Storing values in a userdata object from lua - lua

What I want to do is this: = "bar"
where "object" is a userdata.
I've been googling for a while (using the keyword __newindex and lua_rawset) but I can't any examples that do what I want it to do.
I want to do this in with the lua api in c++

Let us write this in Lua code so that we can make quick experiments with the code
function create_object()
-- ## Create new userdatum with a metatable
local obj = newproxy(true)
local store = {}
getmetatable(obj).__index = store
getmetatable(obj).__newindex = store
return obj
ud = create_object()
ud.a = 10
-- prints '10'
If you work with userdata you probably want to do the above using the C API. However the Lua code should make it clear extactly which steps are necessary. (The newproxy(..) function simply creates a dummy userdata from Lua.)

I gave up trying to do this in C++ so I did it in lua. I loop through all the metatables (_R) and assign the meta methods.
for key, meta in pairs(_R) do
meta.__oldindex = meta.__oldindex or meta.__index
function meta.__index(self, key)
_R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] = _R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] or {}
if _R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)][key] then
return _R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)][key]
return meta.__oldindex(self, key)
function meta.__newindex(self, key, value)
_R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] = _R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] or {}
_R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)][key] = value
function meta:__gc()
_R.METAVALUES[tostring(self)] = nil
The problem with this is what I'm supposed to use for index. tostring(self) only works for those objects with an ID returned to tostring. Not all objects have an ID such as Vec3 and Ang3 and all that.

You could also use a simple table...
config = { tooltype1 = "Tool",
tooltype2 = "HopperBin",
number = 5,
print(config.tooltype1) --"Tool"
print(config.tooltype2) --"HopperBin"
print(config.number) --5


lua metatables - first parameter in __index function

I'm trying to learn metatables in Lua and I came across the following example: -
local my_metatable = {}
local my_tab = {}
setmetatable(my_tab, my_metatable)
-- Set the __index metamethod:
my_metatable.__index = function (tab, key)
print("Hello, " .. key)
return "cruel world"
-- Trigger the __index metamethod:
print("Goodbye, " .. my_tab["world"])
The result is:-
Hello, world
Goodbye, cruel world
My question is - what does the variable tab do, in my_metatable.__index = function (tab, key). I can change it to anything and it doesn't affect the program in any way.
The tab parameter is passed an argument of the table itself.
For example, given your code my_tab["world"], the parameters tab and key will be passed the arguments my_tab and "world" respectively. Because you didn't use the table in your __index function, it didn't affect anything.
Here is a basic example of what it might be used for. Let us consider a special Array table that acts like an array but has some additional information:
Array = {
length = 0,
array = {}
mt = {
__index = function(tab, index)
return tab.array[index]
setmetatable(t, mt)
--now when Array[3] is written, what will actually be returned is Array.array[3]
print(Array[3]) --will actually print Array.array[3]
This isn't actually the best way to implement this functionality, but hopefully this gives you an idea of why the tab parameter exists and what __index can be used for as a result.

attempt to call method 'func' (a nil value)

No matter how I approach Lua, I run into this error all the time, so I must not understand something inherit to the language:
attempt to call method 'func' (a nil value)
I've seen the error here a few times as well but the problem doesn't seem clear to me.
Here's my module:
Actor = {
x = 0,
mt = {},
new = function()
local new_actor = {}
new_actor.x = Actor.x =
return new_actor
test = function(self, a, b)
print(a, b)
I'm using Löve.
require "game/actor"
local a = Actor:new() --works fine
function love.load()
a.x = 10
print(a.x) --output: 10
a:test(11, 12) --error: attempt to call method 'test' (a nil value)
I'm also not sure when it's appropriate to use the previous styling over this in a module.
Actor = {
x = 0
} = {}
I'm honestly not sure what is more correct than the other but considering I run into a simple error either way, there's probably something I'm missing entirely?
It looks like you're trying to instance a kind of class made of metatables. You basically need to assign new_actor's metatable with (Resuming the problem: when you're indexing new_actor you're not indexing Actor in this case)
Even if the metatable is being added, it won't work until you put the meta "__index" event to index a table containing your class methods/values, in this case: = {
__index = Actor
I'd suggest moving your class methods/values into a new table, like Actor.prototype, Actor.fn, etc... avoiding conflicts:
Actor.fn = {
test = function(self, a, b)
print(a, b)
}; = {
__index = Actor.fn
More about metatables in Lua 5.3 manual.

