minimum of criterion. I am very new to iOS and XCode and, as I have not too much time, I am asking directly your opinion instead of spending hours in looking for tutorials.
I mean that I would like to get something similar, for a mobile iOS device, to the following screenshots (from the desktop application I mentioned above)
Seems that you need a grid control to do it.
You can develop your own, or use existing library.
I have very good work experience with Infragistic, but maybe DataForm from Telerik will be better in your case

Basics of simple text data collection iOS apps. Where is the data stored?

I'm trying to inch my way towards building a data collection app for a specific application. Eventually I want to have drop-down and manual text entries, building a dataset that I can export as a CSV and manipulate further in Excel.
I've used some apps like Fulcrum, but eventually I'd like to add some more functionality to the app. Basically I'm trying to figure out how these apps are storing the entered data, then pushing it to a server when internet access is available. What are some general options that I should explore to do this magic?
Thank you!
You can store data with Core Data, you can use the native API's and methods or external libraries which will make a lot easier all the work, such as Magical Record and more.
If you want native I recommend you AppCoda tutorials, you need to do a lot of research to start with core data.
And also you can use an external library to store this info into a server or in the cloud.
I've heard Parse is great.
Hope it helps.

iOS app structure

I am very new to iOS and is hoping someone with experience will be able to provide me with some insight into the program structure/architecture of an iOS app which sells books. For instance the News stand application.
Are those books additional programs which run 'outside' the newsstand app or are they modules which are loaded inside the parent app? And how would you reference them inside the appstore?
I would like to build a bookshelf for some books. Each book are built using Cocos2D (works like a game) and needs to be sold individually, but they also need to 'belong' to my bookshelf. The bookshelf will need to manage i.e. 'save, edit, delete' all books previously downloaded etc.
Would anyone be able to provide some guidance? Since I don't understand the architecture, I also have no idea where to start my search.
Many thanks!
I think you should break down your problem into small parts or modules.
First make learn about cocos2d.Then search about UICollectionView to make shelf like view.Then
integrate UICollectionView into Cocos2d.
For UICollectionView read This
and also look at This Tutorial
To save the books, you can use NSUserDefaults. Would you actually be getting actual books or would you be making your own? You can look up thenewboston on YouTube and learn how to actually make simple apps.

Creating simple database for iOS application

I'm planing to create an app for iOS which will be kind of informative application for public transport in my city. People will enter street name from where they want to get public transport and will get list of buses and minivans, which are traveling by that street.
My problem is that I'm just started developing for iOS and want to find easy method to create a database/table with simple information as streets name and bus numbers that will connected with those streets.
So basically I need to create database/table and an search-box which will be connected to that database.
From where I need to start? Thanks.
p.s. - sorry for my bad english ;)
SQLite is quite popular and supplied by Apple. This lets you manage your table, and allows most standard SQL queries. You can also link to Core Data if you want to treat your data as objects.
See the Apple overview
There are many tutorials to build a simple app with a table view using SQLite, e.g. here or here
I found the Stanford University videos a good way to learn this stuff, e.g. here on YouTube or there are later versions available in iTunes U.
Yep, for an on-phone database SQLite is the way to go for a full-featured database, or Core Data if you want some "hand holding". And, of course, if you don't need persistence you can make a pretty good database simply using NSMutableDictionary and maybe a few custom classes.
Learn to use CoreData. Its not there to "hand hold" you, its there to provide a complex and optimized ORM interface for the underlying SQLite database-- there are a number of optimizations implemented to improve efficiency. You could pick it up in a night following tutorials and online instructions.

Best way to graph some data

I am wanting to display a line graph with details containing wind speed/gust/lulls etc for out local club paragliding app I am making. wondering what the best way to go about it with is?
The current data is just on the web so something similar that I can pinch zoom maybe:
Willy weather has an awesome app that display very nicely, anyone know what they might have used to make it so? the web is very similar to their iPHone app:
after looking around at various 3rd party's, i'm using Core Plot :-)
I've put together a really simple class for displaying line graphs, check it out at
Perhaps rotate the phone for the graph view then swipe up and down to go between the different metrics you wish to show?
There are various third party graphing libraries for iOS. I looked into CorePlot a while back, but did not end up needing it. It looked full-featured, although I've seen posts that it is rather complex and involved to use.
