How can I measure my app's data traffic? - ios

I'm developing an iPad app, which loads some images and does video calls. The images are retrieved over http, and the video stream is over rtp. Is there a way to measure all download and upload that is being performed by my app?
I'm not looking for a debug tool, I'd like to log how much bandwidth customers use.

Try to use Google Analytics SDK


How much data can I store in IndexDB from a mobile phone using a PWA

I have a PWA designed in Ionic and we are using it to take pictures. However the requirements is that it needs to work offline so we are storing these pictures in IndexDB.
However I have been unable to track down how much storage we will have access to in IndexDB and am concerned it will only be around 50MB or so. The the customer potentially wants to store 100 images or more offline and when it gets back to wifi it will start sending up to a remote API.
Is there any information on storage capability for indexDB when a PWA is run on a mobile device either IOS or Android?
I have seen some posts that but mainly talk about storage of the javascript files where this is actual data captured while the app is running.
NOTE: Individual images will be no more than 2-3MB each in size.

Store videos for an iOS app online or offline?

I am currently working on an iOS app where users can watch several videos (e.g. fitness videos). The videos are all captured by my team, so I don't need access to external videos.
Now my question is, does it make more sense to store the video files offline right in the app or use some kind of online server (and which one would you recommend)? I don't want to embed Youtube videos.
Thanks in advance!
It is always better to go online. Because the size of video may vary and huge video files would scrap user device's memory. SO it is recommended to use an external server to host the video files.
You can also add an option to download the files if needed.

Hosting and streaming video to an ios app

I am about to build an app that initially displays thumbnails of high quality videos. When users click on a thumbnail, they will go through iOS's in-app payment system to pay for the video and once that is complete, the video will open and start playing in Quicktime(iphones native video player).
Can you please suggest where i should host my videos? Does apple provide video uploads as well or is there a simple to use tool that allows this? I am looking for a service that will let me upload or delete high quality videos whenever needed so that non tech people can administer too. Then i can easily just link those videos to my app.
Thanks in advance
Depends on format if its just progressive download mp4 you could contract with any of the hosting companies, they start at 5.00 - 100 dollars monthly depending on what you need. the higher priced ones offer dedicated servers that can run .net or php, you could take a service for instance that hosts at 5.00 a month,, right a simple php app that does the security or get a pre-built one.
If you want to do real streaming using HLS then you need a server that can support it, one though a bit expensive is wowzma, prices vary but it is usually quite expensive.

iPad / iPhone Offline Webpage

I need to supply a single page website for a client to view offline on an iPad / iPhone.
The webpage will have Javascript, image and video assets. Reading about Cache Manifest it seems the cache on iPad is limited to 5mb.
Anyone suggest any routes forward, which ideally do not require the use of an additional app, but will allow for the offline storage of video.
You will likely have trouble with Safari to guarantee availability of your web page and videos offline.
The most reliable alternative would be to create an app using PhoneGap, because that would give you control over the video and the web page being stored offline. However that requires you to distribute it as an iOS-app to your client.
If you don't/can't distribute it as an app, you could try to find an app that is designed for offline browsing and supports video on the appstore. If you search for "Offline browser iPhone" on google or appstore you will be presented with some alternatives.

How do I download a youtube video in iOS

I know how to launch a youtube video within an iOS web view, but how can I download that video to save on my iPad app? Is it possible? Do I need to use some call with a NSURLConnection object and then save the received data into the proper file format?
One specific point I am unsure about is what the url to request the file would be. When viewing a video on youtube, the downloadable videos are triggered with a button, so it's not evident to me what the url would be.
You would need to download an iOS-compatible version of the video, possibly using the same technique employed by the Safari FlashToHTML5 plugin.
Youtube DOES offer video download links:!5152236/youtube-offers-official-downloads-and-purchases-for-videos
.. make sure you do not violate their TOS.
In general, when downloading large files, you might consider implementing resumable file downloads, especially because connectivity on a mobile device is transient.
On top of that, make sure that you're on a wifi network when downloading (or resuming a download), using Reachability. Note that excessive bandwidth usage over cellular networks is a reason for app rejection.
