Instagram API: how can I have multiple redirect_uris for a single app? - oauth-2.0

I'm quite familiar with OAuth 2 for other providers, but haven't used it for Instagram before.
Like many developers, I have multiple domains where my app may run, eg:
Other OAuth 2 providers I have used, eg, Google, allow multiple entries in a redirect_uris parameter.
However Instagram only seems to allow a single Redirect URI parameter per registered app.
Can I have multiple redirect URIs for a single Instagram app or do I have to register multiple apps, each with a different redirect URI?

With Instagram apps that I have created, I have created a separate app per place I want to redirect to, although I haven't discriminated by ssl. I then load the api credentials into the app based on the environment it is running in.
It is a pain that you have to do that, as Instagram also restrict you to 5 registered apps per account too. It would be useful to be able register multiple redirects for that reason. But on the other hand, it would be just as good, for me, to not be restricted to the number of apps you can create (I've got more Twitter apps than I even remember creating!).

It looks like now you can set multiple Redirect URL(s) when you register/edit a Client in Instagram:

I think this is one of those scenarios that you feel back in the Atari.
anyway, I found useful doing this one:
edit your hosts file (in unix based OS: /etc/hosts)
make sure you add a line like this:
Where is the domain you have in instagram as your production return uri.
In this way your app will return uri to that is equivalent to localhost in your local machine, accepting the login.
btw: why? why? why? why instagram, why you have to force one return uri? any reason for that?


Google OAuth Developer Verification Form with private home page

I have "unverified app screen" when I request access to Google accounts.
To get rid of it I want to fill out OAuth Developer Verification Form. But, I got some problems with that due to some restrictions on my environment.
There is a field:
Homepage URL for your app *
The problem is that in my application my home page is not accessible publicly. Usually, it can only be accessed using VPN connection.
For push notifications, I use different URL that only handles them, but for the UI there is no access from the world without VPN. I was thinking of overcoming the issue and have a few ideas, but I'm not sure whether they will work.
Inform Google of restricted access to the home page via this field:
Is there any other information you can provide that will be useful?
However, this approach might not work due to the fact that it's not said that I can omit to specify the home page.
Find out what addresses google requests homepage from and to allow access to it from those addresses. But, firstly it's insecure and secondly, it's still a question how to get these addresses.
Make some static resource stub page and place it somewhere where I can provide access. For instance, I can put it near privacy policy file that is publicly accessible.
Is there a more suitable way of addressing this issue or some of these options might still work?

iOS - Venmo API integration: Web Redirect URL

I'm trying to register my App on Venmo's developer site so that I can properly use their API, but I'm stuck trying to figure out what the required "Web Redirect URL" field is for. According to the docs, it says it is the following:
Venmo will redirect your users to this address. Must be formatted like
As far as I could gather this was a URL scheme that would allow Venmo to redirect you back to your app after payment processing was completed on their side, but in researching how to set up a URL scheme the format is something like "[scheme-name]://", not "http://...."
The other thought I had was that this was just a url that contained a server-side or javascript redirect to that aforementioned URL scheme, but that seems like an unnecessary extra step. I also have a few other theories on what it could be, so I'm really just not sure which one it is...
I was running into the same problem. If your website is deployed you can use the redirect that your hosting service provides you. If you're not deployed then you can set it localhost.
Example: http://localhost:8000/auth/venmo/callback

LinkedIn oauth2 url one or more urls are not allowed

We integrated our application with LinkedIn for sign on over 6 months ago and it's been working fine. Today, we went to for our application to update the "OAuth 2.0 Redirect URLs" to add an additional URL. We previously had the production domain, test domains, and localhost entered. Now, when we save, we receive the "One or more urls are not allowed." error message. Through process of elimination, it appears to not approve our test domain "".
I've checked with SURBL and none of the domains we're entering are blacklisted.
Can someone explain why "" is no longer valid when it was for 6 months?
After experimenting some more, it looks like LinkedIn doesn't allow any * domains any more. I'm not sure why they created this policy. For now, the workaround seems to be adding your own custom domain to your Azure website and using it in the LinkedIn OAuth 2.0a Redirect URL. You can follow the article at to set up your custom domain.
If LinkedIn reads this, it would be nice if you notified third-party developers when you make policy changes like this. We've had to scramble for the past few days to workaround this change.
edit: fixed the url to the azure help page (it had an extra word on the end causing it to 404).

