Developing a decoder for CANbus / J1939 - can-bus

So, I have been told that I will need to integrate some CANbus / J1939 output into a Windows app, and I know nothing about it.
There are vague plans to use an off the shelf device, and capture the output from that.
Since this seems to be a 7 layer model, I am presuming that I need to decode layer 3.
And, at that, I am stuck.
Any links to the correct spec? Other information? Existing free code which will take that data, parse it and stuff it into a MySql database? If there a central site, with forum, where I can better direct such questions? Any good books? Any same data for me to practise decoding? I am drowning in google results, but none greatly help.

take a look here, this is a proprietary API.


Information about API's, Core data iOS design from the start

Good Morning,
I am in the process of designing an app. It will capture data in the device and will sync with a web server, I have a few months learning Swift to develope iOS apps and I am learning to use core data now with small samples.
I have a book I've been reading and available resources like this one:
My question is:
Do I have to start learning how to sync and save data in the device at the same time? or I can learn Core Data first, make the app and then start the process of syncing (using JSON)?
What available resources can I see to learn what I need?
This is new for me, I have a friend who knows Ruby and has knowledge about API, but he does not know how mobile devices works in this matter.
I have searched here, but a lot of question and answers I see covers specific topics.
Your help and time is really appreciated. Thanks!
I apologize for the term sync (send and receive data to/from the server) if I a using it wrong, or should I use the term API? For me is a little confusing on how to use the term, since it is use for a few things, like data, but also it's used when talking about a method which all the info you need to go to the API of the method, function or class.
The process you should follow is first learn basic iOS developemeet. Check out the tutorials at raywenderlich and hacking with swift. In the process you will learn a bit about networking(working with APIs) and Data Persistence(Core Data).
Since collection of data precedes storage of data you must learn first about REST APIs, JSON, JSON parsing and related stuff, third party libraries available like Alamofire and SwiftyJSON(these can be installed using cocoapods)
And then jump into data persistence which can be done through sqlite database(FMDB is a wrapper available and is super easy), Core Data, NSUserDefaults, plist, Realm etc.

Implementation of articulate

I am looking at Articulate to support my own application. I want my users to be able to use Articulate to create the E-learning and then uploading the files to my site and run it on my site.
However i wish to store both the questions and the answers of the quiz that is created in articulate.
Does anyone know how this is possible or know a way around either by using excel or any other software to store the Q/A?
There may be more than one answer. But Articulate is SCORM compliant. It is designed to return test scores to the server using SCORM. I have not been involved with receiving those test scores by acting as an LMS, but in the past I have made custom applications that send that data to the LMS using scorm. But if you research SCORM and other APIs they use you might find something useful.
For example, if you mean Articulate Storyline then you can test send/receiving data using this package:
This shows that it can be done. But you would have to write your own program to communicate with Storyline. If you can duplicate how that package works you might be on your way.
As an alternative to SCORM, you can also use the xAPI see to store your e-learning data

App that will pull data from website flash game

Basically I need information on how to pull data from a flash game webbased client and put that data into an app. The game is its a webbased flash game. I can probably figure out the coding such as parse the login and password and display the information in the app. What Im have major problems is following,
How can I find out what data in what format is being transmitted from
webbased client to their server.
What software, preferably free, is out there that will do this for me?
Is there any tutorials, explanations, pointers anything describing this
on the inet because I have searched high and low without success.
I think the problem is because I am a beginner, I do not know the correct wording to serch for to find this information. It's a little like a needle in a haystack :) If you know what you want but dont know what it is called, get a new hobby :(
VERY much appreciated for any help, pointers, explanations, descriptions, tutorials or anything that can help me with this, very very much appreciated all.
The tool of choice to get started is WireShark. Its a software to monitor in- and outgoing datatransfer. It's very powerfull and a bit complex to get filtering right. Try something different to get started (e.g. do a ftp-login and try to "steal" your own password).
In Step two, you need to reverse engineer the communication between your client and the server. Thats the fun part. If it is encrypted, bad luck.
If you want to read the data, you can use libraries like LibCap to get the data in a language of choice. The flash player interacts with the game and you read the data transmitted.
If you are going for a stand alone program without the running flash client, you need to write your own client based on the protocol you got from step two. Be prepared to be kicked and banned permanently on the slightest error. I haven't checked on this one but every MMO I know and I can imagine do prohobit such tools.

How to aggregate iOS location data on server?

How do I send location data from an iPhone to some webserver?
Is a web server the best way to store that data?
If so, what kind of server?
EDIT: Since people were getting confused about the question, understandably, I'm really looking for best practices on how to store location data in a web server. I don't know if the server would be SQL or no-SQL, I have very little experience in the way of web servers.
So here's what I do know:
I know how to get the location of a user.
I know to use CoreLocation.
My questions:
How do I send the location data from the application to a server, both SQL and non-SQL?
On the server side: How to I store that data? I'm familiar with SQL a little bit but all I'm trying to store is GPS coordinates so I'm not sure if a table is the best way to do that.
Please try to expand your question it will help others to help you.
However, I suggest you firstly read the iOS Location Awareness Programming Guide - this will tell you how to get the location of the device.
Next, read about REST/web server/web frameworks etc and check out the AFNetworking framework for sending data from iOS to a web server.
Then you need to decide how to store the data: in a SQL/no-SQL database? It really depends on what you want to do with the data and what, if any, web servers you have access to/experience with.
I'm afraid your question in it's current form simply raises more questions!
Ya, guessing you want to do something with it that's not in the app otherwise just use a database.
Be lazy use something like cloud code.(free 1million api request a month)
Not a great question can you give us a context. What are your doing with the location and why do you need it online.
Although this answer doesn't necessarily promote learning how to do backend stuff yourself, there's this amazing service called Parse that handles almost everything for you. It's incredibly awesome and saves a ton of time. Plus it's free for up to 1,000,000 API calls and 1GB of storage. Absolutely perfect for a small-time business/startup.

Simple Geographic Data Sources for a Web App

For a web app I'm working on, I need to know the lat/lon of about 300 US cities. I also need to know the lat/lon for every US zip code.
Does anyone know of a free source to get this information?
Freebase will likely be able to help you. Here is New York and it has Lat/Long.
The Wal-Mart Expansion video used Freebase to get it's data, and it sounds like you're doing something similar.
Take a look at Ben Fry's Zip Code Visualizer. This is part of his book Visualizing Data.
There is an online database at And a simple perl module (we added a soap service to this so we could simply access it from any language, and the longest part of the development process was downloading database (it's about 4 GB).) The geocoing database is available from the US census bureau, a good article on getting this setup can be found here.
