What's a best practice for using dynamic type in ASP.NET MVC 4? - asp.net-mvc

As we know Microsoft introduced the dynamic type a long time ago. And I also applied it in some case in the ASP.NET MVC application. But to me, it is not good for all cases. In specific, it's seen to be violating some basic principals like The Acyclic Dependencies Principle. For example, I have a package A that using package B, then in B I use dynamic and reference to A. It work fine. So the question is how do I use the dynamic type in correct way?

Speaking from experience: don't do it. Seriously, sooner or later you will regret.
Each time I decide to use dynamics I found it was a mistake. Using dynamics makes refactoring a nightmare, and you lose the biggest advantage which is type safety. Errors will show up in runtime instead of during compilation.
It's usually ten times better to refine your design and use oop principles or try to find some common interfaces.
It should be used only to simplify working with dynamic languages such as java script. Otherwise it is bad for your program performance and your mind sanity :)
So the best practice with dynamics is: try avoiding using them

Dynamic is not a type, it's syntactic sugar. The type will be object, but the compiler will put in a lot of code to detect the actual type of the variable at runtime.
It's meant to be used when you don't know the actual type, for example is used by the dynamic languages running on top of .Net.
It can be abused, as a lazy shortcut (but for that use var ) but you'll get a performance penalty in that case. Long story short, it should be used when you can't solve a problem easily with strong typing.

I think the dynamic keyword is good, but we have to using it very careful, like Mike mention as above. I used it on some small examples. When we use it, and we know it, so when somebody call to it, he/she have to know what kind of object that use in dynamic. Hope this help.


Programming for and by yourself

If you're writing something by yourself, whether to practice, solve a personal problem, or just for entertainment, is it ok, once in a while, to have a public field? Maybe?
Let me give you an analogy.
I come from a part of the world where English is not the primary language. But it’s necessary for all things in life.
During one of those usual days during my pre-teen years I said something very funny in English. Then my Dad said, “Son, think in English. Then you’ll get fluent”
I think it applies perfectly to this situation.
Think,try and question best practices in your playground. You will soon realize what’s best for what.Why are properties needed in the first place. Why should this be public? Why should I not call a virtual member from the constructor? Let me try using "new" modifier for a method call. What happens when I write 10 nested levels of if-then-else and try reading it again after 10 days. Why the heck should I use a factory pattern for a simple project. Et cetera.
And then you’ll realize without shooting at your foot, why design patterns are patterns...
I think it's reasonable if you're consciously throwing the code away afterwards. In particular, if you're experimenting with something completely different, taking shortcuts makes sense. Just don't let it lead to habits which cross over into "real" code.
Violating general principles is always "ok"! It is not an error to violate a principle but it is a trade off. The cost of not writing clean code will be higher the longer your software will survive. My take on this is: If in doubt make it clean!
Of course it's OK. It's your code, you can do whatever you want with it. Personally, I try to stick to good practice also in my private code, just to make it a natural habit so I don't have to think about it.
The short answer is yes, if you believe that you're gaining a lot by making things public instead of private with accessors you are welcome to do so. Consistency, I think, is the biggest thing to keep in mind. For instance, don't make some variables straight public, and some not. Do the same across the board if you break with best practices. It comes back to a trade-off. Almost no-one follows many of the IEEE specs for how Software Engineering should be executed and documented because the overhead is far too great, and it can get unmanageable. The same is true for personal, light-weight programming. It's okay to do something quick and dirty, just do not get used to it.
Public members are acceptable in the Data Transfer Object design patter:
Typically, the members in the Transfer Object are defined as public, thus eliminating the need for get and set methods.
One of the key advantages of OOP is for scaling and maintainability. By encapsulating code, one can hide the implementation. This means other programmers don't have to know the implementation, and can't change your object's internal state. If you language doesn't support properties, you end up with a lot of code which obfuscates and bloats your project. If the code doesn't need to be worked on by multiple programmers, you aren't producing a reusable component, and YOU are the maintenance programmer, then code in whatever manner allows you to get things done.
Does a maid need to make his/her own bed in the morning in order to practice properly making a bed?
Side note: it also depends on the language:
In Scala, according to the Uniform Access Principle, clients read and write field values as if they are publicly accessible, even though in some case they are actually calling methods. The maintainer of the class has the freedom to change the implementation without forcing users to make code changes.
Scala keeps field and method names in the same namespace.
Many languages, like Java, keep field and method names in separate namespaces.
However, these languages can’t support the uniform access principle as a result, unless they build in ad hoc support in their grammars or compilers.
So the real question is:
What service are you exposing (here by having a public field)?.
If the service (get/set a given type value) makes sense for your API, then the "shortcut" is legitimate.
As long as you encapsulate that field eventually, is it ok because you made the shortcut for the "right" reason (API and service exposure), versus the "wrong" reason (quick ad-hoc access).
A good unit test (thinking like the user of your API) can help you check if that field should be accessed directly or if it is only useful for internal development of other classes within your program.
Here's my take on it:
I'd advise avoiding public fields. They have a nasty habit of biting you later on because you can't control them. (The word you're looking for here is volatility.) Further, if you decide to change their internal implementation, you have to touch a lot more code.
Then again, that's what refactoring tools are for. If you have a decent refactoring tool, that's not nearly so difficult.
There is no silver bullet. I can't repeat this enough. If you have work to do, and you need to get it done in a hurry, writing one line of code instead of eight (as is the case in Visual Basic) is certainly faster.
Rules were meant to be broken. If a rule doesn't necessarily apply in your case, don't use it. Design patterns, coding guidelines, laws and best practices should not be treated as a straightjacket that requires you to needlessly complicate your code to the point where it is enormously complex and difficult to understand and maintain. Don't let someone force you into a practice just because it's popular or "standard" when it doesn't fit your requirements.
Again, this is a subjective opinion, and your mileage may vary.

