Writing a DelayedJob custom job to run script and then destroy object - ruby-on-rails

I've been trying to figure this out for a long time, and can't figure it out.
I am using DelayedJob in my Rails app in order to run a script to fill out some forms on a website via a Mechanize script. However, after the job completes, I don't want any record of the entry to be stored in any database in my application, as there is no reason anyone should access it again.
The process works perfectly when I ran it as a simple background method within the controller's create method - that is, by calling #course.delay.scrape right after if #course.save. But now that I want to destroy the object right after the background job finishes, I believe I need to create a custom job, and am struggling with that.
I am aware that the DelayedJob documentation lists the method def after(job). In order to use that method, I need to create a custom job. I'm confused about how to create a custom job, as nearly every example I can find is for sending mass emails, whereas this is for a different purpose. I don't know how to get the script to run this way.
If you can help me with fixing up this code at all, that would be greatly appreciated! I've tried many variations, looking at as many examples as possible. I'm aware it has at least a few errors, but am not advanced enough to know what to change. This is the last thing I tried before throwing in the towel.
Here is my model (in models/course.rb):
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :send_to_delayed_job
def scrape
...Mechanize script goes here ....
def send_to_delayed_job
Delayed::Job.enqueue CourseJob.new(self.id), :queue => 'mycoursequeue'
Here is my job (in models/course_job.rb):
class CourseJob < Struct.new(:course_id)
def perform
course = Course.find(self.id)
def after(job)

Can we just have course.destroy as the last line of CourseJob#perform method?


Trouble getting DelayedJob custom job to work: uninitialized constant UsersController::UserScrapeJob

I've been trying to implement a DelayedJob custom job for a very long time, but am not finding much information online in terms of how to do this from start to finish, and am finding almost nothing that is not about sending mass emails (I've read collectiveidea's Github intro, Railscasts, SO questions, etc). As someone relatively new to Rails, I imagine that while the instructions are likely clear for someone more experienced, they are not clear enough for someone at my level to understand how to get this to work properly.
The aim of my task is to run the job, and then destroy the object (I am aware that DelayedJob destroys all completed jobs, but I also want the object destroyed from my database as well upon completion of the job.)
Previously, I was doing this with a DelayedJob non-custom job in my controller's create method: user.delay.scrape, followed by user.delay.destroy, which worked well. Therefore, everything else in my application is working fine, and the problem lies strictly in how I am setting up this custom job. However, for various reasons, it would be much better in this case to create a custom job.
Below is the current (non-working) way I have DelayedJob set up in my app. However, when I run the app, the console reports: uninitialized constant UsersController::UserScrapeJob. Any suggestions of how to get this to work properly would be greatly appreciated, and I'd be happy to answer any questions about this request.
Here is my model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def scrape
some code here...
In my controller, the delayed job needs to function as part of the create method.
And here is my controller (with only the create method shown):
class UsersController < ApplicationController
#user = User.new(params[:user])
if #user.save
Delayed::Job.enqueue UserScrapeJob.new(user.id)
render :action => 'new'
And here is the job file userScrapeJob.rb, which is in the app/jobs folder:
class UserScrapeJob < Struct.new(:user_id)
def perform
user = User.find(user_id)
You have a typo when you create the job, the name of the class is UserScrapeJob, with a capital 'U' (name of classes in ruby are constants).
Delayed::Job.enqueue UserScrapeJob.new(user.id)
You also have a syntax error in the if, it's if ... else ... end, and not if ... end else ... end
Try renaming your job file from userScrapeJob.rb to user_scrape_job.rb.
When you call UserScrapeJob.new Rails converts the class name to snake case (i.e. user_scrape_job) and looks for the corresponding file of that name, user_scrape_job.rb.

