In a new install, I'm getting the following warning on OSX 10.8.3, after installing and confirming that JAVA 7 is the default:
MacBook-Pro:neo4j-community-1.9 roy$ bin/neo4j start
WARNING! You are using an unsupported version of the Java runtime. Please use Oracle(R)
Java(TM) Runtime Environment 7.
Starting Neo4j Server...WARNING: not changing user
process [1959]... waiting for server to be ready.... OK.
Go to http://localhost:7474/webadmin/ for administration interface.
I am unable to CREATE nodes, or anything else at this time.
Any pointers most appreciated!
I faced the same problem. I edited the utils file in the bin folder of Neo4j by changing the JAVA_HOME to reflect the latest Java installed and the JAVACMD variable to $JAVA_HOME/Commands/java instead of $JAVA_HOME/bin/java. After this I no longer got the unsupported Java version warning.
I have a fresh install of RHEL 8.4 running neo4j 3.5.28, and when I attempt to run neo4j-admin load --from=<file> I get the following error:
Unsupported OS/arch, cannot find /linux/amd64/ or load zstd-jni from system libraries. Please try building from source the jar or providing libzstd-jni in you system.
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
at com.github.luben.zstd.util.Native.load(
at com.github.luben.zstd.util.Native.load(
at com.github.luben.zstd.ZstdInputStream.<clinit>(
at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.CompressionFormat$2.decompress(
at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.Loader.openArchiveIn(
at org.neo4j.dbms.archive.Loader.load(
at org.neo4j.commandline.dbms.LoadCommand.load(
at org.neo4j.commandline.dbms.LoadCommand.execute(
at org.neo4j.commandline.admin.AdminTool.execute(
at org.neo4j.commandline.admin.AdminTool.main(
I've been able to replicate this across multiple fresh servers, but not on centos 8 oddly. Any help would be appreciated.
Turns out our admin had the /var/tmp and /tmp directories set to have the noexec flag. Removing this flag allowed the import to work without a problem.
I am getting the below error when I run net start thingsboard
A system error has occurred.
System error 1067 has occurred.
The process terminated unexpectedly.
Problem was with windows service java wrapper
I was able to run thingsboard from command line with out using service wrapper using below command :
SET BASE=C:\thingsboard
SET LOADER_PATH=%BASE%\conf,%BASE%\extensions
SET jarfile=%BASE%\lib\thingsboard.jar
SET installDir=%BASE%\data
java -jar thingsboard.jar
I had same Problem that I solved by giving correct path of java in
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System\Advanced system settings\Advanced\Environmental Variables\System variables
In system variable select Path and click on Edit and give your java version path
for example mine is:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_172\bin
if this is not working check whether multiple java versions are available or not.
there should not be multiple java path in Environment Variables if its there delete others and let only correct path
When trying to start a project (./grailsw run-app) for the first time with the latest version of the database-migration plugin, it fails with the following error:
Error Compilation error: startup failed:
[..]/work/plugins/database-migration-1.3.8/src/groovy/grails/plugin/databasemigration/GormDatabaseSnapshotGenerator.groovy: 48: You cannot create an instance from the abstract class 'liquibase.snapshot.DatabaseSnapshot'.
# line 48, column 31.
DatabaseSnapshot snapshot = new DatabaseSnapshot(db, requestedSchema)
I'm using java7 on OSX:
$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
This seems vaguely familiar to me; I was able to find random references to other projects in 2009-2011 about this. Nothing current; and nothing found in the specific plugin's issue tracker. I'd ask there but I expect this is a fairly standard issue, not related to the specific grails plugin.
A peer is using java6. I went back to java6 (apple(tm) version), ran ./gradlew --refresh-dependencies run-app and got the same thing.
Looks like liquibase made that class abstract in v3
However, the plugin looks like it should be using v2.0.5
So as far as I can see, for v2.0.5 it should be ok?
Unless you've added a dependency to liquibase v3?
When you install 1.9.4 using the new Windows installer, from where does one launch the Neo4j-Shell (previously found in bin)?
The neo4j-shell isn't currently shipping with the neo4j desktop but you can launch it by running the following command from 'C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\' (or equivalent location:):
jre\bin\java -classpath bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar
I'm not sure whether there are plans to include it in the next release, I'll check.
You can uninstall your neo4j windowns instalation version, so you can download an zip file with contains the neo4j binary version for Windows at Using this version, you can find the bin, conf and lib folder. Besides that, you can find the Neo4jShell.bat. This file is the shell.
I believe the stand alone Neo4j-Shell isn't included in the installer for 1.9.4, but there is the Power tool console in the web interface, and you can also use the shell from the 1.8.3 package. I have no idea if it's supported though, but it seems to work.
For future googlers who end up here, there is a cypher shell at <neo4_dir>\bin\cypher-shell.bat. Neo4j-CE-3.1.0
I have recently started to work with grails. I was able to create applications and generate stuff. Yesterday I wanted to resume my work, after a little break and ran into the following error, when trying to create a new project:
Command terminated with an exception:
org.grails.ide.eclipse.longrunning.client.GrailsProcessDiedException: Grails process died
(see details for partial output)
Grails process died
This error only occurs when I use the SpringSourceTool, if I try using the command line it works fine. My first reaction was to change the java version from 1.8 to 1.7, but that didn't help. My environment variables look like this (I am running Fedora Linux 19)
They are also included in the PATH variable.
Can anybody help? Thanks, Peer
This is a known issue in STS:
A work-around is provided in the link.
For anyone pulling their hair out trying to create a grails project using the STS extension for Grails, here is my setup and following is what I did to get it working:
-- OSX 10.8.4 Build 12E3067 --
-- STS Version 3.4.0 --
-- Grails 2.3.3 (installed separately to STS) --
Fresh installed STS 3.4.0
I *de*selected the Preferences/Groovy/Compiler/Enable checking for mismatches between
project and workspace Groovy compiler levels
I ONLY selected the Grails Support option when installing the extensions (nothing else)
Restart STS 3.4.0 (i.e. restart eclipse)
I then pointed my Grails project to my existing Grails 2.3.3 installation
Make sure that the environment variable GRAILS_HOME is set and exported in the same
shell from which you invoke STS otherwise you will get a process termination error in
Eclipse (STS)
This worked.