multiple methods per sidekiq worker - ruby-on-rails

I don't get it.
Per Sidekiq documentation, each worker (mine is called FeedWorker) can only contain one method called perform. Well, what if I want to run mulitple methods through the same worker?
For instance, my FeedWorker (you guessed it, it processes an activity feed) should run the following 3 methods:
I don't think this is an unreasonable expectation. I'm sure other folks have considered this. I'm no genius, but I know I'm not breaking new ground in expectations here. Yet it's not clear how one would do this.
Right now, it looks like I have to code this way:
def perform(id, TYPE)
if TYPE == BAR
Bar.find(id) and_announce_bar
Foo.find(id) and_announce_foo
Boring and ugly code. There must be better out there.
Any help appreciated!

perform method is the entry point of your Worker. Inside of it you can create as many instance methods as you want, to organize your code as it best fits your need. It's a good practice though to keep worker code as slim as possible. Calling other objects from inside of it for example is a way to achieve that. You'll find your code will be easier to test too.

I had the same question for awhile and now have a rather simple solution: use the Delayed Extension method on any class, as explained in docs, for ex:
# Usage: EmailWorker.delay.do_something
class EmailWorker
class << self
def send_this(attrs)
def send_that(attrs)
Any class can be delayed, so no need to include Sidekiq::Worker if you're not going to use perform_async method.
The problem I've had with this is that the per-worker options won't be used unless you go thru the perform_async method.


RIght way of writing module methods in Ruby

what is right way of writing module? is it only used to stock some peace of code to minimize the number of lines, or is it something much more important than that
I have used and seen ways of writing module, I am working on setting up correct way to define and standardised module. this example is kind of controller code that we use in rails
Way 1 :-
module B
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def process_items
# do somthing...
Class A
include B
def index
#items = Item.all
#item_names = process_items
Way 2 :-
module B
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def process_items(items)
# do somthing...
Class A
include B
def index
#items = Item.all
#item_names = process_items(#items)
Way 1 :-
When I see this independently, its not much readable as I don't know how #items appeared in this method
Unit testing would be hard for method as its dependent
Way 2 :-
Looking at method I can see input is coming we are processing it and returning it back (readablity is good)
Unit testing is easy to this, we wll call method pass what it needs and expect
The way I see modules should be independent, self explanatory, it should be generic so that can be used in any class, kind of helpers. But other way could be dependent on where we use modules
We are using modules like in rails
We use conccern in models, when we call module method we can use self.<field> we don't need to pass anything because instance variable is supposed to be accesssable in every instance method
View helpers are modules I see they put logic into it hard to understand how the variable come from may be instance variable or params, what about making it method which accept somthing and return it back
Concerns on controllers, like the example I have given
I would like to have thoughts on this, what is best approach out of it? is it something which can be standarise or it is more situational or I don't know yet :)
Note: -
I was looking at this question but answer given on this question is no more valid as referenced links are not working.
Right Way to Use Module
The difference here is practically academic, as if you have attr_reader :x then both #x and x will have the same meaning.
It's understood that within a mixin module you will be referencing methods and/or variables that are part of the class or module doing the "mixing in". As such, seeing #x, or in your case, #items, should not come as a real surprise.
If you want to add it as an explicit argument you're sort of missing a lot of the benefits of using a mixin in the first place. You don't need to mix it in at all, you can just use it like B.process_items(...). In other words, your second approach is having an identity crisis. Is it a stand-alone module that includes Concern for no reason, or a weak mixin?
When it comes to testing, you must test the mixin in a module or class which implements the required features. In this case you need either an #items variable, or an items method, and that must have a value of the expected type.
This should be documented somewhere for clarity, but is effectively an implicit contract with anyone using this module.

How to check if resque job has finished

I have a case scenario where I need to run multiple record updates in the background(using resque) and I want to give user visual indicator of how the task is running(eg started/running/finished).
One way of achieving this(which I can think of) is saving the current state into a table, then showing the state to user by simple page refresh.
Can anyone suggest a better solution of doing it?I want to avoid creating the whole migration, model, controller for this.
As I've commented, resque-status gem could be useful for you. I am not sure if that is an answer but since you said that you do not want to create migration, model and controller for this. Thus, a gem might be the way to go.
From the job id you can get the status you are looking for, for example:
status = Resque::Plugins::Status::Hash.get(job_id)
status.working? #=> true
There is also a front-end called resque-web, check that out too.
You may use ruby's global variable $var_name = 'foo'. However I am not sure about it, because they are considered bad practice in rails, but in this case I see them reasonable, as soon as their name is very unique.
It can be done like (in case of resque):
class UpdateJob
#queue = data
def self.perform
$my_job_name_is_running = true
$my_job_name_is_running = nil
then you can access them from anywhere in the app:
while $my_job_name_is_running
puts "job is running..." if $my_job_name_is_running
sleep 3 # important to not overload your processor
Ruby global vars are not very popular. Check docs for more info

