Redis Capped Sorted Set, List, or Queue? - lua

Has anyone implemented a capped data-structure of any kind in Redis? I'm working on building something like a news feed. The feed will wind up being manipulated and read from very frequently, and holding it in a sorted set in Redis would be cheap and perfect for my use case. The only issue is I only ever need n items per feed, and I'm worried about memory overflow, so I'd like to ensure each feed never gets above n items. It seems pretty trivial to make a capped sorted collection in Redis with Lua:
redis-cli EVAL "$(cat update_feed.lua)" 1 feeds:some_feed "thing_to_add", n
Where update_feed.lua looks something like (without testing it):'ZADD', KEYS[1], os.time(), ARGV[1])
local num ='ZCARD', KEYS[1])
if num > ARGV[2]:'ZREMRANGEBYRANK', KEYS[1], -n, -inf)
That's not bad at all, and pretty cheap, but it seems like such a basic thing that could be doable much more cheaply by instantiating the sorted set with only n buckets to begin with. I can't find a way to do that in redis, so I guess my question is: did I miss something, and if I didn't, why is there no structure for this in redis, even if it just ran the basic Lua script I described, it seems like it would be a typical enough use-case that it ought to be implemented as an option for redis data structures?

You can use LTRIM if it is a list.
Excerpt from the documentation.
LPUSH mylist someelement
LTRIM mylist 0 99
This pair of commands will push a new element on the list, while making sure that the list will not grow larger than 100 elements. This is very useful when using Redis to store logs for example. It is important to note that when used in this way LTRIM is an O(1) operation because in the average case just one element is removed from the tail of the list.

I use sorted sets myself for this. I too thought about using lists, but then I found that manipulating the INSIDE of a list is fairly expensive -- O(n) -- while manipulating the inside of a sorted set is O(log n).
That's what sealed the deal for me--will you ever be manipulating the inside of the set? If so, stick with sorted sets and just flush the oldest whenever you have to, just like you were thinking.


How to efficiently extract all values in a large master table that start with a specified string

I'm designing the UI for a Lua program, one element of which requires the user to either select an existing value from a master table or create a new value in that table.
I would normally use an IUP list with EDITBOX = "YES".
However, the number of items that the user can select may run into many hundreds or possibly thousands, and the performance when populating the list in iup (and also selecting from it) is unacceptably slow. I cannot control the number of items in the table.
My current thinking is to create a list with an editbox, but without any values. As the user types into the editbox (after perhaps 2-3 characters) the list would populate with the subset of table items that start with the characters typed. The user could then select an item from the list or keep typing to narrow the options or create a new item.
For this to work, I need to be able to create a new table with the items from the master table that start with the entered characters.
One option would be to iterate through the master table using the Penlight 'startswith' function to create the new table:
require "pl.init"
local subtable = {} --empty result table
local startstring = "xyz" -- will actually be set by the iup control
for _, v in ipairs (mastertable) do
if stringx.startswith(v, startstring) then
However, I'm worried about the performance of doing that if the master table is huge. Is there a more efficient way to code this, or a different way I could implement the UI?
There are various approaches you can take to improve the big-O performance of your prefix search, at the cost of increased code complexity; that said, given the size of your dataset (thousands of items) and the intended use (triggered by user interaction, rather than e.g. game logic that needs to run every frame), I think a simple linear search over the options is almost certainly going to be fast enough.
To test this theory, I timed the following code:
local dict = {}
for word in io.lines('/usr/share/dict/words') do
table.insert(dict, word)
local matched = {}
local search = "^" .. (...)
for _,word in ipairs(dict) do
if word:match(search) then
table.insert(matched, word)
print('Found '..#matched..' words.')
I used /usr/bin/time -v and tried it with both lua 5.2 and luaJIT.
Note that this is fairly pessimistic compared to your code:
no attempt made to localize library functions that are repeatedly called, or use # instead of table.insert
timing includes not just the search but also the cost of loading the dictionary into memory in the first place
string.match is almost certainly slower than stringx.startswith
dictionary contains ~100k entries rather than the "hundreds to thousands" you expect in your application
Even with all those caveats, it costs 50-100ms in lua5.2 and 30-50ms in luaJIT, over 50 runs.
If I use os.clock() to time the actual search, it consistently costs about 10ms in lua5.2 and 3-4 in luajit.
Now, this is on a fairly fast laptop (Core i7), but also non-optimized code running on a dataset 10-100x larger than you expect to process; given that, I suspect that the naïve approach of just looping over the entries calling startswith will be plenty fast for your purposes, and result in code that's significantly simpler and easier to debug.

