Add Time to a TDateTime - delphi

I would like to add seconds to a TDateTime variable, so that the result is the top of the minute. For example, if it's 08:30:25, I want change the TDateTime variable to store 08:31:00.
I see that TDateTime has a Decode function, which I could use. There isn't, however, an encode function to put the altered time back into a TDateTime variable.

Using DateUtils it's possible to do it like this:
Seconds : Word;
Seconds := SecondOfTheMinute(MyTime); // Seconds from last whole minute
// Seconds := SecondOf(MyTime); is equivalent to SecondOfTheMinute()
if (Seconds > 0) then
MyTime := IncSecond(MyTime,60 - Seconds);

There sure is, at least in the recent versions - see the DateUtils unit, especially all the Recode* routines and EncodeDateTime. The DateUtils unit is already available in Delphi 2010, perhaps even in earlier version.

The TDateTime data type represents number of days since 30 Dec 1899 as a real number. That is, the integral part of TDateTime is an amount of whole days, and the fractional part represents a time of day.
Therefore, your problem could be solved using simple arithmetics:
Days: TDateTime;
Mins: Extended; { widen TDateTime's mantissa by 11 bits to accommodate division error }
Days := Date + StrToTime('08:30:25');
Mins := Days * 24 * 60 ; // compute minutes
Mins := Math.Ceil(Mins); // round them up
Days := Mins / (24 * 60); // and back to days
{ or as simple and concise expression as: }
// Days := Ceil(Days * MinsPerDay) / MinsPerDay;


I want to calculate the difference in hours between two times. What components should i use: DateTimepickers or ComboBoxes

Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word;
DecodeTime(ComboBox1-ComboBox2, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
This is the code but it keeps getting errors?
DecodeTime expects a TDateTime variable. ComboBox1 and ComboBox2 are components. Use TDateTimePicker and their DateTime properties. (Or possibly the Time property if that suits better).
To calculate the hours between both times, use DateUtils.HoursBetween instead of DecodeTime.
hourDiff := HoursBetween(DateTimePicker1.DateTime,DateTimePicker2.DateTime);

Convert Extended to Time

I need to convert extended values to time format. For example :
3.50 represents 00:03:50
62.02 represents 01:02:02
73.70 represents 01:14:10
I have tried the following function to convert the Hour and Minutes part but I don't have any idea on how to convert the Seconds' part.
function ConvertToTime(AValue: Extended): TDateTime;
Result:= EncodeTime(trunc(ArticleRec.Quantity) div 60,trunc(ArticleRec.Quantity) mod 60,0,0);
Thanking you in anticipation for your help.
The fractional part is obtained like this:
SecondsFrac: Double;
SecondsFrac := Frac(Value);
And then you can convert from a floating point fractional value in the range 0 to 1 to an integer in the range 0 to 100 like this:
Seconds: Integer;
Seconds := Round(SecondsFrac*100);
This is a pretty weird way to store time though. You have to deal with the fact that when Seconds >= 60 you need to increment the minutes, and decrement Seconds by 60.
I guess I'd do that by converting the time into seconds, and going from there:
function ConvertWeirdTimeFormatToSeconds(const Value: Double): Integer;
SecondsFrac: Double;
SecondsFrac := Frac(Value);
Result := Round(SecondsFrac*100) + Trunc(Value)*60;
You can then decode the seconds into distinct parts like this:
procedure DecodeSeconds(Value: Integer; out Hours, Minutes, Seconds: Integer);
Seconds := Value mod 60;
Value := Value div 60;
Minutes := Value mod 60;
Value := Value div 60;
Hours := Value;
Which makes me think it might be better to just store the time in an integer number seconds from midnight. It makes far more sense to use a standard format, in my view.
I see no reason to use Extended here, or indeed anywhere for that matter. It's a non-standard type that due to its strange size and consequent alignment issues tends to perform poorly. And it's only supported on x86.

Difference between 2 dates in Delphi 5

I want to be able to find the difference in seconds between two TDateTime variables in Delphi 5. In the later versions of delphi there are helper functions SecondsBetween to do this. Is there a better way to do this other than rolling my own (Finding the difference of the two variables as a double then converting them to seconds)?
Secs := Round(SecsPerMin * MinsPerHour * HoursPerDay * Abs(Time2 - Time1));
Here goes another way of doing the same. Tested in Delphi 5
Hour, Min, Sec, MSec: Word;
DecodeTime(datetime2-datetime1, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);

