add new gstreamer capability - capability

I want to add a new capability to existing capability list in gstreamer. Can anybody help me to understand following questions.
What is a data class in gstreamer?
How can I add a new capability by reusing the existing data class?
Thanks in advance
Raju Babannavar

You should most definitely read this:


How to build app Twitter using Retrofit?

I need to help. I'm doing a project about Twitter, but I don't know how to build it by using Retrofit. I really need some documents or an available one to make a reference.
Thank you!!!
This is an example in a complete tutorial for retrofit, I suggest you read the whole tutorial before you start working on the Twitter example, good luck:

Back up and Restore Option inside application

I have an application that stores some user inputs into a Core Data. I want to add a feature which will enable the user to create backup of his data and when required restore the same to his application. Is there any tutorial available ?
Check this github
project .
Hope it helps you.
Try this following tutorial for iCloud integration for your backup..
iCloud Integration Tutorial
You need to create functionality for Backup/Restore as your requirement.
Hope it helps..

I can't figure out what this iOS element is for xcode
I am thinking of adding one of these ui elements to my app but for some reason, I can't find the name of it online. All I see are alerts. Does anyone know what they are called? Thanks!
those are called UIActionSheets, here is the link to the Class Reference
Did you try UIActionSheet? that is what it looks like

Using Jira's API to add an attachment to an issue

I was wondering if Jira's REST API supports the ability to add an attachment to an issue (existing or new) along with uploading the attachment too? Looking at the API documentation I did not see anything however maybe i missed something.
This looks like the method you're after:
After you create the issue, you can click on more actions tab of that particular issue.
You would be able to attach files and attach screenshot.
Correct me if I am wrong in understanding your requirement.
in Python:
jira = JIRA(options="Jira_Server_URL", basic_auth=("userID", "Password"))
jira.add_attachment(issue=issue, attachment="attachment_path")
Replace Jira_Server_URL, userID, Password and attachment_path accordingly.

Automatically create comment when file attached to jira issue

Whenever an attachment is attached to an issue in Jira,I want to automatically create a comment.
The comment should be displaying the hyperlink to that attachment
Can anyone please help on how this can be done in Jira.
Thanks in Advance,
JIRA gives you the option to add a comment when you attach a file to an issue. It sounds like you want the comment to be required instead of optional? And to have a link to the attachment in the comment. My first thought is that this sounds like a new issue operation that extends the AttachFile action in a plugin.