Why is splitting a Rust's std::collections::LinkedList O(n)?

The .split_off method on std::collections::LinkedList is described as having a O(n) time complexity. From the (docs):
pub fn split_off(&mut self, at: usize) -> LinkedList<T>
Splits the list into two at the given index. Returns everything after the given index, including the index.
This operation should compute in O(n) time.
Why not O(1)?
I know that linked lists are not trivial in Rust. There are several resources going into the how's and why's like this book and this article among several others, but I haven't got the chance to dive into those or the standard library's source code yet.
Is there a concise explanation about the extra work needed when splitting a linked list in (safe) Rust?
Is this the only way? And if not why was this implementation chosen?
The method LinkedList::split_off(&mut self, at: usize) first has to traverse the list from the start (or the end) to the position at, which takes O(min(at, n - at)) time. The actual split off is a constant time operation (as you said). And since this min() expression is confusing, we just replace it by n which is legal. Thus: O(n).
Why was the method designed like that? The problem goes deeper than this particular method: most of the LinkedList API in the standard library is not really useful.
Due to its cache unfriendliness, a linked list is often a bad choice to store sequential data. But linked lists have a few nice properties which make them the best data structure for a few, rare situations. These nice properties include:
Inserting an element in the middle in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Removing an element from the middle in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Splitting the list into two lists at an arbitrary position in O(1), if you already have a pointer to that position
Notice anything? The linked list is designed for situations where you already have a pointer to the position that you want to do stuff at.
Rust's LinkedList, like many others, just store a pointer to the start and end. To have a pointer to an element inside the linked list, you need something like an Iterator. In our case, that's IterMut. An iterator over a collection can function like a pointer to a specific element and can be advanced carefully (i.e. not with a for loop). And in fact, there is IterMut::insert_next which allows you to insert an element in the middle of the list in O(1). Hurray!
But this method is unstable. And methods to remove the current element or to split the list off at that position are missing. Why? Because of the vicious circle that is:
LinkedList lacks almost all features that make linked lists useful at all
Thus (nearly) everyone recommends not to use it
Thus (nearly) no one uses LinkedList
Thus (nearly) no one cares about improving it
Goto 1
Please note that are a few brave souls occasionally trying to improve the situations. There is the tracking issue about insert_next, where people argue that Iterator might be the wrong concept to perform these O(1) operations and that we want something like a "cursor" instead. And here someone suggested a bunch of methods to be added to IterMut (including cut!).
Now someone just has to write a nice RFC and someone needs to implement it. Maybe then LinkedList won't be nearly useless anymore.
Edit 2018-10-25: someone did write an RFC. Let's hope for the best!
Edit 2019-02-21: the RFC was accepted! Tracking issue.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, but in a linked list, the links of each node have to be followed to proceed to the next node. If you want to get to the third node, you start at the first, follow its link to the second, then finally arrive at the third.
This traversal's complexity is proportional to the target node index n because n nodes are processed/traversed, so it's a linear O(n) operation, not a constant time O(1) operation. The part where the list is "split off" is of course constant time, but the overall split operation's complexity is dominated by the dominant term O(n) incurred by getting to the split-off point node before the split can even be made.
One way in which it could be O(1) would be if a pointer existed to the node after which the list is split off, but that is different from specifying a target node index. Alternatively, an index could be kept mapping the node index to the corresponding node pointer, but it would be extra space and processing overhead in keeping the index updated in sync with list operations.
pub fn split_off(&mut self, at: usize) -> LinkedList<T>
Splits the list into two at the given index. Returns everything after the given index, including the index.
This operation should compute in O(n) time.
The documentation is either:
unclear, if n is supposed to be the index,
pessimistic, if n is supposed to be the length of the list (the usual meaning).
The proper complexity, as can be seen in the implementation, is O(min(at, n - at)) (whichever is smaller). Since at must be smaller than n, the documentation is correct that O(n) is a bound on the complexity (reached for at = n / 2), however such a large bound is unhelpful.
That is, the fact that list.split_off(5) takes the same time if list.len() is 10 or 1,000,000 is quite important!
As to why this complexity, this is an inherent consequence of the structure of doubly-linked list. There is no O(1) indexing operation in a linked-list, after all. The operation implemented in C, C++, C#, D, F#, ... would have the exact same complexity.
Note: I encourage you to write a pseudo-code implementation of a linked-list with the split_off operation; you'll realize this is the best you can get without altering the data-structure to be something else.

