Netbeans 7.3 Clean Install: Classpath to J2ME Ant extension library (libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath property) is not set - ant

First of all I'd like to start by saying that I'm actually a .Net programmer, and it so happens that I need to develop a J2ME app again today. I've have had innumerable problems developing J2ME apps with Netbeans in the past, to the extent that I have had to use someone else's laptop to do the job.
Today I installed Netbeans 7.3. Clean install. I installed the WTK 2.5.2 right afterwards. I managed to configure the platform on Netbeans and all, but once I make a J2ME app and run it I'm getting the following error message:
"Classpath to J2ME Ant extension library (libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath property) is not set."
Trust me this is quite upsetting since I've looked it up on the net, and it seems the menu items to solve that problem that people have been pointing out to DO NOT EXIST in Netbeans 7.3.
I added an ANT variable: libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath and set it to C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.3\mobility\ant\nblib
Still not working. I'm not even sure if that's the correct path, if those are the correct files.
This is extremely frustrating. Can somebody please help?

I've encountered similar problem with nb 7.2.1, it's probably a bug which destroys a part of .properties file in those versions.
Fix your properties in file %project_folder%\nbproject\ (you can copy them from such files in similar healthy projects)


java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jnind4jcpu in java.library.path

I started using the 1.0.0-beta2 version of deeplearning4j and I am getting the following error when attempting to start:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jnind4jcpu in java.library.path
In looking around, I came across this issue:
where the solution seemed to be an incomplete set of packages. I have confirmed that I have nd4j-native-platform-1.0.0-beta2.jar, but this jar file contains no libraries as what seemed to be the problem in the issue mentioned above.
I have looked at the maven repository and things are strange there as well:
For, the list of files under "View All" seems incomplete for the 1.0.0-beta2 version and the existing jar files under older versons also don't seem to contain any binaries so I am unsure as to where the binaries are supposed to be.
Do you have a specific OS you are trying? It should work out of the box if you just use platform. Platform includes numerous dependencies. I'm not sure what "incomplete" might be, but if you browse the real maven central (not this website, please do not use it):
You'll see jars for everything here. We have pretty good coverage publishing for every OS all the way to android and IOS.

OpenCV 2.4.2 library files using CMake and MinGW - Target IDE CodeBlocks

I have been having this issue with OpenCV 2.4.2 that it doesn't really get installed properly with Microsoft VS 2010 Express; It is always missing a dll file or two doesn't matter what I follow by Googling. Also, Visual Studio 2010 Express is only valid for a few days, so it is acceptable that VS will not behave well with OpenCV at that point. However, when I changed my IDE to CodeBlocks, it is even stranger because now I have missing dll files and also "Missing Entry Point" error because of a duplicate .dll file. I found this guide and followed what it told me to do:
But it still doesn't work!! What I am after is a complete and definitive solution to integrating OpenCV (preferrably 2.4.2 version) on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I have been turning Stackoverflow inside out but no solution is working for me. The problems are
Missing dll file (e.g. libopencv_core242d.dll, etc.)
First it complains that libstdc++-6.dll is missing. When I download it to my C:\MinGW\libexec\gcc\mingw32\4.7.0 folder, it stops complaining about this. But now it complains that there is any entry point problem and some other .dll file is missing!!!
If someone has managed to make it work by hook or crook, I will be more than happy to know what it is, IN DEPTH. I don't believe that such an important library can be so stupidly distributed so that developers have to struggle night and day to make this work.
FYI, I have tried even the OPenCV website and frankly their instructions are a bit useless. Also, all the necessary information e.g. adding PATH, adding includes and libraries, etc. Please someone point me to the right direction as it has been two days and I cannot get anywhere. It is literally stopping my job now :(
As an answer, but probably a very simple one, I did the following and got rid of the problem:
1) Uninstalled code::blocks completely from the PC and downloaded the IDE-only version (i.e. withouth MinGW compiler), then installed it.
2) Downloaded the latest stable version of MinGW, installed, and added C:\MinGW\bin to PATH
3) Followed rest of the instructions from [link]
4) Just to be sure, copied the opencv .dll files from the build folder (i.e. the one that you have created "make" and "install" files using CMake) to the debug (i.e. the executables') folder.
This will fix the problems. In case, it doesn't it might be that you need to add some environment variables.

