Horizontel Overlap on iPad - ios

I have two column site current set up using wordpress but an having trouble figuring out how to fix the right side column so that it does not allow it to scroll over the right side on the iPad. On desktops the page behaves as it should, however on iOS the div is able to scroll over the nav bar. My problem is the right column needs to be able to scroll vertically, so if I give it a fixed position I loose that functionality. Here is the link http://www.adamheimer.com, thanks to anyone who can help me out!.

Not entirely certain about what you're after, but have you looked at overflow-y:scroll style? It allows you ensure an element is a certain height, and if the element exceeds that height, the user is able to scroll it.


Scroll screen in IOS

I have been trying to find a way to use a background image so that it is larger than the device screen size, IE: the user can scroll from top to bottom and side to side to view the entire image.
This is something I'm looking at in gaming. I just haven't found any way to do this, I know its because I'm looking in the wrong place or asking the question in an incorrect manner, so any help would be appreciated.
For this problem you can use scrollView and insert in it a content view , and give it say 3 times widths/heights of screen , see demo here ScrollAnyway

Xcode 6 switches being truncated on left (in a table view)

For some reason I cannot get all switches to display properly on a screen. Some of them appear to be overwritten on the left edge but from what I can determine all of the switches and text views are correct. Any suggestions are welcome
So first, to make sure that this is the problem: while your app is running, click on the two rectangles overlapping on the right of the Debug Area to "Debug View Hierarchy"
When you have that, rotate your views to make sure that in every row you don't have your text views overlapping your switches. That's what it looks like what's happening, but you can use this tool to confirm so.
If so, and you are using auto layout, make sure you are setting your constraints correctly. If not, then make sure you are setting the width properly. To prove it's an autolayout issue, you could temporarily hard code a length to every text view to see if the issue is still there. If that fixes it, than auto-layout is just making your textviews wider than they should be.
Good luck!

Scroll bars on DB grids - seeking a definitive approach

I see lots of DB scroll bar questions, but never seem to find a definitive answer to this one.
There is no option (property) to add/hide DB grid scroll bars, either singly or jointly. The simply auto-appear when needed.
If I don't have enough rows to scroll, I would like my columns to fill the entire grid.
If I design it so then when a vertical scroll bar is added at run-time a horizontal scrollbar is auto-added too (since I just covered the right part of the right most column with a vertical scroll bar, we now need a horizontal scroll bar to see what I am covering).
One option is to design my grid such that there is enough space at the right hand size (how many pixels?) to accommodate a vertical scroll, but that is unsightly until there are enough rows to trigger a scroll bar (if ever).
It seems to me that the most aesthetically pleasing way would be start with a grid which is filled with columns at X pixels wide and increase its width to X + width of vertical scroll bar (or decrease the width of one/some of the grids columns by a total of width of vertical scroll bar) pixels when adding a new row causes the vertical scrollbar to appear.
Am I missing something? Is there a “correct” way to do this, or an industry standard way (I am not asking for a “best” way or anything too subjective, so please don’t close. I believe that a lot of people need to know this).
Is there anything in the standard TDBgrid to facilitate this?
Bonus: I subscribe to TMS components, so if there is a way to do this simply with TAdvDbgrid, that would be fine for me, but a general solution with TDBgrid would be fine.
Non-subjective question: Given that
- I do not want to increase the width of my TDBgrid
- and that I do not want a blank white column at the right when no vertical scroll bar is present
- and that I am willing to decrease the width of my right-most column in order to avoid a horizontal scroll bar appearing when a vertical scroll bar appears
... how do I do so?
Ken was rightly awarded the answer becuse his solution is best for most users.
For those like me who already paid for a TMS subscription, I just noticed that their TDbAdvgrid component has a ScrollBars property and when I set it to ssVertical, it does what I want.
Now, if I could only figure out a good way to have fixed header row when it is the only row ...
TJvDBGrid (part of the JEDI JVCL) has this capability built in, and includes source code. It should be able to either do what you need, or give you the details needed to implement your own descendant.

UIAutomation and reading static text in scroll view

I'm doing some UIAutomation testing using Xcode Instruments and have an issue accessing a staticText which I want to verify.
The situation:
I have some buttons that display different scroll views that contain multiple charts. These scroll views have 5+ items in each so when i initially do target.logElementTree() it only shows the visible ones. If i scroll down with window.scrollViews()[0].scrollDown() and again get a logElementTree() the bottom elements are shown however whenever i try to access them it keeps referring to the ones from the top of the scroll view.
Any ideas?
As per as my experience, whenever you do "taregt.logElementTree()", it will display you all the elements (visible & hidden or which are present even at the bottom of screen) which you can access by its name or index or position once scrolled down. But if you still face problem, I will recommend you to access the element by its position after scrolling down to make it visible.

BarButtonItem On Toolbar

I have a toolbar at the bottom of my screen. I want to have two buttons on it, one on the left side, and one on the right. However, unlike a navigation bar, there are multiple spots that aren't on each far side of the bar, but rather they stack next to each other from the left to right.
I tried using a fixed separator, however the length doesn't stay contant (the button needs to stay on the far left while another is on the far right) as orientation and device changes. So, how would I go about keeping the buttons on each side of the toolbar no matter the orientation and device? I feel like there has to be an easier way than getting the device type and orientation and varying the length for each one.
I tried my best to explain, and I can understand if there was an issue understanding what I'm trying to say. If you need any clarification or other details, just ask!
There are two separators, a fixed separator and a flexible separator. You used the wrong one; use the flexible separator!