multiple methods per sidekiq worker

I don't get it.
Per Sidekiq documentation, each worker (mine is called FeedWorker) can only contain one method called perform. Well, what if I want to run mulitple methods through the same worker?
For instance, my FeedWorker (you guessed it, it processes an activity feed) should run the following 3 methods:
I don't think this is an unreasonable expectation. I'm sure other folks have considered this. I'm no genius, but I know I'm not breaking new ground in expectations here. Yet it's not clear how one would do this.
Right now, it looks like I have to code this way:
def perform(id, TYPE)
if TYPE == BAR
Bar.find(id) and_announce_bar
Foo.find(id) and_announce_foo
Boring and ugly code. There must be better out there.
Any help appreciated!
perform method is the entry point of your Worker. Inside of it you can create as many instance methods as you want, to organize your code as it best fits your need. It's a good practice though to keep worker code as slim as possible. Calling other objects from inside of it for example is a way to achieve that. You'll find your code will be easier to test too.
I had the same question for awhile and now have a rather simple solution: use the Delayed Extension method on any class, as explained in docs, for ex:
# Usage: EmailWorker.delay.do_something
class EmailWorker
class << self
def send_this(attrs)
def send_that(attrs)
Any class can be delayed, so no need to include Sidekiq::Worker if you're not going to use perform_async method.
The problem I've had with this is that the per-worker options won't be used unless you go thru the perform_async method.

Delay a user defined helper method with delayed_job

So i have many database operations that i put into my helpers that i want to do in the background. As an example, I define a record_activity method in my Users helper. When a Post gets created I want to record this activity ie in the create method in the Posts controller:
def create
#operations to save the post
record_activity(user, post)
For performance reasons, I want to delay this record_activity and others, and run them with workers on the back-end. I use delayed_job for delaying mailers and it works excellently. In rails console, method.delay works great ie I could in rails console do:
However, the same .delay doesn't work when written in a controller ie the following still runs live, not delayed:
def create
#operations to save the post
record_activity(user, post).delay
Why is this? I'm using Rails 3.0.9 in one app and Rails 3.1.3 in another, plus I have delayed_job version 2.1.4.
Can anyone suggest how to make this work?
I think the answer provided by mu_is_too_short is the right path. It creates a delayed job, only it doesn't execute the record_activity method properly. When the delayed_job worker starts, it executes the delayed_job and has no errors, and deletes the record as if it worked. But no activity gets recorded. To give some context, here is the call and the method i am troubleshooting now:
self.delay.record_activity(user, #comment)
ANd the method:
def record_activity(current_user, act)
activity = Activity.new
activity.user_id = current_user.id
activity.act_id = act.id
activity.act_type = act.class.name
activity.created_at = act.created_at
I then thought that maybe I couldn't pass user variables through, in this case, so I tried to just pass integer values and so on. I restarted the delayed_job workers and tried these methods, to no avail:
self.delay.record_activity(user.id, #comment.id, #comment.class.name, #comment.created_at)
And the altered method:
def record_activity(current_user_id, act_id, act_type, act_created_at)
activity = Activity.new
activity.user_id = current_user_id
activity.act_id = act_id
activity.act_type = act_type
activity.created_at = act_created_at
I don't think record_activity.delay in the console is working the way you think it is. That will execute record_activity before delay has a chance to do anything.
The delay call has to go first, then you call your delayed method on what delay returns:
def create
self.delay.record_activity(user, post)
The delay call will return an object that intercepts all method calls (probably through method_missing), YAMLizes them, and adds the YAML to its delayed job queue table in the database. So, just saying record_activity.delay doesn't do anything useful, it just executes record_activity, creates the delayed-job interceptor object, and throws away what delay created.

Implementing a schedular task using whenever gem in rails 3

I'm trying to implement a scheduler task that deletes a user in user table who got abused more than 5 times. To achieve this in the user.rb file I have return a method report_abuse_delete method which performs the functionality of finding the user who got abuses more than 5 times and delete his records from the database.
Here is my method in User model:
def report_abuse_delete
#delete_abused_user= Abuse.find(:all, :conditions=>['count>=?',5])
#delete_abused_user.each do |d|
#abused_user= User.find(d.abuse_id)
if #abused_user.delete
render :text=> "User account has been deleted. Reason: This user has been reported spam for more than 5 times"
And this is what I have written in the Scheduler.rb file
every 2.minutes do
rake "log:clear", :environment => "development"
runner "User.report_abuse_delete", :environment => "development"
As you can see in the scheduler.rb file I'm trying to perform a 2 functions one is clearing my log for every 2minutes and trying to run a method report_abuse_delete that I wrote in my model.
I'm facing a issue as follows for every 2 minutes my log is getting cleared but the method which I wrote in the model in not getting invoked I guess the functionality is not getting triggered. I have searched all the web and checked every possible way. I'm unable to figure out what was the problem is.
Help me out please. Any kind of help is welcome and appreciable.
You've defined report_abuse_delete as a normal - that is instance - method, but you're calling it as a class method. Try defining the method as def self.report_abuse_delete.
Also, I don't know if the render call will work: I haven't used this gem, but since you don't have any kind of user agent to see the text, I'm not sure what you'd expect it to do.

