In Rails 3, how can I save user search history to the database with no membership/authentication system? - ruby-on-rails

Currently, the site is storing "previously viewed items" via cookies.
I need to take that a step further and not only store those items in the database, but save the user's most recent search, so that they can retrieve the search later by returning to the site (the cookie can handle this), but also through say a four-letter code and later a QR code.
When you get into writing these non-authenticated users' data to the database, what is the identifier to use as the key to differentiate them? And would it be ideal to create the actual model record upon visiting the home page, or perhaps after the initial search?

You could save the IP address, other than that, there is really no way to save something specific to a user.
Use the rails request object. You can access the IP with request.remote_ip.
This is the only thing I can think of that is request specific without auth.


How to maintain state in rails?

It is kind of a multi-step form. I need to bring back the user to the step he's left off the previous time. There is no user login.
I'm stuck with "whether it is possible to maintain user details without login?!".
Can anyone please tell me what would be the best way to do it in rails?!
There are 2 ways of going about it. You can either store the half-filled form on your server or you can store the half-filled form on the user's browser in LocalStorage.
1) Server Method
When the user clicks next step you can have an AJAX call send the data to server. Your server can store this in a table and return the id back to the browser. Store this id in browser's LocalStorage or in cookies.
When the user comes to your form next time, check if your id is present in your choice of storage, if yes then fetch the data from server and move the user to next step of the form.
You might need to think about security implications in this method as well. If a user can figure out you are storing ids and get the fetch URL of half-filled form, they can iterate over them and fetch other user's form as well. So you might store something other than id and still use this approach.
2) LocalStorage method
Everything is same as the previous approach but we are not using server to store the form. Simply use browser to store the form and fetch when the user comes on the website later. LocalStorage is a persistent storage so it'll also be available when the user re-opens their browser.
I hope this clears your problem here.
Wicked is ruby gem that is used to make step wizard forms. I think it should help you.

ASP.NET MVC4 How to post and retrieve data unique to a specific user

I have been learning how to use ASP.NET MVC4 and have been getting my head around authenticating users and user roles and posting data using the entity framework to SQL.
However I have not been able to find any guides/resources (maybe I don't know the correct term) for posting and retrieving data that is unique to an specific user. For example how would a user only see the entries that they created if it was a site that stored data that is personal to each user.
What patterns/designs does one use when trying to do this?
Creating a sandbox of data for a specific is usually tied to authentication. You can access this many ways through ASP.Net.
First of all, every user gets identified even if they never log in. They get a session identifier. It essentially creates a small place in memory for this user where you can store any user related information. Think of Sessions as walled gardens for each user.
This works, but realize Session is limited by time, so it is very volatile. Utilize it, but don't depend on it.
The next method is to authenticate a User. This is done using Cookies, but usually handled transparently for you by ASP.Net Membership or other authentication providers. To access the authenticated User you just need to use a simple line in your Controller actions.
// User is the property
Both these methods can store information about your user that you would use to query data specific to them.
Select * From Orders Where UserId = *User.Identity.Name*
Note that both Session and User are accessible through HttpContext.Current as well, as long as you are in a web environment.
You won't need to access them this way unless you are not inside your Controller, or inside of another class that doesn't already give you access to the HttpContext. I don't recommend this way either, since your code could be used outside of a web application where HttpContext is not available.
I hope that makes sense, and please feel free to ask me questions.
This is not so much about mvc, but more about the problem of relating data to a specific user. You have to ask yourself, how would you identify a piece of data to a user.
The way you would do this is to tie the data to the user in the data store somehow.
In a relational database you would do this by having a User table and using the unique key on that table to insert data into another table such as Order. Order would then have a User Id.
When a user logs in, you could store that ID in session and use that to filter out orders based on the id.

What is the right way to handle permalinks when the page depends on the session?

Here's the situation: I've got an application where you begin at a screen showing a list of countries. You choose a country, and this becomes the ambient country that the application uses until you change it. This ambient country is stored in the Session so the application doesn't have to pass around a CountryId in every single url. But I also want to support permalinks to country specific content, so I guess there needs to be a "Get Permalink" button, which creates a permalink that does contain the CountryId, because it obviously has to work independent of the current session.
Here's the question: My understanding is that because selecting a country changes the session state, one should only do it via POST. But then if the user comes in via GET with a permalink containing, e.g. CountryId=123, what should happen? Should the page update the Session with country 123? In this case, it would be breaking the rule that you can change the session ONLY via POST. But if it doesn't change the session, then all the code that relies on the session won't work, and I'd have to have code redundant ways to generate the page.
OR, should the page have some sort of mechanism for saying "use the session value, but override with any query string value if there is one (and don't modify the session at all)?
OR, am I misunderstanding the POST rule entirely?
The real issue here is the fact that you are using a Session. You cannot provide permalinks because the data that you have stored in the session might have expired when the user follows this links later. So you must somehow persist this data into a more durable datastore when someone requests you to generate a permalink. So when a user asks for a permalink you will go ahead and persist all those search criteria that were used to perform the search into your data store and obtain an unique id that will allow you to fetch them later. Then give the user the following permalink: /controller/search/id where the id represents the unique identifier tat will allow you to fetch the criteria from your data store, perform the search and reconstruct the page as it was.