XNA 4.0 ClickOnce game does not run after installation

Okay, I have been looking all over to solve this problem before I actually broke down and decided to finally ask for my psecific problem. I am using ClickOnce installation and when I use the setup.exe to install nothing runs, not even on my personal computer that I know has all of the proper libraries and such. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong so it is difficult to explain the problem.
I have included dotNetFramework4.0 client x86 x64 , xna redistributable 4.0 and windows installer 3.1 along with my game and I have it set to install all of that with setup , also I have it set to download prereqs from same location as application. I've tried it on three separate computers , one that does not have XNA or VS C# installed and the same problem occurs.
Here is the problem , after I install the game nothing runs, I try clicking on the ClickOnce application file (the one with my game's icon image) and again nothing happens. The thing that really bugs me is that there isn't any errors or crashes or anything , it's almost like clicking on the desktop screen. (I looked at the properties of the "shortcut" that was installed with the game and the file size of the shortcut is like 300 bytes. Isn't that really small? I was thinking maybe there is a problem with a startup executable? I'm not sure though.)
I've tried tweaking some stuff in the Publish section of my project , such as un-checking the box that says "use .deploy extension files" (I don't know why, I've been grasping at straws here) I've been looking into some other installers such as NSIS but I don't know how to compile a list of files to include in other installers and I feel like that won't solve the problem anyway because I've gotten ClickOnce to work with me before.
On one computer there was an error report that said something about 'deployment and application do not have matching security zones.'
Game.application resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected:
+ Deployment and application do not have matching security zones.
It's getting late so if I need to provide more information let me know.
ClickOnce can be a fickle thing. There are times that I've had errors occur that could only be solved by recreating an entire Windows user profile. Because there are so many different options for ClickOnce, it's going to be hard for me to diagnose your exact issue, so I can only offer what options I used to successfully install via ClickOnce.
Publishing Folder: local folder
Installation Folder URL: blank
Install Mode: offline
Application Files
Make sure the Publish Status of your game files is set to Include (Auto)
Make sure the Publish Status of the XNA libraries is set to Prerequisite (Auto)
Click Prerequisites
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0
Windows Installer 3.1
Do not check for updates
Everything else default under Options (publisher/suite name shouldn't affect anything)
Specify the version number
Publish Now
Install the game through the setup.exe provided in the publish location. I always distribute every file that is publishes. However, you can clean up old versions in the "Application Files" folder if you don't want the history to be distributed.
You can double check the "Application Files" folder to see if your version got published correctly (look at the files that were deployed and see if they match your project contents).

Error in BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml

I've installed Blackberry Java plugin 1.3.0.
When I create a new project BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml shows error.
What is the problem? Is there any environment path problem? If yes, what should to set path?
InvalidRegex: Pattern value '([a-zA-Z_]{1,63}[\s-a-zA-Z_0-9.]{0,63}[;]?)*' is not a valid regular expression
you should of course follow the hint in the error and check that none of your values in your BlackBerry_App_Descriptor.xml will fail the regex.
However, there is a very strange case whereby you will see this error regardless of your values. In fact, creating a new project straight from Eclipse will still show the error.
Turns out this could be caused by having Java JRE 7 installed on your machine. The BlackBerry plugin doesn't support this yet, Eclipse might be trying to use that.
The fix? You simply have to edit the eclipse.ini that will live in the same directory as your eclipse.exe that you use to start the IDE. Closing Eclipse and making a backup of eclipse.ini before you do this would be a good idea.
Find the line "openFile" and immediately after, add the following:
C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/bin/javaw.exe [or wherever your jre6 directory might be]
Cross your fingers and restart Eclipse.
Rebuild your projects.

Getting an error message while building PhoneGapSample in blackberry Webworks

I am working on PhoneGap BlackberryWebWorks i have install BlackBerry WebWorks plug-in:2.5.1 and Blackberry WebWorks SDK:2.0.0. and PhoneGap 0.9.4.but while building the project in eclipse i am getting the following error
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Faceted Project Validation Builder' on project 'PhoneGapSample'.
Could not initialize class org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.project.facet.IJ2EEFacetConstants
I am not getting any idea how to proceed ahead to remove this error.If any one have any idea about this. it will help me to overcome from this error.
Per neo's comment, install Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools using the Eclipse -> Help -> Install new software -> Work with -> (your Eclipse version's download repository. e.g.:) Indigo.
In the filter field type, then checkbox, Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools.
Download, install, boom: no more errors. Well, not that error, anyway, YMMV.
Edit: Mayoayres added a comment below that may apply if you still get this error despite following these instructions. If you find it helpful, upvote his comment!
Right click on your project >>> Properties >>> Project Facets >>> uncheck Static web Module
Hope to help.
In eclipse juno there is some cases the project facets doesn't display any will give a error named "invalid values for project facets"...So there is a need to do the following
project >>> Properties >>> Builders
and uncheck the faceted project validation builder....
The accepted answer didn't work for me, but I found a solution: you need to install into the Eclipse plugins/ directory the .jar for org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb, because it seems like you need it, but Eclipse WST doesn't properly depend on it, so it is not always installed when it should be.
The issue is completely unrelated to PhoneGap or Blackberry development, by the way.
As a more generic answer, this is because you either imported a project which is dependent on uninstalled Eclipse plugins. I had this issue when migrating to Eclipse Juno. The easiest solution, just edit your .project file in a text editor and remove the conflicting elements. Usually, this is in the buildspec or nature section.
Keep a backup of your project file if you're not sure. You may always delete and recreate your project later on. It's easier to remove those references than to find and install the exact missing plugin versions.
In my case I was using Thymeleaf Eclipse plugin for thymeleaf content assist in my project and got these message in Eclipse Juno,
Errors running builder 'Thymeleaf Validation Builder' on project 'site'
Select project
Project -> Properties -> Builders
Uncheck the Thymeleaf Validation Builder
Uncheck the builder corresponding to your error message and hopefully your problem gets resolved.
