DataBinding is not working properly in custom list itemrenderer - ipad

I am developing iPad application using Flex/Air.
I have problem with data binding in custom list item renderer.
I have list with a collection of Classes as data provider.
Each class have a static property enabled. I display each class using an item renderer, where my item renderer is enabled when the Class property is enabled.
The classes look like that:
public class MyClass
public static const var name:String = "My Class";
private static var enabled:Boolean = false;
public static function get enabled():Boolean
return enabled;
public static function set enabled(value:Boolean):Boolean
enabled = value;
Then I have the list:
<list dataProvider={new ArrayCollection([MyClass])} itemRenderer="CustomItemRenderer"/>
And the CustomItemRenderer looks like that:
<s:ItemRenderer autoDrawBackground="false" enabled={data.enabled}>
<s:label text={}/>
So when I change the enabeled property of MyClass, the list is not updated.
The item renderer is still disabeled.
MyClass.enabeled = true;
Do you have any idea what the problem can be?
Thank you in advance!

Try this (I edited the code without IDE, it should be correct thought):
// to dispatch a custom event your class needs to extends the EventDispatcher Class.
public class MyClass extends EventDispatcher
public static const var name:String = "My Class";
private static var _enabled:Boolean = false;
// getter & setter with dispatchEvent could not be static...
// instead the getter/setter for enabled, will change the static _enabled value.
public function get enabled():Boolean
return _enabled;
public function set enabled(value:Boolean):void
_enabled = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("enabledChange"));


Dependency Injection of Primitive Types (Decided at Runtime) With HK2

So basically, I have a situation where I want to inject primitive types into a class (i.e. a String and an Integer). You can think of a URL and port number for an application as example inputs. I have three components:
Now say I have a class, which does take in these params:
public class PrimitiveParamsDIExample {
private String a;
private Integer b;
public PrimitiveParamsDIExample(String a, Integer b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
So my question here is simple. How do I inject a and b into class PrimitiveParamsDIExample?
In general, this is also asking how to inject parameters that are decided on runtime as well. If I have a and b above, read from STDIN or from an input file, they're obviously going to be different from run to run.
All the more, how do I do the above within the HK2 framework?
EDIT[02/23/15]: #jwells131313, I tried your idea, but I'm getting the following error (this one for the String param; similar one for int):
org.glassfish.hk2.api.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: There was no object available for injection at Injectee(requiredType=String,parent=PrimitiveParamsDIExample,qualifiers
I set up classes exactly as you did in your answer. I also overrode the toString() method to print both variables a and b in PrimitiveParamsDIExample. Then, I added the following in my Hk2Module class:
public class Hk2Module extends AbstractBinder {
private Properties properties;
public Hk2Module(Properties properties){ = properties;
protected void configure() {
So now, I created a test class as follows:
public class TestPrimitiveParamsDIExample extends Hk2Setup {
private PrimitiveParamsDIExample example;
public void setup() throws IOException {
//example = new PrimitiveParamsDIExample();
example = serviceLocator.getService(PrimitiveParamsDIExample.class);
public void testPrimitiveParamsDI() {
where, Hk2Setup is as follows:
public class Hk2Setup extends TestCase{
// the name of the resource containing the default configuration properties
private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTIES = "";
protected Properties config = null;
protected ServiceLocator serviceLocator;
public void setupHk2() throws IOException{
config = new Properties();
Reader defaults = Resources.asCharSource(Resources.getResource(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES), Charsets.UTF_8).openBufferedStream();
load(config, defaults);
ApplicationHandler handler = new ApplicationHandler(new MyMainApplication(config));
final ServiceLocator locator = handler.getServiceLocator();
serviceLocator = locator;
private static void load(Properties p, Reader r) throws IOException {
try {
} finally {
Closeables.close(r, false);
So somewhere, the wiring is messed up for me to get an UnsatisfiedDependencyException. What have I not correctly wired up?
There are two ways to do this, but one isn't documented yet (though it is available... I guess I need to work on documentation again...)
I'll go through the first way here.
Basically, you can use the HK2 Factory.
Generally when you start producing Strings and ints and long and scalars like this you qualify them, so lets start with two qualifiers:
public #interface A {}
public #interface B {}
then write your factories:
#Singleton // or whatever scope you want
public class StringAFactory implements Factory<String> {
#PerLookup // or whatever scope, maybe this checks the timestamp?
#A // Your qualifier
public String provide() {
// Write your code to get your value...
return whatever;
public void dispose(String instance) {
// Probably do nothing...
and for the Integer:
#Singleton // or whatever scope you want
public class IntegerBFactory implements Factory<Integer> {
#PerLookup // or whatever scope, maybe this checks the timestamp?
#B // Your qualifier
public Integer provide() {
// Write your code to get your value...
return whatever;
public void dispose(String instance) {
// Probably do nothing...
Now lets re-do your original class to accept these values:
public class PrimitiveParamsDIExample {
private String a;
private int b;
public PrimitiveParamsDIExample(#A String a, #B int b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
Note I changed Integer to int, well... just because I can. You can also just use field injection or method injection in the same way. Here is field injection, method injection is an exercise for the reader:
public class PrimitiveParamsDIExample {
#Inject #A
private String a;
#Inject #B
private int b;
public PrimitiveParamsDIExample() {
There are several ways to bind factories.
In a binder: bindFactory
Using automatic class analysis: addClasses
An EDSL outside a binder: buildFactory

How to create a thread safe singleton in vala?