Is there any hard data on the value of Inversion of Control or dependency injection?

I've read a lot about IoC and DI, but I'm not really convinced that you gain a lot by using them in most situations.
If you are writing code that needs pluggable components, then yes, I see the value. But if you are not, then I question whether changing a dependency from a class to an interface is really gaining you anything, other than more typing.
In some cases, I can see where IoC and DI help with mocking, but if you're not using Mocking, or TDD then what's the value? Is this a case of YAGNI?
I doubt you will have any hard data on it, so I will add some thoughts on it.
First, you don't use DI (or other SOLID principles) because it helps you do TDD. Its the other way around, you do TDD because it helps you with the design - which usually means you get code that follow those principles.
Discussing why to use interfaces is a different matter, see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/667139/what-is-the-purpose-of-interfaces.
I will assume you agree that having your classes do many different things results in messy code. Thus, I am assuming you are already going for SRP.
Because you have different classes that do specific things, you need a way to relate them. If you relate them inside the classes (i.e. the constructors), you get plenty of code that uses specific versions of the classes. This means that making changes to the system will be hard.
You are going to need to change the system, that's a fact of software development. You can call YAGNI about not adding specific extra features, but not on that you won't be needing to change the system. In my case that's something really important as I do weekly sprints.
I use a DI framework where configuration is done through code. With a really small code configuration, you hook up lots of different relations. So, when you take away the discussion on interface vs. concrete classes, you are actually saving typing not the other way around. Also for the cases a concrete class is on the constructor, it hooks it up automatically (I don't have to configure) building the rest of the relations. It also allows me to control some objects life time, in particular I can configure an object to be a Singleton and it hands a single instance all the time.
Also note that just using these practices isn't more overhead. Using them for the first times, is what causes the overhead (because of the learning process + in some cases mind set change).
Bottom line: you ain't gonna need to put all those constructor calls all over the place to go faster.
The most significant gains from DI are not necessarily due to the use of interfaces. You do not actually need to use interfaces to have beneficial effects of dependency injection. If there's only one implementation you can probably inject that directly, and you can use a mix of classes and interfaces.
You're still getting loose coupling, and quite a few development environments you can introduce that interface with a few keypresses if needed.
Hard data on the value of loose coupling I cannot give, but it's been a vision in textbooks for as long as I can remember. Now it's real.
DI frameworks also give you some quite amazing features when it comes to hierarchical construction of large structures. Instead of looking for the leanest DI framework around, I'd recommend you look for a full-featured one. Less isn't always more, at least when it comes to learning about new ways of programming. Then you can go for less.
Apart from testing also the loose coupling is worth it.
I've worked on components for an embedded Java system, which had a fixed configuration of objects after startup (about 50 mostly different objects).
The first component was legacy code without dependency injection, and the subobjects where created all over the place. Now it happened several times that for some modification some code needed to talk to an object which was only available three constructors away. So what can you do but add another parameter to the constructor and pass it through, or even store it in a field to pass it on later. In the long run things became even more tangled than they already where.
The second component I developed from scratch, and used dependency injection (without knowing it at the time). That is, I had one factory which constructed all objects and injected then on a need to know basis. Adding another dependency was easy, just add it to the factory and the objects constructor (or add a setter to avoid loops). No unrelated code needed to be touched.