How do I see real-time activity of my users in Rails 3?

What I would like to do is have my admin user be able to see - in real time (via some AJAX/jQuery niceness) - what my user's are doing.
How do I go about doing that ?
I assume it has something to do with session activity - and I have started saving the session to the db, rather than the cookie.
But generally speaking, how do I take that info and parse it in real time ?
I looked at my session table and aside from the ids (id and session_id), I see a 'data' field. That data field stores a hash - which I can't make any sense of (looks like an md5 hash).
How would I use that to see that User A just clicked on Link B, and right after that User B clicked on link A, etc. ?
Is there a gem - aside from rackamole - that might be able to help me?
You might want to check out Mixpanel. They are easy to setup and have some of what you are asking for.
The session data only contains the values stored in the session[]-hash from the user. It doesn't store which action/controller was called, so you don't know which "link was clicked".
Get the activity of your users:
Besides rackamole you have two options IMHO.
Use a before_filter in your ApplicationController to store the relevant info you are interested in. (Name of controller, action or URI, additional parameters and id of the logged in user for example).
Use an AJAX-call at the bottom of each page which posts back the info you are interested in (URI, id of logged in user, etc.) to your server. This allows faster response times from the server, as the info is stored after the page has already been delivered. Plus, you don't have to use a Rails-request to store it. The AJAX-request could also be calling a simple PHP-script writing the data to disk. This is much faster.
Storing this activity:
Store this data/info either in the database or in a logfile. The database will give your more flexibility like showing all actions from one user, or all visitors for one page, etc. The logfile solution will give you better performance.
Realtime vs. Oldschool:
As for pulling out your collected data in realtime, you have to build your own solution. To do this elegantly (without querying your server once a second to look if new data has arrived) you'll need another server process. Search for AJAX Push for more info.
Depending on your application I'd ask myself if realtime notifications for this are really necessary (because of all the hassles of setting this up).
To monitor the activity on your site, it should be enough to have a page listing the latest actions and manually refresh it (or refresh it automatically every ten seconds).
Maybe you can test
It works with Rails 3 too.

rails: how to detect other clients browsing the same url

What want to be accomplished is:
I want to "synchronize web browsers". my site has a "wait URL" where when browser gets there it will be kept waiting till another browser also go there and then both will be presented with a quiz-like game.
Right now the wait url will call each second to Rails to check if other player came to the game. How can in the Rails framework detect a different client connecting to the same URL?
As the controller is recreated per request looks like is not the place, not the view for sure and storing this in the model looks really clumsy.
Also, after the pairing I need to check and compare every answer of the paired users so somehow that information must be retained
What you're trying to do is share information between users. So the database or memcached are the most sensible.
Simplest: I'd create an ActiveRecord object, perhaps called Quiz, instances of which people join by virtue of going to a URL, e.g using default routes:
You'd need an ajax poller poller to notify the others; use periodically_call_remote for this -- you could use render :nothing => true by default and render something else if there was an error to keep it efficient. You can also use the frequency method as a basis to determine whether people leave the quiz as well (e.g. if frequency is 1s, then assume someone has left if they didn't ping after 5-10s).
Assuming these users are not registered with the site so don't have some kind of user id you could store I would suggest using the session. It is a per user data store. By default the session is stored in an encrypted cookie on the users machine. However you can use ActiveRecord as the session store and could maybe query that table directly?
Store the URL in the session and do a search for it at a later time. You can normally only access the current users session using the Rails 'session' hash but maybe (untested) if you created a model called Session (or maybe something more specific like 'WaitingGamers') which used the sessions table you could lookup the information you need.
I would guess when using ActiveRecord as the session store the session data is stored as a serialised hash. Use Marshall to turn it back in to a regular hash and find the data you stored in there.
I'm not a rails expert, but since all the state resides in your database that would be the place to keep this information.
You could keep a "waiting users" table, and in the "wait URL" view check if the user is already in the table. If not, add him to the table. Then, check if there is another user waiting (maybe there's more than one?) and if so, match them up and delete them from the table.
Another improvement would be to keep a timestamp for each user in the "waiting users" table, which gets updated in the view - this would serve as a keep-alive that will enable you to detect users that left the "wait URL" page or closed the browser.