Delayed Jobs on Rails 2: can't save in "perform" method/how to know when job is done?

I'm using the Delayed Jobs plugin for Rails 2, and every time I try to modify a model and save it in the "perform" method required by Delayed Jobs, it fails out (no error messages or anything, it's just listed as a failure in the database).
I have the "perform" method in one of my rails model files (Video), and I'm passing an instance of that model (#video, let's say) to the Delayed::Job.enqueue
Is it a known issue that you can't do database modifications while in the queue? Am I doing something wrong (it only fails when it tries to save, not when I'm actually changing the attributes, and that sounds like a database modification issue).
If this IS expected: How can I fix it? I'm trying to save a "done" attribute to true, so I know when the model is ready to get to the next step. Is there some standard way to figure out when a delayed job is done?
EDIT: I have confirmed that calling perform standalone (without delayed job) has no problems with saving (no errors or warnings, or anything). When I call it through DelayedJobs it fails IMMEDIATELY (no time out) the second it gets to the save line.
EDIT: Wait, I think I see what is going on: my "perform" is part of an "after_create" call back... Which is all well and good, until I try to SAVE. It looks like when I save, it calls perform AGAIN (while already in perform), and that doesn't fly with Delayed Jobs (nor should it). For some reason I thought after_create would only get called once (not after every save). Wait, a simple test just showed that that IS the case. Hrrm... So why is perform called twice when I save, and once when I don't, in delayed jobs?
My code:
after_create :start_transcodes
def start_transcodes
Delayed::Job.enqueue self
def perform
puts "performing"
self.flash_status = 100
puts "done"
What I see:
2 jobs processed at 3.3406 j/s, 2 failed ...
I don't see it say "done" ever.
What I DO see in my rails log is:
"* [JOB] Video failed with NameError: undefined local variable or method `flush_deletes' for #<Paperclip::Attachment:0xb6e51da0> - 2 failed attempts
undefined local variable or method `flush_deletes' for #<Paperclip::Attachment:0xb6e51da0>"
I am using the paperclip plugin for this class, and I can call save all day (even in that perform method) and get no problems. I ALSO can call save(again, even in perform) all day and not see my after_create method called more than once--UNLESS I"m using Delayed Job. (might be it doing some sort of auto retry?)
I'm gonna look around my paperclip plugin, see what's going on...
If your save fails, its got nothing to do with delayed_job ( atleast it shouldn't be unless the save takes longer than the MAX_RUN_TIME. )
Try diagnosing the problem with the save, by not using delayed_job.
Also take a look at the delayed_job.log file in your logs
Okay, not sure EXACTLY what was happening, but I've made a skeleton "TranscodeJob" class in my lib directory. This class gets initialized with a reference to what video I want it to process, and processes it, and saves it, and plays nicely with Delayed Job.
Basically, it looks like passing my entire complicated Video object (complete with paperclip plugins) to Delayed Job was freaking things out, and passing a simple object, with no more info than it needs makes things much easier.
Below is the code I used, which works just fine (and if that works fine, i can add my long running code back little by little and confirm it continues to do so, but it worked fine before, just hiccuped with saving)
class TranscodeJob
def initialize(video_id)
#video_id = video_id
#delayed jobs expected method
def perform
#video = Video.find(#video_id)
#video.flash_status = 100
This code is STILL called from a after_create filter, and I'm not seeing it called twice, so it looks like I mistoke DelayedJobs auto-retry for recursion, or something.
