How to make a blog application that plugs into other rails applications? - ruby-on-rails

I want to have a blog functionality for some of the applications I have, Instead of developing and maintaining them as part of each application, I would like to develop a blog application and plug it right into other applications and maintain a single code base.
What approach should I take to accomplish this? Or Is there a gem that already does this?

A Rails engine sounds like your best bet. An engine is an application that provides functionality to its host application. Getting Started with Engines guide is a great place to start and just so happens to guide you through the process of creating a blog engine. There are such engines that exist in the wild, such as Blogit. Whatever you decide, running through the engine guide would give you a good understanding of how engines work.


Could someone please define an Engine in Ruby in Rails?

In computing terms, an engine is something that is continually producing output based on input. But in Ruby, the term seems a little bit loose. The people who've created Refinery CMS have taken to calling gems that extend the functionality of their system, 'engines'.
Basically, what I want to know is, is Spree, the open source ecommerce cms written in ruby, an engine? Would calling it the 'spree engine' be correct?
As defined by Rails, an Engine is a lot like an application within an application. Spree is one of these, and there are others. Each engine has its own app folder with the same sort of structure you'd see in a top-level application.
You can combine one or more engines together into an application, then add your own functionality on top. That's what makes systems like Spree far more flexible than a fixed-puropose Rails app that you have limited control over.
Things that extend Rails are only truly engines if they are self-contained applications. Many gems add functionality that's much more specific than that, so are better termed "plug-ins" or "modules" depending on the phrasing.
It's actually pretty easy to build your own engine and can be useful for separating and re-using code across several different applications.
I think that there is quite good explanation in guide Getting Started with Engines.
Spree is actually comprised of many engines...
The overcooked version: Engines come kitted with (many of) the guts of a typical rails application, with a few bonuses: namespacing out of the box, generators for easily copying migrations, and the ability to mount it in another rails application.
1 What are engines?
Engines can be considered miniature applications that provide functionality to their host applications. A Rails application is actually just a "supercharged" engine, with the Rails::Application class inheriting a lot of its behavior from Rails::Engine.
Try to read this guide: and also this cast:

How to nest a Rails application into another rails application

Lets say have a main app, that also has a blog, I like to keep the "blog" part of the app as a separate rails app and re-use it in other rails apps as well.
How should I do it?
The currently popular method to do what you are trying to achieve is to use Engines. Engines basically let you mount one application inside another, allowing you to do anything from add a method or two, to adding a complete blog. The official guides have a very nice step-by-step guide to getting started, and there are many good unofficial guides, as well. An engine basically consists of a little bit of initialization code, the application code, and a dummy application for testing and development. It might look intimidating, at first, but it's much easier than it sounds, at first. Good luck

Embed Blog in Ruby on Rails

I have a Ruby on Rails application and want to include a blog inside the application.
I was wondering what's the best way to do that. I don't want to have a link to an external blog. I want the blog integrated in my application. Also i don't have the time to programm the blog functionality. I want to use existing solutions.
What's the best way to accomplish that? Any recommendations? What are the best solutions?
The best way to include one application within another is by using engines. This might help you Ruby on Rails 3.1 Blog Engines
Perhaps Typo would address your needs installed as a Rails Engine.
Since nobody has done it so far I need to mention here that the spirit of Rails is to make everything friendly enough so that you can code your own.
It's a bit more work but then your blog module fits right in with the rest of the app.