Suggestions on how to make a configurable parser

I want to build a parser for a C like language. The interesting aspect about it is that I want to build it in such a way that someone who has access to the source can easily modified it to extend the language (a new expression type of instance) with the extensions being runtime configurable (they can be turned on and off).
My current intent is to build a recursive decent parser as an object. Each production will be a method of an object. The method of extension will be to derive classes from this base replacing methods (and production definitions) as needed. I'm still trying to figure out how to mix and match extensions. One idea is to play games with the v-tbl. Objects would be constructed with a v-tbl that is a copy of the base but with methods replaced from derived classes.
Aside from the bit-twiddling nature of the solution the only issues I have with it is
a reasonable way to do the v-tbl mixup
what to do when 2 extensions alter the same productions (as most replacements will end up calling the original having one replacement call the other would work but the mechanics of setting this up are the issue)
how to allow the extension of extensions (this might end up looking like a standard MI system, but I've never got how they work)
Another solution (a slightly more mundane version of the same same approach) would be to use static member variables to store function-pointers and call them for the same effect.
Edit: I have already built a system that lets me build productions from BNF definitions. I can alter it to support whatever I decide on.
These are some of the challenges the Perl 6 design effort has faced. You may find it worthwhile looking into some of the solutions they came up with. Or you may find that to be gross overkill.
I made a configurable parser I uploadei it some time ago at
The project there is not up-to-date but is working fine.
If I recall my university courses correctly, recursive descent parsers have some limitations that might bite you, especially since you're allowing extensions - somebody elses language extension could cause issues.
A proper compiler toolkit - such as the open source ANTLR - might make things easier, and might also provide some different approaches for you.
another option is to express the parsing rules in XML or something, instead of in code; less efficient, but far more dynamically configurable; each language or variant can just use its own (XML) file, and even include/reference other files as 'base' files...
Frankly, I am not even sure I understood everything you wrote... :-)
But when I see parser and flexibility, I think about LPeg - Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua. It might not fit your needs but it is well worth a look... ;-)

HttpContext.Cache vs Reflection: Which is more efficient?

I'm using reflection to get the Authorize Attributes from controllers and methods.
Since I will need to get this information over and over I'm wondering if it is faster to cache it or to simply continue to use reflection to get it.
Any thoughts?
In general Reflection is not adviced when speed it to be attained, but you must take into account the time to develop a cache that's really working (thread safe, really fast, which gives you the current value and not an old inconsistent value) and to debug it.
It's very difficult to tell which architecture will give the best performance, but you can easily write a little test to time the two different scenarios with a small set of simple cases. You might find that the speed is quite the same, or that it is significantly different. Either way you have your answer.
this answer comes a bit late but I recently had the same thought myself for one bit in a project and ended up doing the cache using the following extension method
GetOrCreate remember to lock the dictionary if you do so.
Instead you could use an ImmutableAVLTree using a lock-free strategy
Finally, there are some usefull utilities to use reflection here
It's part of a full framework but you can just copy this bit of code if that's the only bit you need.

