I was wondering How I might be able to access Obj.isActive from an outside function such as "Object:setActive()". I would pull it up to the Object table However i need multiple instances of the isActive property for all the individual Objects. Just trying to figure out a way to do so.
Object = {};
ObjectMeta = {__index = Object};
function Object.new(args)
Obj = {};
Obj.isActive= false;
return setmetatable(Obj,ObjectMeta);
function Object:setActive()
--self.isActive = nil
return Object;
For metatables, you can use self as follows:
function Object:setActive()
self.isActive = true
Here is a SSCCE for your code: http://eval.in/25148
No matter how I approach Lua, I run into this error all the time, so I must not understand something inherit to the language:
attempt to call method 'func' (a nil value)
I've seen the error here a few times as well but the problem doesn't seem clear to me.
Here's my module:
Actor = {
x = 0,
mt = {},
new = function()
local new_actor = {}
new_actor.x = Actor.x
new_actor.mt = Actor.mt
return new_actor
test = function(self, a, b)
print(a, b)
I'm using Löve.
require "game/actor"
local a = Actor:new() --works fine
function love.load()
a.x = 10
print(a.x) --output: 10
a:test(11, 12) --error: attempt to call method 'test' (a nil value)
I'm also not sure when it's appropriate to use the previous styling over this in a module.
Actor = {
x = 0
Actor.mt = {}
function Actor.new()
I'm honestly not sure what is more correct than the other but considering I run into a simple error either way, there's probably something I'm missing entirely?
It looks like you're trying to instance a kind of class made of metatables. You basically need to assign new_actor's metatable with Actor.mt. (Resuming the problem: when you're indexing new_actor you're not indexing Actor in this case)
setmetatable(new_actor, Actor.mt);
Even if the metatable is being added, it won't work until you put the meta "__index" event to index a table containing your class methods/values, in this case:
Actor.mt = {
__index = Actor
I'd suggest moving your class methods/values into a new table, like Actor.prototype, Actor.fn, etc... avoiding conflicts:
Actor.fn = {
test = function(self, a, b)
print(a, b)
Actor.mt = {
__index = Actor.fn
More about metatables in Lua 5.3 manual.
Below is the gist of the system i'm having issues with. I seem to understand self, ., and :. I just seem to be missing something. What's happening is that when it calls "Object:setSomeObjectIsAttachedTo()" if I simply print "self" i'll get a table address printed. If i go a step further and try to print "self.someObject" i get nil, which shouldn't happen because in Object it has a key someObject which was created at the start in "Object.new(args)" of course if tried to go a step further it wouldn't even be able to go there since its nil. Please Help!!
Object File
Object = {};
ObjectMeta = {__index = Object};
function Object.new(args)
Obj = {};
Object.someObject = OtherObject.new(args)
return setmetatable(Obj,ObjectMeta );
function Object:setSomeObjectIsAttachedTo()
--OtherObject instance Should set its attached property to
--This instance of Object
self.someObject.ObjectImAttachedTo = self;
--Calls after new to set the ObjectImAttachedTo Property, So it isnt nil
return Object;
OtherObject File
OtherObject = {};
OtherObjectMeta = {__index = OtherObject};
function OtherObject.new(args)
Obj = {};
Obj.ObjectImAttachedTo =nil;
return setmetatable(Obj,ObjectMeta );
return Object;
Scene = {};
ObjectContainer = {};
function Scene.new()
function Scene.addObjects()
local Object= require "Object"
local StartX = 50;
local StartY = 20;
local counter = 0;
for i=0, 17 do
ObjectContainer[i] = Object.new({x=StartX,y=StartY});
return Scene
The table Object does not have a field named someObject, though instances returned by Object.new() do have that field. These are two different tables, roughly corresponding to a class and one of its instances.
With the revised code, Object doesn't have the field someObject until you call Object.new(). So, you must call Object.new() before you call Object:setSomeObjectIsAttachedTo();. Note that OtherObject.new() must be defined before you can call Object.new().
ADDENDUM2 in answer to question "so what would you suggest i do to fix this?"
function Object.new(args)
Obj = {};
Obj.someObject = OtherObject.new(args)
Obj.someObject.ObjectImAttachedTo = Obj;
return setmetatable(Obj,ObjectMeta );
and get rid of Object:setSomeObjectIsAttachedTo();
Im just alittle curious, as well as a bit confused. In my lua code im setting a new object like so from the start.
enemy = {};
enemy.__index = enemy;
function enemy.new(args)
Obj = {};
Obj.name = "bullet";
Obj.x = args.x;
Obj.y = args.y;
Obj.spriteTexFile= "Invader.png";
Obj.sprite = display.newImage( Obj.spriteTexFile);
Obj.sprite:setReferencePoint ( display.TopLeftReferencePoint );
Obj.sprite.x = Obj.x;
Obj.sprite.y = Obj.y;
Obj.sprite.alpha = 0;
Obj.health = 100;
Obj.activeBul = false;
Obj.bullet = Bullet.new({x=Obj.sprite.x,y=Obj.sprite.y});
return Obj;
return enemy;
So when instantiating a new Enemy obj I call the new function above. NOW in the same file, a function in the Enemy Object I have the following function for example which allows me to acces the "self.bullet", a Bullet Object created when the Enemy is created. It also allows me to call the function trajectBullet in this Bullet instants.