Rails Ruby Gems vs Pure Development When Generating A Rich Blog

Some ruby gems like jekyll, toto and webby offer out of the box blog-type integration into your ruby app. Another way of developing a rich web blog-type application is to build and model the application yourself using pure ruby and rails practices. (e.g creating an Article and User model). The first offers out of the box features the 2nd option offers more customization and control.
In people's experience on Stack Overflow, which would be the best route and what would people consider when making the decision to use a gem out of the box versus going alone?
All of the gems you mentioned take static, markdown/textile/etc files and turn them into HTML websites. They take different approaches to it, with jekyll spitting out the finished website for hosting, toto doing the converting and routing on request, and webby doing the same as jekyll mostly.
If you're using Rails, it's important to note that none of these will integrate into your application well. They're built to more-or-less operate on their own.
Generally speaking, if a gem has the functionality you need, use it. They are not equivalent to plugins you find for Wordpress and Drupal where they are typically low-quality, buggy, poorly documented, etc. More often than not, gems simply add a couple modules that you can integrate into your application how you like.
On the other hand, a basic blog is pretty quick and simple in Rails, especially considering you've got a handy walkthrough guide straight from the Rails documentation on how to do it.
If you're new to Rails and want tight integration with your app, it's probably best to bake your own blog features.
This will take some time to do, but its worth it to learn how things really work.
If you're more seasoned, just look at the gem's API and documentation and decide if it does what you want it to do and if you're comfortable with how to integrate it. If so, it'll save you time.
One other consideration: who will be using the blog? Is it for internal use, and programmers will be the ones updating it? If that's the case, then you can make it very easy by not worrying about a lot of aesthetic polish in the back-end. Conversely, if you're making an app that includes a blogging component for the general public you might want it to feel more polished. In this case a gem might save you a lot of time.
It depends on your application.

How do I have plugin architecture in Ruby on Rails?

I have to built a social networking site on Ruby on Rails. The features in the site may change from time to time; so we will need to add/remove features with ease. Moreover, we may be building another social networking site. Due to these reasons, we are thinking to build a basic framework for social networking sites in RoR with the feature to install or uninstall extensions to the framework.
I worked previously in Joomla! CMS and its architecture for adding/removing extensions is kind of what I am looking at. In a Joomla! installation there is usually an admin side from which you can add/remove/customize extensions.
I am new to RoR and finding it little difficult to decide how to do this. Any help will be appreciated.
UPDATE 2015: this was answered in 2009 a lot has changed
Plug-ins have been superseded by Gems and Engines
For all the information you need on Engines:
Engines are a fantastic way of building encapsulated and reusable code for your rails apps.
Original Answer for Reference
On the development side Rails Engines and/or plugins is probably what you are looking for.
Rails Engines are small subsets of an
application that can be dropped into
any of your Rails applications and
handle common parts of the application
from scratch.
Say for example your social networking application has a wiki, blog, chatroom etc. You would more than likely want to create a wiki engine, blog engine and chatroom engine.
Engines allows you to re-use such functionality within different applications so you do not have to repeat yourself.
Take a look at:
Some support for ‘engine’ plugins has
been merged into the Rails core
codebase in Rails 2.3.
I would also recommend taking a look at some public projects say on github and see how people have used engines.
Take a look at some engines:
Other useful links for reading
Tips for writing Engines
Rails Engines, Railscast by Ryan Bates
The Russian Doll Pattern (PDF)
In functionality terms you could still have an admin area that could activate certain features ie. your blog or wiki by allowing users access to such areas with a permissions/roles system.
If you want to build a CMS which supports some kind of extensions like in Wordpress or Joomla then you will have to either build it and provide guidlines or at least look into how you would upload/install Engines/Plugins from a user perspective.
Not sure on the security implications of this
Redmine has put this kind of functionality into their awesome application. You may want to dig around the source code for tips and clues
Finally Adva_CMS has basically adopted this approach and have created a number of Engines for their CMS application
Engines are still a pretty solid way to go, the new location to get info on those is located here:
But what you need is really more application specific. A lot of applications develop these things organically over time. They start out by hand crafting a few of these and then they re-factor them periodically until they find patterns that align with software design patterns and then they develop a plugin framework.
Are you going to expose your interface to end users? To third party developers? What parts of the application are controlled by these plugins? Is it just the presentation tier? Does it affect the data model? Consider the fact that when you publish any kind of external interface, you're developing contracts that you need to honor.
You might check out these design patterns: They will help you figure out how to manage your development process. If you're just working on plugins for internal use, then what's the real purpose of them? What makes them different than modules?