Metaprogramming in ActionMailer::Base

I am actually creating a newsletter massmailling software from which I can create a new mailling list on the fly, upload a template, and then send an email to the suscribers from that list doing something like this:
#suscribers.each do |suscriber|
NewsletterMailer.delay.send("#{}_newsletter", suscriber, #newsletter)
(Note that the delay method is because I use sidekiq for my background jobs)
I have tried to override the method_missing from ActionMailer::Base inside the NewsletterMailer class to handle this logic, but it just doesn't seem to be executed. I just receive a NoMethodError saying "undefined method `testing_newsletter' for NewsletterMailer:Class".
I looked up the ActionMailer::Base#method_missing source code and I see that it is already executing some logic so we can be able to do Mailer.name_of_the_email.deliver without calling new. Also, this method is protected.
But, is there a way I can still send an email from a method that is not hardcoded inside my NewsletterMailer class? Is there a way to add methods dynamically to an ActionMailer controller?
Thanks a lot.
If you've defined it as def method_missing ..., you have created an instance method, but your code indicates you are sending the dynamic message to the class itself. You need to define self.method_missing on NewsletterMailer if you want it to execute as you've written it.
That being said, I would recommend against this design for your particular case. The idea I would keep in mind is that you have behavior - the methods and actions that all newsletters have in common - and data, which describes the particulars of any given list and/or its newsletter. In most cases, these should remain separate and distinct, with your code describing behavior, and a database holding your data. It makes little sense to define a new method for each mailing list, when you could just have a method send_newsletter that takes the list as an argument.
You can use class_eval to define new methods on the fly:
class SomeClass
[:foo, :bar].each do |name|
SomeClass.class_eval <<COMMAND
def self.#{name}
puts "Hello from #{name}"

Writing a DelayedJob custom job to run script and then destroy object

I've been trying to figure this out for a long time, and can't figure it out.
I am using DelayedJob in my Rails app in order to run a script to fill out some forms on a website via a Mechanize script. However, after the job completes, I don't want any record of the entry to be stored in any database in my application, as there is no reason anyone should access it again.
The process works perfectly when I ran it as a simple background method within the controller's create method - that is, by calling #course.delay.scrape right after if But now that I want to destroy the object right after the background job finishes, I believe I need to create a custom job, and am struggling with that.
I am aware that the DelayedJob documentation lists the method def after(job). In order to use that method, I need to create a custom job. I'm confused about how to create a custom job, as nearly every example I can find is for sending mass emails, whereas this is for a different purpose. I don't know how to get the script to run this way.
If you can help me with fixing up this code at all, that would be greatly appreciated! I've tried many variations, looking at as many examples as possible. I'm aware it has at least a few errors, but am not advanced enough to know what to change. This is the last thing I tried before throwing in the towel.
Here is my model (in models/course.rb):
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :send_to_delayed_job
def scrape
...Mechanize script goes here ....
def send_to_delayed_job
Delayed::Job.enqueue, :queue => 'mycoursequeue'
Here is my job (in models/course_job.rb):
class CourseJob <
def perform
course = Course.find(
def after(job)
Can we just have course.destroy as the last line of CourseJob#perform method?

Use find to initialize a constant?

Something like this:
class Category
SOME_CATEGORY = find_by_name("some category")
tried without a problem, but want to know if it is a bad idea, and the reasons if any..
If you don't want to hit the database each time you'll have to cache the model. There are several ways to do this, but one quick way is using Memoization. This was introduced in Rails 2.2.
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable
def named(name)
memoize :named
Use it like this.
Category.named("some category") # hits the database
Category.named("some category") # doesn't hit the database
The cache should stay persistent across requests. You can reset the cache by passing true as the last parameter.
Category.named("some category", true) # force hitting the database
What do you want to do?
class Category
def self.some_category
Category.find_by_name("some category")
So you can call:
=> <Category#2....>
It's not a terrible idea, but it's not really a good one either. It doesn't really fall in line with the way Rails does things. For one thing, you'll end up with a lot of ugly constant code. Too many ALL_CAPS_WORDS and your Ruby starts to look like C++. Bleah.
For another, it's inflexible. Are you going to make one of these constants for every category? If you add a new category two months from now, will you remember to update your Rails code, add a new constant, redeploy it and restart your server?
If it's important to you to be able to access categories very easily, and not repeat DB queries, here's a bit of metaprogramming that'll automatically look them up and create static methods like Lichtamberg's for you on first access:
def self.method_missing(category, *args) # The 'self' makes this a class method
#categories ||= {}
if (#categories[category] = find_by_name(category.to_s))
class_eval "def self.#{category.to_s}; #categories[#{category}]; end"
return #categories[category]
With this method in place, whenever you first call Category.ham, it'll create a class method that returns the value of find_by_name("ham") -- so that neither the query nor method_missing() runs again the next time you call it. This is pretty much the way the OpenStruct class works, BTW; look it up in the Pickaxe book if you want to learn more.
(Of course you'll still have the risk that, because these are all memoized, your Rails app won't reflect any changes you make to your category objects. This makes the assumption that changes won't happen or don't really matter. It's up to you to determine whether that assumption is valid for your app. You could always put an after_update callback in your code that resets ##categories if that's a problem; but at that point this starts to get complicated.)
