QuickBlox for iOS applications - ios

I am new to iOS development. I have to build a chat application and I found this website, QuickBlox.com, which provide code and back-end for helping build applications on various platforms.
I had a doubt that I I take help from this website, will the applications build by me be my applications completely. As my concern is that if I build an application it should be completely my application and any other website or company's name should not be visible to the user's when it finally reaches them. If anyone knows about QuickBlox.com please clarify my doubt.

The app is completely yours, you can publish under yor own name and use the business model you want.
You can check these case studies, donwload the apps and check it by yourself
However, if you want to publish remember to have your own AppStore licences for Apple AppStore and Google Play.
Hope it helps,


How to demo your react-native app continuously during development

As the title suggest I need to be able to showcase a react native app continuously during development every other day with a client which is not technical orientated. The alternativs I see is,
* Sharing a git/github repo for them to download and run through Xcode
which is not a possibility.
*Screen record while i run the simulation on my computer and share it
with the client
Both of these options seems subpar and not optimal.
How do I do this in a better way?
I am sorry if this seems like an open ended question and if you have suggestions on how to better formulate this question please provide it.
You can upload the binary to TestFlight, which allows your client to download and use the app instantly.
You can also consider over-the-air update systems like Expo or CodePush which allows you to deliver Javascript-only updates automatically to your clients when they open the app (just like a web app).

Is it possible to create web app and deploy it on the app store?

Sorry for the question if it makes no sense, I'm pretty new to all this but I have been approached by a client to build a website and build an ios app for his product. The website and app is an ecommerce site. My question is, is it possible for me to go and create a web site using the likes of Ruby on rails, node.js or php which then can be deployed on the app store? if it ain't possible I am open to teaching myself ios10.
I haven't committed to this job yet as I informed him of my level of experience and I want to do my research before accepting.
Whats your suggestions?
Kind Regards,
Consider the following excerpt from the App Store Review Guidelines:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website.…
So no, you wouldn't be able to do it like that.

Is it possible to build a torrent client app for iPhone?

Someone assigned me a project in iOS to develop a torrent client app but the problem is that according to my knowledge there are no torrent clients available right now.
So the question is that is it possible to build such an app? I am not asking about publishing my app on app store I just want to build it (it's a university project)
It is possible, see popcorn time or open source implementations on github
But, as you probably know, Apple is likely not to publish such apps in the App Store due to questionable legal aspect.

How to share the current status of an application in development

I am going to develop an iOS application for a customer of mine and I would like to make him constantly up-to-date during the development phase. In order to do so, I am looking for a tool which should allow me to share the current status of the application with my customer. The goal is to allow my customer to personally run the latest prototype of the application on a kind of simulator/emulator or on his own device (either iPhone or iPad).
Is that possible? Is there a tool (or a set of tools) which I can use to do so?
In case it is not possible, as far as I know the only alternative is to take screenshots or record videos, right? Just let me know if I am mistaken.
Thanks a lot!
The best way, I know of, is TestFlight.
This allows you to upload an AdHoc build of your app to there server and allow you customer to download it.
They even supply an SDK which can alert the user that a new version of the app is available also you add some debug functionality to the build (reading crash reports).
If you want to do, one elegant solution would be to use a continuous integration server to pull the code from your repository, make an adhoc build and place it somewhere publicly accessible.
The whole solution can take some time to set up and depends quite a lot on how is your development environment. In my company we are actually doing it with Jenkins and some shell scripting. If you Google a little bit about continuous integration of iOS projects with Jenkins you'll find some information.
Might not be the best way to do it, but I can't trust online repositories like TestFlight.
Not the easiest but rather secure workaround for this;
Get your customers device into your developer account
Create your new development provisioning profiles (consisting that device)
Distribute your application via Archive, and save it
Send your IPA to your customer

Removal of TestFlight apps?

Is there a way to remvoe TestFlight apps from users that have installed them? Also is there a way that TestFlight can bake into the app some sort of password that the users all have to log in with (in case of a lost phone, we don't want our developement apps exposed).
If left untouched, the provisioning of your apps will eventually expire automatically. Even without the native ability to remove applications with TestFlight there is still something of an expiration date on the application.
That would still leave your question of a "baked in password prompt" and removing the application itself physically from the device.
The first part, the app checking for authentication could be solved by implementing a solution with a more robust SDK that happens to have that sort of security-minded approach. As far as I know, and based on TestFLight's feature grid, this exceeds the abilities of their tool.
The second part, removing the application itself from the device, would be accomplished by using a tool that has the ability to use MDM (Mobile Device Management) for device-level control. Specifically you'd want to look for something that can selectively control a single application, rather than having to apply a blanket MDM policy. Again based on knowledge of TestFlight and based on their web page this is also not something TestFlight is capable of.
There are solutions out there that will give you exactly what you are asking about - easy beta testing with the added ability to force the app to check in and re-authenticate as well as the ability to remove applications from the device when you're done testing. If you hit your search engine of choice you can find a few tools that will give you a "yes" to all of your questions here. The list is very short so they're easy to find. :)
If it is at all helpful to you, I am associated with one of those companies, AppBlade, and would be happy to answer questions about this sort of thing. We're at https://AppBlade.com and you're welcome to give us a call or even log into the tool to see how it works for yourself.
Unfortunately you can't delete apps that are already installed on the device via TestFlight, unless you do it on the device itself. As for the password, TestFlight doesn't exactly support that either. You could however put a passcode lock feature in all of the Beta versions of your apps through your code. Sorry thats probably not the answers that you wanted to hear, but TestFlight is still in its early stages.
You are not able to delete apps from a users device, however TestFlight is testing in their 'Area51' an option to force users to update to a new build if there is one available.
If you no longer want testers to access your app you probably could add a new build which justs shows some info screen.
There is a way to expire the builds in the app store connect when you click on build.
Another way if you want to get rid of it as a tested to open the app page and click on stop testing.