I want to create a thread-safe singleton instance for my vala class.
As you know, singletons may lead to threading issues if not properly implemented.
Also you can use SingleInstance Code Attribute. It does the same for you automatically!
public class ExampleClass : Object {
public int prop { get; set; default = 42; }
public ExampleClass () {
// ...
int main (string[] args) {
var a = new ExampleClass (); // the two refs
var b = new ExampleClass (); // are the same
b.prop += 1;
assert (a.prop == b.prop);
return 0;
Note, that in this case you don't need to call a static function like instance() or get_instance(). Simply creating an object via new will give you a reference to the singleton.
The recommended way is to use the GLib.Once construct:
public class MyClass : Object {
private static GLib.Once<MyClass> _instance;
public static unowned MyClass instance () {
return _instance.once (() => { return new MyClass (); });

How to make an edittext focusable in mvvmcross

I would like to know if there is a binding mechanism from a viewmodel property that provides focus (the cursor to blink or something to indicate that the textedit has focus) in a specific edittext of my choice.
This is a general Mvvm question - like MVVM Focus To Textbox
Just as in the general question, in MvvmCross you could do this in some code behind in your View. For example, you could create a helper class like:
public class Helper
private Activity _a;
public Helper(Activity a)
_a = a;
// TODO - this should probably be a ViewModel-specific enum rather than a string
private string _focussedName;
public string FocussedName
get { return _focussedName; }
_focussedName = value;
var mapped = MapFocussedNameToControlName(_focussedName);
var res = _a.Resources.GetIdentifier(mapped, "id", _a.PackageName);
var view = _a.FindViewById(res);
private string MapFocussedNameToControlName(string value)
// TODO - your mapping here...
return value;
This could then be bound in the View and in OnCreate as:
private Helper _helper;
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
base.OnCreate (bundle);
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.main);
_helper = new Helper(this);
.For(h => h.FocussedName)
.To<MyViewModel>(x => x.FocusName)
This code not tested - but should roughly work.

Dynamic class method invocation in Dart

Like the question at Dynamic class method invocation in PHP I want to do this in Dart.
var = "name";
page.${var} = value;;
Is that possible?
There are several things you can achieve with Mirrors.
Here's an example how to set values of classes and how to call methods dynamically:
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Page {
var name;
method() {
void main() {
var page = new Page();
var im = reflect(page);
// Set values.
im.setField("name", "some value").then((temp) => print(;
// Call methods.
im.invoke("method", []);
In case you wonder, im is an InstanceMirror, which basically reflects the page instance.
There is also another question: Is there a way to dynamically call a method or set an instance variable in a class in Dart?
You can use Dart Mirror API to do such thing. Mirror API is not fully implemented now but here's how it could work :
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Page {
String name;
main() {
final page = new Page();
var value = "value";
InstanceMirror im = reflect(page);
im.setField("name", value).then((_){
print(; // display "value"
You can use Serializable
For example:
import 'package:serializable/serializable.dart';
class Page extends _$PageSerializable {
String name;
main() {
final page = new Page();
var attribute = "name";
var value = "value";
page["name"] = value;
page[attribute] = value;
print(" ${page['name']}");

How can i call dynamic object like a function?

I am studying orchard architecture.i have faced with a strange concept in display management section.
in Partial view page there is a 'function call like' syntax like so Display(Model.Head). that is not a function thought, it is a dynamic object defined in orchard WebViewPage.
I am wondering how to define a dynamic object so that you can call it (and pass it an argument as well) like a function as i mentioned.
thanks in advance.
A lighter weight way to do it without clay would be to subclass the built-in DynamicObject class.
public static dynamic Display;
void Main()
Display = new MyCallableObject();
//this is what i was after
Console.Write(Display("bla bla bla"));
public class MyCallableObject:DynamicObject
public override bool TryInvoke(InvokeBinder binder, object[] args, out Object result)
result = string.Format("This is response for {0}",args.FirstOrDefault());
return true;
I finally found it my self!
all the operations have done with Clay Library behind the scene.i have wrote a sample console app for demonstrating the process.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Display = ClayActivator.CreateInstance<MyResponser>(new List<IClayBehavior> {new MyFunctionCallBehavior()});
//this is what i was after
Console.Write(Display("bla bla bla"));
public static dynamic Display;
public class MyFunctionCallBehavior : IClayBehavior
public object InvokeMember(Func<object> proceed, object self, string name, INamedEnumerable<object> args)
return ((MyResponser)self).ResponseForRequest(args.FirstOrDefault().ToString());
public class MyResponser
public string ResponseForRequest(string param)
return string.Format("This is response for {0}",param);
