spring jmx visual diagram or components interaction - jmx

I am a new bie to the world of JMX and I was going through spring JMX and specially the spring recipes book also so that can learn more about spring jmx , while I was also going through this url which explains a great about spring jmx http://tedone.typepad.com/blog/java/ .. but please share any url or something in which graphically the components interaction is been shown or any diagram is shown , I want an visual diagram or some thing is shown that will help to grasp more about jmx.


I am looking for source code: a working sample of Spring Security

After reading articles about Spring Security, I now try to put all what I have learnt to a dynamic web project (Spring v5 MVC, Maven, MySQL5Dialect) in Netbeans IDE, I created: AuthenProvider, ApplicationConfig, UserController, UserRepository, SecurityUserDetailsService, etc. Everything including database tables and data done, but it seems not working at all.
So I am looking for a sample source code (a working sample Spring Security), so that I can make my project working: login, OAuth2, Remember Me, logout, URL access control (maybe spring-security-taglibs), log in form with authentication by JDBC of tables users, roles, attempts (blocked the user after 3 fails of log in attempts).
Anyone has a working sample source code, can share with me, will be appreciated.
Or anyone can tell me where I can find the sample code, will be great too.
In case Spring Security is not a good way, please let me know. Thanks

Spring Integration JMX support not work

As far as I know Spring Integration has out of the box JMX support. What documentation says is that I can obtain numerous statistics regarding channels, routers, etc.
I have the following configuration added to Spring context file:
<context:mbean-server />
However, only one element has been auto detected for JMX exposure. It is a simple delayer.
I have multiple flows defined and no more elements are exposed through JMX.
I have no clue what is wrong.
Are there any other configuration changes I need to make?
Thank you for any help.
You need to use <int-jmx:mbean-export> instead.
Sorry for the short answer, but there is no more to say, if already have taken a look into Docs.
However here is a sample on the matter.
H-m. No, wrong sample. See Spring Integration tests.
<context:mbean-export/> registers MBeans for those Spring Beans which are #ManagedResource. The <int-jmx:mbean-export> goes a bit further and wraps to MBeans almost all Spring Integration components: channels, MessageHandlers, MessageSources.
And yes, adds for them #ManagedMetrics.

Spring Data Neo4j in combination with Spring-Social and Spring-Security

I am in an early stage of a small Spring-based project which utilizes Spring Data Neo4j with an embedded database (but possibly could use a server instance in a later development , too).
My data model and relationships have been designed, Spring Security (with Neo4j), MVC and tiles are set up and also seem to be fully functional.
Now I have the additional requirement to allow login with social networks.
I'm really stuck with trying to integrate Spring Social with my above mentioned setup. Basically I have a rough idea that I need to make use of the cross-store Neo4j component but have no real clue, how I could start with it.
I tried to find something useful for my case (SDN Neo4j + Spring Social Security) on github but was not really successful with that either.
Can anyone provide me an example configuration or even point me to some examples (I obviously didn't find before) ... any help is highly appreciated.
I don't think there is a Spring Social connector yet, but it shouldn't be too hard to write (there is one for Mongo). If nothing else, you can use the https://code.google.com/p/google-api-java-client/ directly form a service, exposing the google oauth callback from a Spring Controller, should work too.
Neo4j connection repository for Spring social has been implemented here using neo4j-ogm. You can reuse that. https://github.com/maciossek/spring-social-neo4j

life cycle of a Java EE application using struts 2, spring 3, hibernate 3, eclipse and SQL server

I'm a newer java/Java EE application programmer :
The aim of my question that i found a tutorial or a refcard talking about integration of struts 2, spring 3, hibernate 3 under a Java EE project( the database doesn't matter and the eclipse version too) wich explain the role of each configuration file( such as web.xml, application-context.xml, struts.xml) and what you have to put inside. i hope that it gives the process that porsuit a request from the User Interface to the data layer and the role of the configuration files.
Note sure what exactly is your question but here is a quick answer to your question
Struts2 will be used as MVC (Model View Controller). i.e the framework will be used to create UI and will be responsible to take user inputs and showing the output to the user in a very smile words.
Spring in itself start from DI to Web-services, AOP,Talking to Hibernate and many more, it all depedends upon what all features you want to use. in S2 the typical use of Spring is DI.You can also use Spring in your service layer
Hibernate is a part of ORM layer and will be responsible for interacting with your underlying database.you can use Spring to interact with your ORM layer or can develop independent ORM layer using hibernate.Struts2 has nothing to do with hibernate.
here is a quick tutorial for the same struts-2-spring-jpa. You can find more tutorial by simple googling

Spring Web Service

I want Spring Webservice program in details. I have visited many websites , no website is providing me in proper. I want that program to be detailed and clear explained. It is better if you use any one of the Netbeans of Eclipse Ganymade IDE's
Please look at a very simplified post on how to build web services using Spring-WS[Title: Building a web service with Spring-WS] at