iOS safely pass content between apps

I'm curious if there is a way to safely pass content between apps on iOS. The ultimate goal is to implement oauth between two ios apps.
Since apps are not guaranteed to have unique url schemes, this option is out.
I have considered using keychain groups, but do not have experience with this. It looks like an app needs to specify exactly which apps can access the keychain items.
Are there any other options? Is there some sort of identifier (such as android bundle ID) that can be used to verify the apps during a request?
You can use URL schemes for this.
The basic process
You'll have a ServerApp and many ClientApps. The ServerApp listens to an URL-scheme like serverapp://. The client then can make a call to the server to ask it for authentication. The client has to implement an URL-scheme too. E.g. ClientAppOne implements the URL scheme clientapp1://. The server takes as parameter a backlink to the client app. E.g. the client calls the URL serverapp://auth?back=clientapp1%3A%2F%2Fserverapp-auth (here the backlink is clientapp1://serverapp-auth and has been urlencoded).
The server then checks the users identity, asks him for permission, password, etc. and then uses the backlink to provide the data. How the backlink works exactly is application specific, but you usually need at least 2 parts: an access token and a username. E.g. a backlink will then be clientapp1://serverapp-auth?success=1&token=fi83ia8wfzi3s8fi8s3f8si8sf&user=robert or maybe in case of error clientapp1://serverapp-auth?success=0&errno=421. The client then needs to verify the accesstoken through some public (or private) API, e.g. The server will return some structured response.
Necessary components
an URL scheme on the server App
an URL scheme on each client App
an SDK that is to be included into each client app and that handels the details of authentication, and a standard UI component (e.g. facebook has a standard button that says "login with facebook", so the ServerApp needs some re-recognizable button that says something like "login with ServerApp")
a server that provides services that can be accessed through the access token.
a defined API that explains how the client has to communicate with the server
an SDK to be included into the client that handels such client-server-communication (should be part of the SDK mentioned in component 3.)
maybe a wiki that documents all of the steps above, so that you and other developers dont lose track
a way to invalidate access tokens, and a way for the client to detect if an access token has been invalidated. furthermore, if the user changes his password, all access tokens should be invalidated.
Random notes
in your client app you can check if the serverapp is installed by calling [[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"serverapp://auth"]].
the URL schemes should be sufficently collission-free. These URLs are never seen by users, only by developers, so they don't have to be beautiful. You can e.g. append the iTunes-Connect-App-ID to your URL-scheme, like serverapp1234567://. This will greatly reduce the possibility that someday some other app will use the same URL scheme.

How to test the twitter API locally?

I'm trying to write a web application that would use Twitter via OAuth.
I run my local server as 'localhost', so I need the callback URL to be something like http://localhost/something/ but Twitter doesn't like that: Not a valid URL format
I'm probably going to do a lot of tests, but once I've approved my app with my username, I can't test again can I? Am I supposed to create multiple twitter accounts? Or can you remove an app and do it again?
You can use instead of localhost.
You can authorize your app as many times as you like from the same twitter account without the necessity to revoke it. However, the authenticate action will only prompt for Allow/Deny once and all subsequent authenticate requests will just pass through until you revoke the privilege.
Twitter's "rate limiting" for API GET calls is based on IP address of the caller. So, you can test your app from your server, using the same IP address, and get (once approved) 15,000 API calls per hour. That means you can pound on your app with many different usernames, as long as your approved IP address remains the same.
When you send the e-mail to Twitter to ask for an increase to your rate limit, you can also ask for the increase to apply to your Twitter username too.
I believe Twitter requires you - if you need to change your IP address, or change the username that is using the app - to send in another request asking for the rate limit increase for that new IP address or username. But, in my experience, Twitter has been pretty quick at turning around these requests (maybe less than 48 hours?).
use like this
for Website :
and for callback URL:
or any of your page address like
Have you tried creating your own caching mechanism? You can take the result of an initial query, cache it on thread local, and given an expiration time, refresh from Twitter. This would allow you to test your app against Twitter data without incurring call penalties.
There is also another solution (a workaround, rather) which requires you to edit your hosts file.
Here is how you do it on a linux box:
Open your /etc/hosts file as root. To do this, you can open a terminal and type something like sudo vi /etc/hosts.
Pick a non-existent domain to use as your local address, and add it to your hosts file. For example, you will need to add something similar to the following at the end. localhost.cep # this domain name was accepted.
So, that's pretty much it. Pointing your browser to localhost.cep will now take you to your local server. Hope that helped :)
In answer to (1), see this thread, in particular episod's replies:
It doesn't matter what callback URL you put in your app's management page on (as long as you don't use localhost). You provide the 'real' callback URL as part of your request for an OAuth token.
1.) Don't use localhost. That's not helpful. Why not stand up another server instance or get a testing vm slice from slicehost?
2.) You probably want a bunch of different user accounts and a couple different OAuth key/secret credentials for testing.
You were on the right track though: DO test revoking the app's credentials via your twitter account's connections setting. That should happen gracefully. You might want to store a status value alongside the access token information, so you can mark tokens as revoked.
