I can't figure out what this iOS element is for xcode - ios

I am thinking of adding one of these ui elements to my app but for some reason, I can't find the name of it online. All I see are alerts. Does anyone know what they are called? Thanks!

those are called UIActionSheets, here is the link to the Class Reference

Did you try UIActionSheet? that is what it looks like


Customize Actionsheet

I am woking on the app which needs to show action sheet like this anyone can help??
Thanks in advance.
UIActionsheet is not customised.You are doing following library. it is the help.
https://github.com/xmartlabs/XLActionController allows us to create any custom action sheet giving much more flexibility than the solutions proposed above.
These are some examples included in the GitHub repository.

Is UnitSpec still available in Grails-2.4.4

Does anyone know if Unit Spec is still available on Grails-2.4.4? https://code.google.com/p/spock/source/browse/branches/groovy-1.7/spock-grails-support/src/main/groovy/grails/plugin/spock/UnitSpec.groovy?r=1149
I wanted to use UnitSpec's loadCodec() method from within a Spec class of mine, but UnitSpec doesn't seem to be available anymore, is there a workaround for this?
#dmahapatro, I didn't really know there was a mockCodec method.
Thanks to your tip and this post (Grails unit testing custom codec using Spock), I figured out how to use GrailsUnitTestMixin#mockCodec.

Rubymotion TableView Not not rendering all sections

I'm attempting to add a tableview to an existing UIViewController in my app. The implementation can be found here: https://gist.github.com/naderhen/8161526
It seems to be working okay for the most part, but it doesn't look like the delegate is calling the numberofSectionsinTableView method at all. Throwing some logging text in there returns nothing.
When I run the app in the simulator I get
There don't seem to be any errors in the console...I'm sure I am missing something very simple as I have done this a number of times in the past but can't get it working now.
Any help would be very much appreciated..thank you!
def numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView)
seemed to fix it

Firefox : Overlaying commondialog.xul

I am trying to suppress all modal dialogs in Firefox through an extension, either brought up by content or chrome, for my automated testing. Is there a way to do that? Someone recommended that overlaying CommonDialog.xul might get me some ways there. Any suggestions on how to go about doing that? Any examples will be highly appreciated.
Thanks, Sunil
I found a notification fired by Firefox called 'common-dialog-loaded' and 'tabmodal-dialog-loaded' that can be used for this purpose.

Application Menu Item

I am developing a photo-editor app in blackberry. For this I need to open the app through an application menuitem in bb albums; I tried this but it does not get invoked.
What might I be missing?
I am not sure if I understand your question. You failed to add menu item?
If this is the case you can check out this:
You can also find many examples in the sample apps which come from RIM. In eclipse you can easily import the samples from file->import->import blackberry samples.
have u tried of something like this:
Not sure whether it works for your case or not