Accessing the key in the value (right side) of a table key affectation in Lua

The goal is to match a key of a table with a value depending of the key.
example = { ["dummy"] = this .. " example" }
print example.dummy -- print "dummy example"
Where this is the keyword to refer to the key. Is there any way to do that in Lua?
There is no way to do this directly.
You could do some preprocessing:
example = { ["dummy"] = "{THIS} example" }
for k,v in pairs(example) do
It's not possible to have as clean an expression as:
t = { foo = this .. ' bar' }
because this would always be expressed without relation to the key or the table. That is, you can't capture an expression as the value of a table entry.
What is possible is implementing some level of indirection using metatables and functions, but it's hardly pretty. Here we do fetch-time evaluation. You could also recompute the results.
local function indirect_table ()
local uptable = {}
return setmetatable({}, {
__index = function (self, key)
local value = uptable[key]
return type(value) == 'function' and uptable[key](key) or value
__newindex = function (self, key, value)
uptable[key] = value
--[[precompute, with no need for an uptable, or __index:
`rawset(self, key, value(key)`]]
local tab = indirect_table() = function (key) return key .. 'bar' end
print( --> 'foobar'
Note: this example uses a closure, but you can implement this kind of pattern using getmetatable as well.
Personally, I'd abstract this into an indirection pattern that allows arbitrary keys and values, and their actions to be specified. I figure this kind of pattern would mostly be used programatically, rather than by hand, where the results of key values are dependent on the inputs received. Again, not pretty, but a little more robust (optional actions).
local function I (_, value) return value end
local K = setmetatable({
__call = function (actor, key)
return actor.action(key, actor.value)
}, {
__call = function (K, value, action)
return setmetatable({ value = value, action = action or I }, K)
local T = setmetatable({
__newindex = function (self, key, value)
if getmetatable(value) == K then
value = value(key)
rawset(self, key, value)
}, {
__call = function (T, o)
return setmetatable(o or {}, T)
Simple use:
local function concat (left, right) return left .. right end
local t = T {} = K('bar', concat) -- with a common action
t.zar = K({}, unknown_action) -- without action (`nil`)
t.qux = 'qaz' -- standard
print(, t.zar, t.qux)
This is strange metaprogramming. I'd double-check the reasoning for needing such an approach. Perhaps you're falling into an XY Problem trap? Really feels like a solution to a problem that doesn't need to exist in the first place.

How does `table.insert` work with custom tables in Lua

I wonder how does table.insert work in lua?!
I am asking this because I have tried to use it on a custom table with __newindex metamethod
but it seems not to call it. Is there a way to make my custom table functionality to work with table.insert?!
From my humble knowledge about the language I would say it uses something like rawset or something maybe I donno.
Sample I worked on:
tabl = {1,2,3}
local _tabl = tabl
tabl = {}
local mt = { __newindex = function(t,k,v) print"changing" ;_tabl[k] = v end, __index = _tabl}
tabl[4] = 4; --prints "changing"
table.insert(tabl,5) -- prints nothing!!
There's no such metamethod, table.insert just inserts a new value to a specified table.
local myTable = {}
table.insert(myTable, "somestring")
-- so now myTable has one value, myTable = { "somestring" }
It works like:
local myTable = {}
myTable[#myTable + 1] = "somestring"
__newindex metamethod affects only assignment operator "=", table.insert is just a separate function not related with metatables, you can modify the behaviour of this function if you want:
_tableinsert = table.insert
function table.insert(t, v)
-- here your actions, before real function will be used
_tableinsert(t, v)
I think that would be possible to make your own metamethod __tableinsert this way.
table.insert does, in fact, use rawset. See the lua 5.1 source here.
As indicated if you do the assignment yourself you should be able to get the behavior you want.

Lua Scope for Corona SDK

I was wondering How I might be able to access Obj.isActive from an outside function such as "Object:setActive()". I would pull it up to the Object table However i need multiple instances of the isActive property for all the individual Objects. Just trying to figure out a way to do so.
Object = {};
ObjectMeta = {__index = Object};
Obj = {};
Obj.isActive= false;
return setmetatable(Obj,ObjectMeta);
function Object:setActive()
--self.isActive = nil
return Object;
For metatables, you can use self as follows:
function Object:setActive()
self.isActive = true
Here is a SSCCE for your code:
