Highcharts - add a second needle to a VU Meter with a different colour - highcharts

Is there a way to add a second needle of a different colour to a VU Meter ('gauge') style chart in Highcharts? I know that you can change the colour of the needle per chart using plotOptions:gauge:dial e.g.
plotOptions: {
gauge: {
dial: {
radius: '100%',
backgroundColor : 'grey'
and I have tried to overlay a second pane and specify individual plotOptions (as per this fiddle (http://jsfiddle.net/jdalton/xfV5k/8/) but without any success

You can use the same options as in plotOptions directly in series:
series: [{
data: [{y:-6, color: 'red'}],
yAxis: 0,
dial: {
backgroundColor : 'red'
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/xfV5k/11/


Rings around axis on hover on highcharts Variable radius pie

Hello Highcharts and stackoverflow,
I would like to make it easy for end users to compare wedgets in a Variable radius pie chart (basically the same as Line to the Y axis on hover but radial). As such, when they hover on a wedge, I would like to draw a "ring" around the circle for easy comparisons. This would be appear/disappear/change based on which point you are hovering on.
(in some ways - like a mix between the visualization of the Variable radius pie chart with the concept of an axis like a Polar/Radar Chart)
Any ideas?
Use column series in polar chart with crosshair:
chart: {
polar: true
series: [{
type: 'column',
pointPadding: 0,
groupPadding: 0,
colorByPoint: true,
data: [...]
yAxis: {
crosshair: {
color: 'red',
zIndex: 3
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/6m4e8x0y/5005/
API Reference:

Outline or border for the spline series in highcharts

I have created a graph using highcharts which has 6 series. 3 are column series and 3 are spline series.spline series will collide or go within the column chart so having a requirement to add outline to spline series to have better viewing. Trying to add a border color for the spline series but unable to do. But the same is possible in column chart.If anyone have tried this before for spline series kindly help.
plotOptions: {
series: {
borderColor: '#303030'
this bordercolor is working for column but not in spline series
column chart
would like to have border for the below series
There is no such feature in Highcharts to set line border, but all is not lost.
You can achieve the effect you want, by adding new "fake" series basing on every line series, and set a couple of parameters.
Best place (in code) to do that would be the chart.events.load function, so there just find all series with line type:
chart: {
events: {
load() {
var series = this.series.filter(elem => elem.type === 'line')
Then, iterate on all the series found, and create new one so that it would have color: [color_you_want], the same data and marker.symbol, increased lineWidth as well as marker.radius, won't be accessible by mouse and not visible in legend, just like below:
chart: {
events: {
load() {
var series = this.series.filter(elem => elem.type === 'line')
series.forEach(series => {
data: series.userOptions.data,
showInLegend: false,
color: '#000',
enableMouseTracking: false,
zIndex: -9999,
marker: {
symbol: series.symbol,
radius: series.options.marker.radius + 1
lineWidth: series.options.lineWidth + 2
Hope, it helps you.
Live example: http://jsfiddle.net/yw2tb4nm/
API Reference:

Highchart loses fillOpacity when fillColor is specified

When I set this:
series: {
fillOpacity: 0.5,
highcharts will ignore opacity, if I take away fillcolor, the opacity works. However, I was asked to set fillcolour to be different.
http://jsfiddle.net/ywL646r8/1/. Can someone help?
Many Thanks
You can set the fill color with a rgba value
plotOptions: {
area: {
color: '#ff0000',
series: {

Highcharts formatting: labels, datapoints and scale?

I have a couple of formatting questions, as you'll see I'm running a very small chart 225*150...
How do I remove the x-axis labels? I still want the information in the tooltip, just not along the axis. I've tried...
xAxis: {
categories: ['2008-2009', '2009-2010', '2010-2011', '2011-2012'],
...but it still shows "0, .5, 1, 1.5 etc..."
I've adjusted the thickness of my lines but now the datapoint indicators themselves can't bee seen. Can somebody show me which value controls that?
Last one, how do I set zero for the y-axis scale?
Here's a fiddle!
UPDATE: Added suggestions to original fiddle.
In this block:
xAxis: {
categories: ['2008-2009', '2009-2010', '2010-2011', '2011-2012'],
You have
1) the categories property listed inside the title attribute, and
2) you have enabled: false set for the title attribute
categories is a property of the axis directly, and the enabled: false should be applied to the labels, not the title.
"I've adjusted the thickness of my lines but now the datapoint indicators themselves can't bee seen. Can somebody show me which value controls that?"
Primarily the marker radius property:
You can also look at the lineWidth property of the marker.
"Last one, how do I set zero for the y-axis scale?"
axis min property:
updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/jlbriggs/z6ZLt/8/
To disable the xAxis.labels you set enabled to false:
xAxis: {
categories: ['2008-2009', '2009-2010', '2010-2011', '2011-2012'],
enabled: false,
labels: {
enabled: false
For doing "set zero for the y-axis scale" you set the yAxis.min value to 0:
yAxis: {
min: 0,
title: {
text: ''
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
To handle the size of the line + markers you need to modify their properties in :
plotOptions: {
series: {
marker: {
radius: 1.5
pointWidth: 1

Plot data values inside pie charts slice

How to add a data values inside the slice in pie chart. Can any one help me in this? whether this is possible?
You can use datalalabels - distance parameter : http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts#plotOptions.pie.dataLabels.distance
plotOptions: {
pie: {
dataLabels: {
distance: -30,
color: 'white'
