ruby on rails routing helper: how to create select_clients_path(client) - ruby-on-rails

I have client standard resource with CRUD, but I would like to make extension with action select, so that I can have select_clients_path(client).
In clients_controller I have created action select, but I dont know how to create correct routing rule
for now I have created:
resources :clients do
get 'select'
but this generates /clients/select.2 but i would like somthing like /clients/select/2 or /clients/select?id=2
thank you

resources :clients do
collection do
get :select
will create a 'clients/select' route, to which you can pass parameters like '?client_ids=2...' and work with several client records.
resources :clients do
member do
get :select
will create a 'clients/:id/select' route to work with a single client record
Take a look at for more about this functionality, but those blocks will get you pretty far.


How to set child index path without specific parent id in Rails?

I have route.rb like this:
resources :companies do
resources :company_jobs
And rails routes:
company_company_jobs GET /companies/:company_id/company_jobs(.:format) company_jobs#index
I need to add a link to show all company_jobs model without specific company_id like this:
Any one how can I config route to do this? Thank you so much!
What your routing implies is that you want all company_jobs that belong to company identified by :id. Assuming that you have a model association set up between the two models, this would be referenced as <%= link_to company_company_jobs(#company) %> - rails will fill in the id for you.
If instead, you just want to include all jobs no matter which company, you could change your routes to:
resources :companies do
collection do
get :company_jobs
resources :company_jobs
This will create a new route companies_company_jobs_path company#company_jobs
For this route to work, you will need to add the following to companies_controller.rb
def company_jobs

Extract params fro url in rails

From the url below how can I extract the value 1?
I tried params[:id] and params[:products][:id] but got nothing.
Did you make suitable change in your routes.rb file? You need to include something like
GET /category/products/:id , ...
to make it work with params[:id].
The direct answer to your question is to fix your routes.rb file
As per the Rails RESTful routing structure, you should be able to use a named scope to achieve this:
scope 'category' do
resources :products
#/category/products/1 -> params[:id]
What I recommended above should fix your problem directly
However, I think you're trying to achieve nested resources. If this is the case, you should use something like this:
resources :categories do
resources :products
This will allow you to do:

RESTful nested controller in has_one relationship

Say I have a User that has_one ContactInfo.
An unrestful way to edit the contact_info would be to do this all through a single controller with a route of:
A more restful way would be to use two controllers, and route it like this:
However, I don't like this, as the route includes the contact_info_id, which isn't really necessary for identifying the correct contact_info to update. Additionally, the contact_info_id is a confusing number for a user to see. (They may know their own user id, but the contact_info_id will seem like an arbitrary number).
Is there any way to RESTfully route like below:
or something similar? Is this a bad idea?
resources :users do
get "contact_info/edit" => 'users#edit_contact_info'
I'd used a plural route, instead of a singular route. With the singular route, I get
resources :users do
resources :contact_infos
Changed to
resources :users do
resource :contact_info

Rails routes, how to specify this member proper

I currently have some routes that look like the following:
resources :contests do
member do
get :enter
This allows me to do an HTTP GET on a URL that looks like /contests/5/enter. Now, a user can go in, fill in some forms, and be able to submit an entry to the contest. So I'd also like to be able to POST to this URL. I tried doing the following:
resources :contests do
member do
get :enter
post :enter
This posts to the same controller#action as the GET member that I have specified, so it's not really intuitive. I'd like to be able to direct it to a separate action if at all possible. What's the best way of doing that? I am using Ruby on Rails 4 beta currently.
** UPDATE **
I tried the following but I get an ArgumentError exception when I start the server:
resources :contests do
member do
get :enter
post :enter => "contests#create_entry"
You can do something like this:
resources :contests do
member do
get :enter
post '/enter', to: "contests#create_entry", as: "create_entry"
However i agree with Ola Tuvesson, you should definitely create a new controller and routes for entries, even though you may not have a model, similiar to how you often have a session controller for login and logout. Something like this:
resources :contests do
resources :entries, only: [:new, :create]
You can specify the controller/action you want to point a route at.
get :enter => "controller#get_enter"
post :enter => "controller#post_enter"
I would suggest you make the entries for a contest a child model of contests. That would give you all the CRUD methods on entries and your routes would simply be:
resources :contests do
resources :entries
A GET of /contests/5/entries/new will give you the form for adding an entry and when this POSTs to /contests/5/entries it would create a new entry. It also makes it easy to list all entries for a competition etc. You can easily create the controller, model and the associated views with the scaffold generator, for example:
rails g scaffold Entry contest:references name:string email:string
The references column type tells the generator to link Contests to Entries in a one to many relationship. Job done.
If you still want to rename your routes, here's how:

How to map a new CRUD action in 'routes.rb'?

In my 'routes.rb' file I have this code:
resources :users
that maps my user's controller like this.
If I want to map the "reset" view/url for users (Path: /users/reset) what code I have to insert in the 'routes.rb' file?
Two options - I'm assuming you're just going to act on the session user so you don't need to pass in an id to operate on? If so, you'll need to make a few additional changes...
Use an explicit route:
match "/users/reset" => 'users#reset', :as => 'reset_user'
The 'as' part is optional.
Add a new route that operations on a 'collection'. This gets you your route but feels like a hack, I wouldn't recommend it.
resources :users do
collection do
get 'reset'
Do this:
resources :user do
member do
get 'reset'
See this section in the Rails Guide you referred to.