HHVM staticly typing lookup tables and keeping them fully cached in RAM

I'm doing scientific research, processing through millions of combinations of multi-megabyte arrays.
For you to be capable of answering this question you will need to have knowledge/experience of all of the following
how HHVM is able to cache data structures in RAM between requests
how to tell HHVM data structures will be constant
how to declare array index and value types
I need to process the entire arrays, so it's a lot of data to be loaded and processed. (millions of requests within minutes on a LAN). The faster I can complete requests the quicker I can complete my work. If HHVM has to do work loading this data on each request, it accounts for a significant fraction of the time to complete the request (sometimes more than half, it depends on the complexity of the analysis I'm doing at the time).
I have found a method that has allowed me to keep these data structures cached in RAM (no loading from files, interpreting code, pushing to the array hundreds of thousands of times for no reason, no pointless repetitive unserialize etc), and thus I have eliminated this massive measurable delay.
I have 3 questions regarding how I can make this even faster:
Is the way I'm doing it now creating a global scope penalty?
How can I declare my arrays as constant and tell HHVM what data types to expect?
If I declare my arrays as constant is it even necessary to declare the types for HHVM?
Instead of using nested arrays, if I use 3 separate data structures ImmVector, PackedArray, or define a class would it be faster?
Keep in mind that anything that prevents HHVM from caching the data structure in RAM between requests should be regarded as unacceptable.
$data = [
["uuid (20 chars)", 5336, 7373],
["uuid (20 chars)", 5336, 7373],
#more lines as above
Some of these files are many MB in size and there are a lot of them
function main() {
require /path/to/Lookuptable35543.php;
#(Do stuff with $data)
This is working quite well, as Main.php gets thousands of requests, in a short period of time, HHVM keeps Lookuptable.php's data structure in memory. Avoiding pointless processing and IO, as it just sits in RAM, ready for use. (I have more than enough RAM)
Unfortunately, the only way I know how to make HHVM hold the lookup table in RAM is, I set $data in the global scope inside my lookup####.php file (then require the lookup file into a function in the data processing file: Main.php)? This way HHVM doesnt bother loading the file or re executing the code to create $data, because it can see that $data can be determined at compile time, and it will not ever change during runtime. This works but I dont know if there is a penalty from having the $data exist in the lookup###.php file's global scope. (Or maybe its not global at all because it is required into main.php's function?)
What if I return $data from a function inside Lookup.php and call that function from Main.php like this
Would the HHVM JIT the result of getData() in RAM?
Somehow I associate functions with unpredictability... but maybe HHVM is clever enough to know that the functions result can be determined at compile time, and never changes?
I can't put the lookup table inside Main.php because I require different lookup tables based on the type of request.
Is there a way I can tell HHVM that my outer array will always have an integer index that never changes, and the values of the outer array will always be an array?
Perhaps I need to use ImmVector?
Then is there a way to tell HHVM that my inner array will always be a fixed length string followed by 2 integers, always, no extra elements, contents never changes?
I'd prefer not to use OO or create a class. How can I declare types, procedural style?
If a class is absolutely necessary can you please give example code suitable for my requirements above?
Will it be faster if I dont nest arrays?
I just realized I could have one array with integer index and values of fixed length string. Then a 2nd array with integer index and integer values, and a 3rd one with integer index and integer values.
If you're not familiar with this HHVM caching technique please do not waste mutual time suggesting a database, redis, APC, unserialize, etc. The fastest is for HHVM to just keep my various $data variables in RAM. Even unserializing $data from a ramdisk file is slow, because then the entire data structure must be parsed as a string and converted into a data structure in memory for every request. APC has the same problem as far as i know. I dont want to even have to copy $data. The lookup tables are immutable, read only. They must just stay fully structured in RAM. My current caching solution (at the top of this question) has already given me huge gains, but as per my 3 questions I think there may be more gains to be had?
Incase you're wondering, I have measured the latency of various data loading or caching methods.
Now I basically want to keep the caching situation I have, but give the HHVM JIT maximum confidence about how to type my data, so it can save time not running type or even bound (array size) checks.
Ok so nobody has been able to give me any code examples yet, so I'm just trying stuff out.
Here's what I've found out so far.
const arrays don't work yet in HHVM. const foo = ['uuid1',43,43];
throws an error about HHVM only supporting constants with scalar values.
Vector with Array values: I don't know how it will perform yet... I expect it will be better than a normal array. This is valid HH code.
This is progress, because HHVM should be able to cache this in the same way, HHVM knows this whole structure is constant, and HHVM knows the indexes are all integers.
What I'm still not entirely happy about with this structure is this:
Consider this code
for ($n=0;$n<count($iv);++$n) if ($x > $iv[$n][1]) dosomething();
Will HHVM perform a type check on $if[$n][2] on every loop iteration?
In my definition of $iv above, there is nothing that says the 2nd element of the inner array will be an integer.
How can I improve on this?
Can disabling the type checker be of any use? Does this only hide errors from the external type checker, or does it prevent HHVM from constantly doing type checks? (I'm thinking it's the first thing)
Perhaps if I could make my own user-defined type that would solve the problem?
#I don't know what mechanisms for UDT's exist, so this code is made-up
CreateUDT foo = <string,int,int>;
$iv = ImmVector<foo> {
I found a reference to this at Hack Collections Literal Syntax Vector<Foo> unfortunately it might not be available to use yet.
I'm a software engineer at Facebook working on HHVM.
This entire question reeks of premature optimization to me. Have you done profiling and determined that loading this array is actually a bottleneck for your app? (Not just microbenchmarks, but how it actually affects the performance, latency, RPS, etc of realistic pageloads.) And also isolated from other effects, e.g., if this array is a cache or some sort of precomputed data, you need to isolate the win of precomputing the data from the actual time to load it by caching it in various different ways.
In general, HHVM is very good at dealing with arrays, since they are so hot in nearly every codepath -- and in particular at constant arrays like this one. To your questions about how to inform it of the shape and types of things in the arrays, HHVM can figure that all out for itself, and is very good at doing so on constant arrays composed entirely of constants. (And the ways it thinks about arrays aren't quite the ways you think about arrays, so it can probably do a better job anyway!) Basically, unless profiling says this is actually a hotspot -- which I'm pretty skeptical of -- I wouldn't worry too much about it. A couple general notes to be aware of:
Measure every performance diff. Don't prematurely optimize -- use profiling to guide. The developer productivity lost by premature optimizations getting in the way can be lethal.
Get things out of toplevel ("pseudomains") as much as possible. A function which returns a static or constant array should be just fine, and will in general help HHVM optimize code even better.
Avoid references as much as possible, especially in this array if you care about performance so much.
You probably should look into repo authoritiative mode which can help HHVM optimize lots of things even more -- but in particular for this case, the more aggressive inlining that repo auth mode can do might be a win.
Edit, aside:
because then the entire data structure must be parsed as a string and converted into a data structure in memory for every request. APC has the same problem as far as i know
This is exactly what I mean by premature optimization: you're rejecting APC without even trying it, even if it might be a cleaner way of doing what you want. It turns out that, in most cases, HHVM actually can optimize away the serialization/deserialization of storing arrays in APC, particularly if they are constant arrays that are never modified. As above, HHVM is very good at optimizing lots of common patterns. Just write code that's clean, profile it, and fix the hotspots.
Okay I've solved my first question.
I don't have any global scope issues. My require is being done from inside function main(), so it's as if the code from lookuptable####.php is being inserted into function main().
HHVM docs: "If the include occurs inside a function..."
Basically if you were to open lookuptable####.php it looks like the code is in global scope, but that's not the file that is being requested from hhvm. main.php is the one being requested, thus there is no code in global scope.
I think I've answered my 2nd question, it's currently at the bottom of my question. I'm not 100% convinced, but I'm pretty happy to move ahead and test it.

