Can iOS MapBox use rectangle offline map in .mbtiles? - ios

I'm trying to make an offline map using iOS MapBox SDK. It's easy to make square map (eg. 32x32 tiles) but for some reason it doesn't work when I try to make rectangle map (eg. 40x32 tiles). It loads but it shows only a small portion of the map or skips some tiles. It just doesn't look as it should.
My .mbtiles looks correct, I checked .mbtiles and specification and it doesn't mention that there might be any problem with non-square maps.
Although, .mbtiles that comes with MapBox offline example called control-room-0.2.0.mbtiles is also square so maybe it's not possible for some reason.
Does anyone have experience with something similar?

A non-square region should work just fine -- there is no limit on this. One way to test your .mbtiles is to upload it to your MapBox account and see if it works on a web map. It sounds like your MBTiles file might have issues.


Achieving equal size of square/pixel on Mapbox anywhere on the world map?

The problem I'm facing is similar and closely related to this issue on Github but that's for Unity SDK, my question is for iOS SDK.
I want to achieve the same thing. Let me explain, basically I have pixel grid in which each pixel'd have equal size. Pixel is set to be 10m x 10m in real world. The thing I experienced is that if pixel locates towards the northern or southern part of the world, its size is stretched like the following.
Click for larger resolution
But when such pixel locates along the equator line, or simply along the middle part of the world. It looks ok like following
Click for larger resolution
There's no problem about rendering stuff, or positioning on Mapbox. The thing is I want every pixel to be square visually.
I've read along on the issue I linked above. It relates to mercator and the world is not flat thus makes this visual happens. It looks stretched along the northern and southern part of world map. As well, I found out that there's no equal functionalities as presented in Unity SDK for this particular problem on iOS SDK, so I'm not sure which approach I should go on to solve this solution.
How can I achieve equal size of pixel on the gridline on mapbox using Mapbox iOS SDK? Is there already solutions provided in the SDK?
My requirement also needs real distance as shown on the map. I'm not sure it'd affect the solution as presented in the link I linked above.
I use Mapbox iOS SDK 3.7.6
My initial approach is straightforward as I fix the size of pixel to be 10m x 10m, then calculate its corresponding latitude and longitude value. Use those values to position them in Mapbox treating entire world map as a tilemap. Anyway I didn't take into account mercator in calculation, so this might be the case, if so then how to do just that? Only thing from my checking as available in iOS SDK is MGLMapView's metersPerPoint(atLatitude:). No tile ID system, or Conversions.cs as seen on Unity SDK. So i'm not sure on how to go on and solve this problem.
I managed to solve it and made it work!
I'll come back and post the solution.
My solution is to port sphericalmercator.js to swift, then use it in code. I use a fixed zoom level of level 22 as its visual look is closest to what I need and also before. I went with the approach to at least have it looks visually equal not necessary its physical size.
Thanks to a hint in this answer on how to use sphericalmercator.js.
Anyway from my testing with it, tile size as set when you creating an instance using SphericalMercator seems not to be in effect no matter what value I set. Only zoom level will determine number of tiles across the world map for you. Note that upper-left corner is origin which is 0,0 tile index. Lower zoom level value will generate large tile size, but higher value will generate smaller tile size.
You can take a look as SphericalMercator-swift; the code I ported from origin JS implementation as linked above along with how to use it to get tile index, or bounding box of longitude/latitude in swift code in order to do rendering stuff on top of Mapbox.

Use PNG as custom map iOS

I need to use a PNG as custom map of an indoor place. I don't need navigation but some places should be clickable like what we have in built in map. In android this is possible with MapView but I didn't find anything for iOS to do that. Can someone help me out how to start and do this?
A while back Apple added the ability to provide custom map overlay tiles. It isn't as simple as providing a PNG. You will need to create a database of map tiles at different scales, following a specific naming convention, and then provide a tiled map overlay.
I suggest looking at this blog post:
Custom and Offline Maps Using Overlay Tiles from VIGGIOSOFT
It goes into quite a bit of detail on what's required.

How to add big image as overlay in latest MapBox version(v3.2.2)?

I read here that it's possible to add big custom image as part of MapBox.
But now i'm trying to find out how it can be implemented in latest SDK version, and it's seems like there is no such option.
Is it possible to achieve this?
It is possible. You will need to modify your own Mapbox GL Style.
One way to do it is from Klokantech
This project from can show you how to structure your Mapbox GL Style.
Mapbox also has some great resources
Option 1 — upload your raster to Mapbox Studio
Option 2 - Please check out the example from Mapbox. Custom raster style. Use legacy raster tiles on a map.
This screen cap gives an example of how I've done it in the past for iOS. This example serves up local PNG's in an iOS app.
If you’re looking to place a geo-rectified image onto a map, that isn’t possible yet with the Mapbox iOS SDK.
Using annotations for this purpose (view-based or GL-based) isn’t quite supported yet, either. Once view-based annotations completely support flatness and ignore map rotation, that may be an adequate workaround. Look for those features in v3.3.0+.

iOS how can I make MapKit display custom indoor map?

I'm trying to create a map of the office I'm working at. I have a high resolution image, and would like to autorotate it in the direction the user is heading, allowing the user to navigate around the map. I thought this could be accomplished using CoreMotion/CoreLocation and a UIScrollView, but this seems like there's some work involved.
So I'm wondering if there are easier solutions for combining a custom map and direction/position on that map - can MapKit handle this for me? Are there other frameworks that can help me show a local 2D map with compass orientation on it?
You can convert your high-res image into map tiles easily with TileMill.
You should use some custom tiles with MKTileOverlay which only display at a very high zoom level (like z 18 or whatever). I suggest you take a look over at NSHipster and read what they have about it:
*Disclaimer: I haven't tried this myself, came across the NSHipster article while searching for solutions to my own problems.

How to dynamically draw maps

In an iOS application, I want to draw a United States map with states and counties outlined. I also want to draw individual states with counties outlined. I have researched using Shapefiles to do the drawing, but I can't find a good API that translates shapefiles. I have looked into ArcGIS, but it seems most of the drawing they do is web/server based, also without the ability to draw individual states, or outline counties.
Does anyone know of a good iOS API I can use to draw the following maps?
United States with states and counties outlined
Individual state with counties outlined
Take a look at MapBox, it will let you draw these types of maps, then you can pull them in as tiles and overlay them with MapKit.
They also have an iOS SDK, if you don't want to use MapKit.
I think ArcGIS for iOS is your answer here. The iOS API will allow you to add a MapView to your application.
You can add one or more geoservices to that MapView, as well as local graphic layers.
MapServices are rendered server-side. FeatureServices are rendered client-side. You can also take features (each county or state would be a feature) from the FeatureService and put them into the graphic layer to implement different effects such as selection, outlining...
If you want to have all data stored in the client (the device), then you can embed the json representation of the features and add them to the graphics layer in the MapView, without needing to connect to any geoservice (although geo applications work better when connecting to a server)
Start here:
This sample looks similar to what you are looking for:
This also looks promising:
All good answers above. The solution that ended up working for me was to simply use an SVG image, drag it into PaintCode and PaintCode gives me all the code to draw the image. A very simple and elegant solution.