function enemy:shoot()
local Bullet = require "Bullet";
local DEFAULTTIME = 5;--Movement time per space
self.bullet:trajectBullet({x=self.sprite.x,y=display.contentHeight, time =
My Question comes with a call like the following. If I try setting a property of a Bullet in this case, the owner property, i get a nil error and wont let me change it. If someone could help me understand alittle how accessing keys and properties really works that would help me out alot.
function enemy:setBulletOwner()
self.bullet.owner = self;
bullet = {};
bullet.__index = bullet;
function bullet.new(arg)
local Obj = {};
setmetatable ( Obj, bullet );
Obj.sprite = display.newRect( 0, 0, 3, 7 );
Obj.sprite.x = arg.x;
Obj.sprite.y = arg.y;
Obj.sprite:setFillColor ( 255, 255, 255 );
Obj.sprite:setReferencePoint ( display.TopLeftReferencePoint );
Obj.owner = nil;
return Obj;
function bullet:trajectBullet(arg)
self.sprite.tween = transition.to(self.sprite,{ tansistion = easing.outExpo, y = arg.y, x=arg.x,time= arg.time,onComplete = function() bullet:cancelTween(self.sprite);
self.owner.sprite:dispatchEvent( {name = "canShootAgain"} ); end});
Keep in mind Obj.owner should be getting set from the function below.
function enemy:setBulletOwner()
print("BULLET MADE");
self.bullet.owner = self;
You should have your classes set up like this
Bullet = {}
Bullet_mt = { __index = Bullet }
function Bullet:new(co_ordinates)
local obj = {x=co_ordinates[1],y=co_ordinates[2]}
obj.owner = "You" --etc...
return setmetatable(obj,Bullet_mt)
Enemy = {slogan="Gettm!'"}
Enemy_mt = {__index = Enemy;}
function Enemy:new(args)
local obj = {}
obj.bullet = Bullet:new({0,0})
return setmetatable(obj,Enemy_mt)
--alert return setmetatable(obj,getmetatable(self))
function Enemy:getBulletOwner()
return self.bullet.owner;
You shouldn't be requiring "Bullet" each time the enemy shoots in enemy:shoot. When you want to create a bullet for an enemy if you only want the enemy to have one bullet you should
create a new 'instance' of the bullet class and associate it with the key bullet like you've been doing obj.bullet= Bullet.new(...) but also introduce this functionality into a method of Enemy (so you can add a new bullet after the old one goes out of range etc...).
If a index doesn't exist within a table, it will go looking for the index in the table associated with __index in the metatable assigned to the table in question. As an example say a = Enemy:new(), and we wanted to find out the slogan of the enemy, via a.slogan we would look for the index slogan in a but not find it. So we would then go check what __index was associated with in the metatable of a, in this case Enemy. So we look for slogan in Enemy, it exists so we end up with `"Gettm!'".
Adding the following code beneath the class definitions
en = Enemy:new()
Also be weary of the difference between a:b(arg1,arg2) and a.b(arg1,arg2). a:b(arg1,arg2) is essentially equivalent to a.b(a,arg1,arg2) where a is bound to self within the function. An example of this would be:
lua: l.lua:22: attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)
in my game.lua file I have this:
function new()
local obj = display.newGroup();
currentLevel = Level.new(1);
currentLevel.game = obj; //also tried currentLevel.game = self;
function obj:replay()
print("game - replay")
return obj;
In the Level lua file, I try to call the replay function in game.lua:
game = {};
But I get this error:
attempt to call method 'replay' (a nil value)
How can I keep a reference to the game file in level.lua?
Don't you mean game = new(), instead of game = {}? If you create game with {} then it is an empty table.
What I want to do is this:
object.foo = "bar"
where "object" is a userdata.
I've been googling for a while (using the keyword __newindex and lua_rawset) but I can't any examples that do what I want it to do.
I want to do this in with the lua api in c++
Let us write this in Lua code so that we can make quick experiments with the code
function create_object()
-- ## Create new userdatum with a metatable
local obj = newproxy(true)
local store = {}
getmetatable(obj).__index = store
getmetatable(obj).__newindex = store
return obj
ud = create_object()
ud.a = 10
-- prints '10'
If you work with userdata you probably want to do the above using the C API. However the Lua code should make it clear extactly which steps are necessary. (The newproxy(..) function simply creates a dummy userdata from Lua.)
I gave up trying to do this in C++ so I did it in lua. I loop through all the metatables (_R) and assign the meta methods.
for key, meta in pairs(_R) do
meta.__oldindex = meta.__oldindex or meta.__index
function meta.__index(self, key)
_R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] = _R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] or {}
if _R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)][key] then
return _R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)][key]
return meta.__oldindex(self, key)
function meta.__newindex(self, key, value)
_R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] = _R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] or {}
_R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)][key] = value
function meta:__gc()
_R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] = nil
The problem with this is what I'm supposed to use for index. tostring(self) only works for those objects with an ID returned to tostring. Not all objects have an ID such as Vec3 and Ang3 and all that.
You could also use a simple table...
config = { tooltype1 = "Tool",
tooltype2 = "HopperBin",
number = 5,
print(config.tooltype1) --"Tool"
print(config.tooltype2) --"HopperBin"
print(config.number) --5