java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jnind4jcpu in java.library.path - deeplearning4j

I started using the 1.0.0-beta2 version of deeplearning4j and I am getting the following error when attempting to start:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jnind4jcpu in java.library.path
In looking around, I came across this issue:
where the solution seemed to be an incomplete set of packages. I have confirmed that I have nd4j-native-platform-1.0.0-beta2.jar, but this jar file contains no libraries as what seemed to be the problem in the issue mentioned above.
I have looked at the maven repository and things are strange there as well:
For, the list of files under "View All" seems incomplete for the 1.0.0-beta2 version and the existing jar files under older versons also don't seem to contain any binaries so I am unsure as to where the binaries are supposed to be.

Do you have a specific OS you are trying? It should work out of the box if you just use platform. Platform includes numerous dependencies. I'm not sure what "incomplete" might be, but if you browse the real maven central (not this website, please do not use it):
You'll see jars for everything here. We have pretty good coverage publishing for every OS all the way to android and IOS.


Junit5 with ant

I am new in ant and junit5. I went through several examples ant/junit4. But I did not find a normal example with a pair of ant with junit5. With a pair of ant with junit4 everything works fine. I downloaded the files from the official site of the junit5 (For Ant, check out the junit5-jupiter-starter-ant project.), but even they give an error at the very beginning(screen attached) I will try to fix them one by one, but I don't think that official repo committed with errors. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Or maybe gurus suggest some other simple sample with ant/junit5.
Thank you in advance.
I try to run the original sources from and expected to at least compile them. But I get plenty of errors.
So this post has 2 questions:
errors on the screenshot
ant+juni5 integration in general
To reproduce the exact issues one should have the same environment, which is at least the OS, Java version & Ant version. The example itself seems to be using the Junit5 ConsoleLauncher, which is one of the way to run the tests. Looking at the errors it looks like the issue is in the project itself, because if it cannot find the 'symbol' #Test then the Junit(5?) is simply not present on the classpath. Maybe this can be a hint to the author to trty to dig a bit more into the issue, particularly looking into the dependencies (jars) included.
Now going back to how to run Junit5 test with Ant, I can recall the "JUnitLauncher" that apache suggests: . Note that you should be attentive on the dependencies here as well, there are number of Jars to be included (opentest4j, junit-platform-xyz). Note that this also depends on the installation of Ant in the environment, so for example if you get a NoClassDefFound for JUnitLauncher, this can be solved by using the 'up-to-date' version of Ant: . In case of Linux you can place these Jars in home/your_username/.ant/lib directory, where it will be automatically picked up.

OpenCV 3.1.0 - LNK1104 with opencv_world310d.lib (Visual Studio Express 2013)

iam actually trying to get opencv running on my Computer. I allready configured the environment variables on Windows and added the Path for the includes and the libraries in a propertiesheet.
Now when i want to add additional dependencies i watched into my directory (opencv\build\x64\vs12\lib)and there are only two files. opencv_world310.lib and opencv_world310d.lib. So they are on my HDD.
I think these are the files i have to add?
I did this and then i got the error LNK1104 could not open "opencv_world310d.lib. Same with opencv_world310.lib.
Iam trying to build a example-code from opencv so there should be everything fine with it. I saw some Tutorials they did not have any issue. But they used OpenCv3.0
Is there any workaround?
kind regards
Yes. By default, opencv_world310.lib is the only file you should link with.
Or if you're building with Debug configuration, you should use opencv_world310d.lib instead.
Since the error code is LNK1104, I believe your additional library path is something wrong.
And then please check you are building x64 code not win32 code.