Lua tables: performance hit for starting array indexing at 0?

I'm porting FFT code from Java to Lua, and I'm starting to worry a bit about the fact that in Lua the array part of a table starts indexing at 1 while in Java array indexing starts at 0.
For the input array this causes no problem because the Java code is set up to handle the possibility that the data under consideration is not located at the start of the array. However, all of the working arrays internal to the code are assumed to starting indexing at 0. I know that the code will work as written -- Lua tables are awesome like that -- but I have no sense at all about the performance hit I might incur by having the "0" element of the array going into the hash table part of the underlying C structure (or indeed, if that is what will happen).
My question: is this something worth worrying about? Should I be planning to profile and hand-optimize the code? (The code will eventually be used to transform many relatively small (> 100 time points) signals of varying lengths not known in advance.)
I have made small, probably not that reliable, test:
local arr = {}
for i=0,10000000 do
arr[i] = i*2
for k, v in pairs(arr) do
arr[k] = v*v
And similar version with 1 as the first index. On my system:
$ time lua example0.lua
real 2.003s
$ time lua example1.lua
real 2.014s
I was also interested how table.insert will perform
for i=1,10000000 do
table.insert(arr, 2*i)
and, suprisingly
$ time lua example2.lua
real 6.012s
Of course, it depends on what system you're running it, probably also whic lua version, but it seems that it makes little to no difference between zero-start and one-start. Bigger difference is caused by the way you insert things to array.
I think the correct answer in this case is changing the algorithm so that everything is indexed with 1. And consider that part of the conversion.
Your FFT will be less surprising to another Lua user (like me), given that all "array-like" tables are indexed by one.
It might not be as stressful as you might think, given the way numeric loops are structured in Lua (where the "start" and the "end" are "inclusive"). You would be exchanging this:
for i=0,#array-1 do
... (do stuff with i)
By this:
for i=1,#array do
... (do stuff with i)
The non-numeric loops would remain unchanged (except that you will be able to use ipairs too, if you so desire).

Using ets:foldl as a poor man's forEach on every record

Short version: is it safe to use ets:foldl to delete every ETS record as one is iterating through them?
Suppose an ETS table is accumulating information and now it's time to process it all. A record is read from the table, used in some way, then deleted. (Also, assume the table is private, so no concurrency issues.)
In another language, with a similar data structure, you might use a for...each loop, processing every record and then deleting it from the hash/dict/map/whatever. However, the ets module does not have foreach as e.g. lists does.
But this might work:
1> ets:new(ex, [named_table]).
2> ets:insert(ex, {alice, "high"}).
3> ets:insert(ex, {bob, "medium"}).
4> ets:insert(ex, {charlie, "low"}).
5> ets:foldl(fun({Name, Adjective}, DontCare) ->
io:format("~p has a ~p opinion of you~n", [Name, Adjective]),
ets:delete(ex, Name),
end, notused, ex).
bob has a "medium" opinion of you
alice has a "high" opinion of you
charlie has a "low" opinion of you
6> ets:info(ex).
7> ets:lookup(ex, bob).
Is this the preferred approach? Is it at least correct and bug-free?
I have a general concern about modifying a data structure while processing it, however the ets:foldl documentation implies that ETS is pretty comfortable with you modifying records inside foldl. Since I am essentially wiping the table clean, I want to be sure.
I am using Erlang R14B with a set table however I'd like to know if there are any caveats with any Erlang version, or any type of table as well. Thanks!
Your approach is safe. The reason it is safe is that ets:foldl/3 internally use ets:first/1, ets:next/2 and ets:safe_fixtable/2. These have the guarantee you want, namely that you can kill elements and still get the full traverse. See the CONCURRENCY section of erl -man ets.
For your removal of all elements from the table, there is a simpler one-liner however:
ets:match_delete(ex, '_').
although it doesn't work should you want to do the IO-formatting for each row in which case your approach with foldl is probably easier.
For cases like this we will alternate between two tables or just create a new table every time we start processing. When we want to start a processing cycle we switch the writers to start using the alternate or new table, then we do our processing and clear or delete the old table.
We do this because there might otherwise be concurrent updates to a tuple that we might miss. We're working with high frequency concurrent counters when we use this technique.
