Tabbar cannot clickable after iPhone 5 optimize - ios

I am optimizing my screen from iphone 4 to iphone 5. However, Once I have optimized, my tabbar stopped working. As it can be seen in the first image, once I clicked on world average, it took me, tabbarcontroller and now user cannot able to click on tabbar segments.

I had this issue and this worked for me:
Go to the MainWindow.xib, select the Window object and check the "Full Screen at Launch".


Why does my display look different on iPhone simulator vs. iPad simulator?

I am working on a puzzle app on Xcode Version 11.0. My app displays as expected on my physical iPad mini and also on the iPhone simulators, but if I use an iPad simulator it appears to switch the orientation to Portrait mode and display my secondary screen as a popup on top of the secondary screen (see the images below).
I am using an "Action Segue" to get from my 1st screen to my 2nd screen. I have tried several different options (Show, Show Detail, Show Modally, Present As Popover). The result is slightly different, but all of them give the "Portrait popup" look. I am guessing that this is a newer feature, and I just need to set some flag to avoid it, but I don't have any guesses on what to look for. Could anyone offer some help?
iPhone 8 Simulator (this is what I want it to look like)
iPad Simulator (with undesired Portrait popup appearance)
Edit the segue to be Show Modally and also Fullscreen (instead of Automatic).

screen breaking in iPhone x for higher iOS versions.there is no storyboards design done through code

In my project tabbar(it's like below the navigation bar i have 4 buttons in my tabbar) is going to top after app launches it's happening in iPhone x for higher iOS versions.we are not using storyboards,design done through codeing.check below screenshots.
In the first screenshot u can't see search bar and above tabs[location,search,deals this is the problem.
if u observe second one u can see address bar and above tabs for lowerversions it was working.
This is breaking screen for higher versions above ios11
This is for lower versions design is fine

Xcode 7.3.1 view controller in storyboard disappeared

I'm making an iOS app using Bluetooth. The app is supposed to show a list of Bluetooth device when the button "Bluetooth" is clicked. The list is a tableView shown as a popOver view controller.
When I turn on my computer the next day, the popOver view controller disappeared, but you can still see it in the list on the left side(Bluetooth device scene), and it is there when running it in simulator. But it is not visible or clickable in the interface builder.
I did nothing but closed my laptop, and opened it the next day. It's not that I'm using the wrong w/h size. I've tried that. Anyone know what's going on? Thanks a lot.
Screen shot of my storyboard

UICollectionView in UITabBar display wrong position on first load

I have been stuck at this for days. The problem is that the collection view that is in a tab bar after its first load. It will be display incorrectly. If I press any tab the problem will disappear forever until the app is restarted. Note that it's not just a white space that appearing. The whole container is getting shift down so the white space appear.
This problem only seem to exists on the iPhone and not the simulator. Tried it with iPhone 4 and 5.
After a second try I think it only happens in iOS 7 and not iOS 8
Can confirm that it only happens on iOS 7. Upgraded one iPhone 5 to iOS 8 and the bug is gone while another iPhone 5 is still iOS 7 and the problem appears every time.
See the white space below?
It disappear after I press another tab
It doesn't even come back if I go back to the original one
I uploaded an example project with this problem here:
Change the constraints as in the following screen shot:

UITabBarController does not respond on iPhone 5 simulator: 4-inch retina display

I have a UITabBarController that displays four options. These have all worked fine until now.
My problem is that the tab bar does not respond only when testing on the 4-inch retina display device in the IOS Simulator. All other devices the tab bar responds and I am able to select other views.
I don't have an iPhone 5 to test it on so I don't know if this is a fault with the simulator or Apple have changed the workings of tab bars etc for the new hardware or made it stricter and I wrote the wrong code in the first place.
I had this issue as well and this worked for me:
Go to the MainWindow.xib, select the Window object and check the "Full Screen at Launch".
In your main window, select the "Full Screen at Launch" option. Here's an image:
Could there possibly be a transparent view over the top of it? The change in view size might be positioning something in the wrong place.