Qt generic error message

This is the error messsage I get.
I know it's kind of an eye roller, that it's difficult nigh impossible to tell what I may need without the source, but it seems like a deployment problem as people that installed the Qt SDK can run it. Plus, I figured I'd have better luck asking here than with a chinese developer that speaks google-english.
So here's what I've done:
I installed the MSVC2012.
I used a program called cffexplorer to see what the exe was looking for. I have the 7 or so .dlls that are at the top of the tree.
I found a recent (jun 2013) qwindows.dll from elsewhere on my system and put it in ./plugins (I've tried this file in ./, ./plugins, and ./plugins/platforms
I created a qt.conf with the following data (I determined the format from an existing Qt based app that works)
Plugins = plugins
Yet, I continue to get this message. Any suggestions on what I might look for to clear this up?
Ask the developer what compiler was used to build the application. Then you will need the right dll (that was built with the same compiler as the application). Also notice that (by default) the documentation says that qwindows.dll should be in the platforms folder in the same path as your executable, read more here. Depending on whether the developer used a Qt built with angle, you may also need: libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll. Dependency walker might help you find dependencies that are not there.

Netbeans 7.3 Clean Install: Classpath to J2ME Ant extension library (libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath property) is not set

First of all I'd like to start by saying that I'm actually a .Net programmer, and it so happens that I need to develop a J2ME app again today. I've have had innumerable problems developing J2ME apps with Netbeans in the past, to the extent that I have had to use someone else's laptop to do the job.
Today I installed Netbeans 7.3. Clean install. I installed the WTK 2.5.2 right afterwards. I managed to configure the platform on Netbeans and all, but once I make a J2ME app and run it I'm getting the following error message:
"Classpath to J2ME Ant extension library (libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath property) is not set."
Trust me this is quite upsetting since I've looked it up on the net, and it seems the menu items to solve that problem that people have been pointing out to DO NOT EXIST in Netbeans 7.3.
I added an ANT variable: libs.j2me_ant_ext.classpath and set it to C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.3\mobility\ant\nblib
Still not working. I'm not even sure if that's the correct path, if those are the correct files.
This is extremely frustrating. Can somebody please help?
I've encountered similar problem with nb 7.2.1, it's probably a bug which destroys a part of .properties file in those versions.
Fix your properties in file %project_folder%\nbproject\ (you can copy them from such files in similar healthy projects)

OpenCV 2.4.2 library files using CMake and MinGW - Target IDE CodeBlocks

I have been having this issue with OpenCV 2.4.2 that it doesn't really get installed properly with Microsoft VS 2010 Express; It is always missing a dll file or two doesn't matter what I follow by Googling. Also, Visual Studio 2010 Express is only valid for a few days, so it is acceptable that VS will not behave well with OpenCV at that point. However, when I changed my IDE to CodeBlocks, it is even stranger because now I have missing dll files and also "Missing Entry Point" error because of a duplicate .dll file. I found this guide and followed what it told me to do:
But it still doesn't work!! What I am after is a complete and definitive solution to integrating OpenCV (preferrably 2.4.2 version) on a Windows 7 64-bit machine. I have been turning Stackoverflow inside out but no solution is working for me. The problems are
Missing dll file (e.g. libopencv_core242d.dll, etc.)
First it complains that libstdc++-6.dll is missing. When I download it to my C:\MinGW\libexec\gcc\mingw32\4.7.0 folder, it stops complaining about this. But now it complains that there is any entry point problem and some other .dll file is missing!!!
If someone has managed to make it work by hook or crook, I will be more than happy to know what it is, IN DEPTH. I don't believe that such an important library can be so stupidly distributed so that developers have to struggle night and day to make this work.
FYI, I have tried even the OPenCV website and frankly their instructions are a bit useless. Also, all the necessary information e.g. adding PATH, adding includes and libraries, etc. Please someone point me to the right direction as it has been two days and I cannot get anywhere. It is literally stopping my job now :(
As an answer, but probably a very simple one, I did the following and got rid of the problem:
1) Uninstalled code::blocks completely from the PC and downloaded the IDE-only version (i.e. withouth MinGW compiler), then installed it.
2) Downloaded the latest stable version of MinGW, installed, and added C:\MinGW\bin to PATH
3) Followed rest of the instructions from [link]
4) Just to be sure, copied the opencv .dll files from the build folder (i.e. the one that you have created "make" and "install" files using CMake) to the debug (i.e. the executables') folder.
This will fix the problems. In case, it doesn't it might be that you need to add some environment variables.