How do you make code reusable? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Closed 2 years ago.
Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Any code can be reused in a way or an other, at least if you modify the code. Random code is not very reusable as such. When I read some books, they usually say that you should explicitly make the code reusable by taking into account other situations of code usage too. But certain code should not be an omnipotent all doing class either.
I would like to have reusable code that I don't have to change later. How do you make code reusable? What are the requirements for code being reusable? What are the things that reusable code should definitely have and what things are optional?
See 10 tips on writing reusable code for some help.
Keep the code DRY. Dry means "Don't Repeat Yourself".
Make a class/method do just one thing.
Write unit tests for your classes AND make it easy to test classes.
Remove the business logic or main code away from any framework code
Try to think more abstractly and use Interfaces and Abstract classes.
Code for extension. Write code that can easily be extended in the future.
Don't write code that isn't needed.
Try to reduce coupling.
Be more Modular
Write code like your code is an External API
If you take the Test-Driven Development approach, then your code only becomes re-usable as your refactor based on forthcoming scenarios.
Personally I find constantly refactoring produces cleaner code than trying to second-guess what scenarios I need to code a particular class for.
More than anything else, maintainability makes code reusable.
Reusability is rarely a worthwhile goal in itself. Rather, it is a by-product of writing code that is well structured, easily maintainable and useful.
If you set out to make reusable code, you often find yourself trying to take into account requirements for behaviour that might be required in future projects. No matter how good you become at this, you'll find that you get these future-proofing requirements wrong.
On the other hand, if you start with the bare requirements of the current project, you will find that your code can be clean and tight and elegant. When you're working on another project that needs similar functionality, you will naturally adapt your original code.
I suggest looking at the best-practices for your chosen programming language / paradigm (eg. Patterns and SOLID for Java / C# types), the Lean / Agile programming literature, and (of course) the book "Code Complete". Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches will improve your coding practice no end. All your code will then become reausable - but 'by accident', rather than by design.
Also, see here: Writing Maintainable Code
You'll write various modules (parts) when writing a relatively big project. Reusable code in practice means you'll have create libraries that other projects needing that same functionality can use.
So, you have to identify modules that can be reused, for that
Identify the core competence of each module. For instance, if your project has to compress files, you'll have a module that will handle file compression. Do NOT make it do more than ONE THING. One thing only.
Write a library (or class) that will handle file compression, without needing anything more than the file to be compressed, the output and the compression format. This will decouple the module from the rest of the project, enabling it to be (re)used in a different setting.
You don't have to get it perfect the first time, when you actually reuse the library you will probably find out flaws in the design (for instance, you didn't make it modular enough to be able to add new compression formats easily) and you can fix them the second time around and improve the reusability of your module. The more you reuse it (and fix the flaws), the easier it'll become to reuse.
The most important thing to consider is decoupling, if you write tightly coupled code reusability is the first casualty.
Leave all the needed state or context outside the library. Add methods to specify the state to the library.
For most definitions of "reuse", reuse of code is a myth, at least in my experience. Can you tell I have some scars from this? :-)
By reuse, I don't mean taking existing source files and beating them into submission until a new component or service falls out. I mean taking a specific component or service and reusing it without alteration.
I think the first step is to get yourself into a mindset that it's going to take at least 3 iterations to create a reusable component. Why 3? Because the first time you try to reuse a component, you always discover something that it can't handle. So then you have to change it. This happens a couple of times, until finally you have a component that at least appears to be reusable.
The other approach is to do an expensive forward-looking design. But then the cost is all up-front, and the benefits (may) appear some time down the road. If your boss insists that the current project schedule always dominates, then this approach won't work.
Object-orientation allows you to refactor code into superclasses. This is perhaps the easiest, cheapest and most effective kind of reuse. Ordinary class inheritance doesn't require a lot of thinking about "other situations"; you don't have to build "omnipotent" code.
Beyond simple inheritance, reuse is something you find more than you invent. You find reuse situations when you want to reuse one of your own packages to solve a slightly different problem. When you want to reuse a package that doesn't precisely fit the new situation, you have two choices.
Copy it and fix it. You now have to nearly similar packages -- a costly mistake.
Make the original package reusable in two situations.
Just do that for reuse. Nothing more. Too much thinking about "potential" reuse and undefined "other situations" can become a waste of time.
Others have mentioned these tactics, but here they are formally. These three will get you very far:
Adhere to the Single Responsibility
Principle - it ensures your class only "does one thing", which means it's more likely it will be reusable for another application which includes that same thing.
Adhere to the Liskov
Substitution Principle - it ensures your code "does what it's supposed without surprises", which means it's more likely it will be reusable for another application that needs the same thing done.
Adhere to the Open/Closed Principle - it ensures your code can be made to behave differently without modifying its source, which means it's more likely to be reusable without direct modification.
To add to the above mentioned items, I'd say:
Make those functions generic which you need to reuse
Use configuration files and make the code use the properties defined in files/db
Clearly factor your code into such functions/classes that those provide independent functionality and can be used in different scenarios and define those scenarios using the config files
I would add the concept of "Class composition over class inheritance" (which is derived from other answers here).
That way the "composed" object doesn't care about the internal structure of the object it depends on - only its behavior, which leads to better encapsulation and easier maintainability (testing, less details to care about).
In languages such as C# and Java it is often crucial since there is no multiple inheritance so it helps avoiding inheritance graph hell u might have.
As mentioned, modular code is more reusable than non-modular code.
One way to help towards modular code is to use encapsulation, see encapsulation theory here:
Avoid reinventing the wheel. That's it. And that by itself has many benefits mentioned above. If you do need to change something, then you just create another piece of code, another class, another constant, library, etc... it helps you and the rest of the developers working in the same application.
Comment, in detail, everything that seems like it might be confusing when you come back to the code next time. Excessively verbose comments can be slightly annoying, but they're far better than sparse comments, and can save hours of trying to figure out WTF you were doing last time.