Subtracting Delphi Time Ranges from a Date Range, Calculate Remaining Time

I'm looking for an algorithm that will help calculate a workday working time length. It would have an input date range and then allow subtracting partially or completely intersecting time range slices from that date range and the result would be the number of minutes (or the fraction/multiple of a day) left in the original date range, after subtracting out the various non-working time slices.
For Example:
Input date range: 1/4/2010 11:21 am - 1/5/2010 3:00 pm
Subtract out any partially or completely intersecting slices like this:
Remove all day Sunday
Non-Sundays remove 11:00 - 12:00
Non-Sundays remove time after 5:00 pm
Non-Sundays remove time before 8:00 am
Non-Sundays remove time 9:15 - 9:30 am
Output: # of minutes left in the input date range
I don't need anything overly-general. I could hardcode the rules to simplify the code. If anyone knows of sample code or a library/function somewhere, or has some pseudo-code ideas, I'd love something to start with. I didn't see anything in DateUtils, for example. Even a basic function that calculates the number of minutes of overlap in two date ranges to subtract out would be a good start.
Interesting requirements... But not so hard to achieve in a "hardcoded" way.
Math, DateUtils;
function TimeRangeOverlap(Range1Start, Range1Finish, Range2Start, Range2Finish : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
Result := Max(Min(Range1Finish, Range2Finish) - Max(Range1Start, Range2Start), 0);
function TotalTime(Start, Finish : TDateTime) : TDateTime;
var DayStart, DayFinish : TDateTime;
I : Integer;
Result := 0;
for I := Floor(Start) to Floor(Finish) do //For each day in range;
if DayOfWeek(I) = 1 then CONTINUE; //Remove all sundays.
DayStart := Max(Start, I); //Midnight on the start of the day, except on the first day;
DayFinish := Min(Finish, I + 1 - OneMillisecond); //Midnight minus 1 msec of the following day.
Result := Result + DayFinish - DayStart;
//Adjustment part
Result := Result - TimeRangeOverlap(DayStart, DayFinish, I + EncodeTime(11,00,00,00), I + EncodeTime(12,00,00,00)); //Remove time between 11:00 and 12:00
Result := Result - TimeRangeOverlap(DayStart, DayFinish, I + EncodeTime(17,00,00,00), I + 1); //Remove time after 5:00 PM
Result := Result - TimeRangeOverlap(DayStart, DayFinish, I , I + EncodeTime(8,00,00,00)); //Remove time after 8:00 AM
Result := Result - TimeRangeOverlap(DayStart, DayFinish, I + EncodeTime(9,15,00,00), I + EncodeTime(9,30,00,00)); //Remove time between 9:15 and 9:30
Simply use the routines in DateUtils and elsewhere to implement the rules you yourself describe.
If you want an idea to get you started, off the cuff I'd suggest calculating the minutes in your input range (remembering that a TDateTime value is a floating point where the integral value is the number of days and the fractional part is a portion of a day) then incrementing thru the range and for each integer step (day) subtract the appropriate number of minutes for that day from the total based on your rules and the start/end-time of the first/last days in the range when those days are encountered in the range (intervening days being of course complete 24 hour periods).
Really to provide any more detailed "outline" one might as well implement the complete routine for you, which I might do if I had more time, which sadly I don't right now.

Change today's date, advancing one month and setting the systemtime

I would like a code sample for a function that takes a tDateTime and an integer as input and sets the system time using setlocaltime after advancing that tDateTime by (int) months. The time should stay the same.
pseudo code example
The issues I'm running into are rather frustrating. I cannot use incmonth or similar with a tDateTime, only a tDate, etc.
Below is a complete command-line program that works for me. Tested in Delphi 5 and 2007. Why do you say IncMonth does not work for TDateTime?
program OneMonth;
procedure SetLocalSystemTime(settotime: TDateTime);
SystemTime : TSystemTime;
//tell windows that the time changed
except on E:Exception do
Writeln(E.Classname, ': ', E.Message);
IncMonth should work with a TDateTime:
function IncMonth ( const StartDate : TDateTime {; NumberOfMonths : Integer = 1} ) : TDateTime;
Keep in mind a TDate is really just a TDateTime that by convention your ignore the fraction on.
Based on your pseudocode:
procedure SetNewTime(aDateTime: TDateTime; aMonths: Integer);
lSystemTime: TSystemTime;
DateTimeToSystemTime(aDateTime, lSystemTime);
Inc(lSystemTime.wMonth, aMonths);
setSystemTime uses UTC time, so you have to adjust for your time zone. The bias is the number of minutes your machine's timezone differs from UTC. This adjusts the date properly on my system:
procedure SetNewTime(aDateTime: TDateTime; aMonths: Integer);
lSystemTime: TSystemTime;
lTimeZone: TTimeZoneInformation;
aDateTime := aDateTime + (lTimeZone.Bias / 1440);
DateTimeToSystemTime(aDateTime, lSystemTime);
Inc(lSystemTime.wMonth, aMonths);
There isn't enough information to provide a definitive answer to your question.
Consider what you would want to happen if the day of the current month doesn't exist in your future month. Say, January 31 + 1 month. (7 months of the year have 31 days and the rest have fewer.) You have the same problem if you increment the year and the starting date is February 29 on a leap year. So there can't be a universal IncMonth or IncYear function that will work consistantly on all dates.
For anyone interested, I heartily recommend Julian Bucknall's article on the complexities that are inherent in this type of calculation
on how to calculate the number of months and days between two dates.
The following is the only generic date increment functions possible that do not introduce anomolies into generic date math. But it only accomplishes this by shifting the responsibility back onto the programmer who presumably has the exact requirements of the specific application he/she is programming.
IncDay - Add a or subtract a number of days.
IncWeek - Add or subtract a number of weeks.
But if you must use the built in functions then at least be sure that they do what you want them to do. Have a look at the DateUtils and SysUtils units. Having the source code to these functions is one of the coolest aspects of Delphi. Having said that, here is the complete list of built in functions:
IncDay - Add a or subtract a number of days.
IncWeek - Add or subtract a number of weeks.
IncMonth - Add a or subtract a number of months.
IncYear - Add a or subtract a number of years.
As for the second part of your question, how to set the system date & time using a TDatetime, the following shamelessly stolen code from another post will do the job once you have a TDatetime that has the value you want:
procedure SetSystemDateTime(aDateTime: TDateTime);
lSystemTime: TSystemTime;
lTimeZone: TTimeZoneInformation;
aDateTime := aDateTime + (lTimeZone.Bias / 1440);
DateTimeToSystemTime(aDateTime, lSystemTime);
