iOS animations stop working until camera is launched - ios

I have a view in my app that displays files and allows the user to reorder them and there is a navigation pane that animates in and out of view. Also while reordering files there is an animation as they slide into place. Touching one of the files loads the details in a modal view.
My problem occurs when loading a modal. They will work for awhile, but then one will animate up and when its dismissed it just snaps off screen without an animation and from that point forward no animations run, everything just goes to its final position (my animations and iOS modals and UINavigationController pops and pushs, even rotation just snaps to the new rotation)
My app allows for loading up the default camera for taking pictures to add to the file list and when the camera loads it animates up and after it closes all animations work again for awhile until a modal messes it up again. I've been on SO looking for a solution and I've found some similar things, but I haven't found anything that fixes the problem.
These modals are loaded using presentModalView and the information shown in them is static
I don't think the code is all to helpful, I'm using a story board so I'm calling the segue and then preparing the segue with the following.
PhotoVC* destinationVC = (PhotoVC*) segue.destinationViewController;
destinationVC.displayImage = m_sendImage;
I have nothing running in the willAppear of either view. None of my animations are active when the modal is presented.


iOS modal interactive dismissal freezes

I have created a UIPercentDriven Transition which modally presents a popover view containing a tableView. Then, following stack exchange posts such as this one: In iOS, how to drag down to dismiss a modal?, I added a panGestureRecognizer to control the dismissal of the modal view. Then, I attempted to add functionality so that the user can continue to swipe downward once the tableview has reached the top to trigger the percent driven transition.
Here is a link to the project on github:
This transition was based on moving the frame of the modal view off of the screen. I also created the transition by using snapshots (which is commented out in the github project) and have the same issues. For some reason, the interactive dismissal works well unless the user moves the modal view back up after starting the dismissal and then continues to swipe upward after the modal view has reached the top of the view, the entire application seems to freeze. It doesnt crash, but also doesnt respond to taps anywhere on the screen. Even cancel button cannot be pressed. Has anyone encountered this issue before? Thanks for the help.

Change presenting viewcontroller

Right now I've got an app that presents a menu screen that partially covers the original screen, and can be used to navigate to other screens. This is done using a modal segue.
To get to another screen the from the base page the menu is presented, the user selects the next screen in the menu, the menu is dismissed, and THEN the segue to the next screen is preformed.
What I've spent a few weeks trying to figure out, however, is how to dismiss this menu DIRECTLY to a viewcontroller OTHER than the one that's presenting it.
I'm thinking I've got to figure out how to change a presenting view, but I haven't had any luck.
Currently I'm completely at a loss, and any recommendations/fixes would be great!

Segue Modal transition removes source controller

I have a simple structure hooked up in Storyboard. I want to transition from one scene to another using a Modal transition. The scene where I am transitioning to is smaller then the current scene. So I want the "bounds" of the current scene to be visible behind the modal view.
But when I transition, and the transition is completed, the source view controller is removed from screen. Leaving black surroundings behind.
I have made a short video with the problem. Which can be found here. How can I make it so with the segue that the source view controller stays on screen?
Well, found the solution. In those duplicates people state it cannot be done except when you use a screenshot as "background".
But setting this:
source.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;
on the source controller seems to work. Then it does not disappear.

UIButton doesn't respond to touch on first load, but works after segueing back from another view controller

I'm not sure when or how this happened in my project, but it did. The main button in the middle of my initial view controller ignores all touch events when I first load the app. The buttons in my navbar on the bottom all work fine.
If I follow one of those buttons through a modal segue to another view controller and then segue back into the initial view controller, the button works perfectly.
I'm at a loss. Any idea how this could have occurred or how I could fix it?
I can't put my finger on what, but this has something to do with my constraints. If I remove them (and my app tumbles into a mess on 3.5 inch phones), the button works at all times.
I have the same problem: on the first load of the view one particular UIButton doesn't work, but if I tap on other tab bar element, launching a segue and then coming back to my home screen, it works perfectly.
My problem persists even if I remove every constraints for the view.
In my case, the POSITION of the button seems to be the cause of the issue: in the right side of the view it becomes not working, but if I move the same button on the center or left of my view it becomes available.

MPMoviePlayerController fullscreen not working with adjusted VC hierarchy

We are setting up our app hierarchy dynamically so their is no persistent Tab/Nav view controllers, its dependent on the database content.
We have recently added a feature which opens a VC to allow the user to select which database (layout/content) to display however this has caused out video playback to break when in fullscreen.
Previously (and currently) we playback videos within a Nav Controller (in a Tab) with a custom control overlay. This all works fine.
On the control bar there is a fullscreen button which fires the MPC standard fullscreen mode. Previously it worked fine, but now the sound continues playing in the background but no movie is displayed or an overlaying layer - I can still see our tab bar, which is clickable.
Could this be something to do with the order of views on the window? If so how can I pick up the correct one to bring it forward?
You can bring any subview to forward [view_1 bringSubviewToFront:view_2];
We found out the problem....
It was that we weren't setting the window.rootViewController in the end to the new view controller, we were only adding its view to the windows subviews
This fixed both this (just after I had written a custom fullscreen mode) and also problems we were having with rotation
