iOS Powerpoint Viewer trouble - ios

I want to implement a PowerPoint viewer in my application. I tried to use Quick Look Framework. But it doesn't support transition animations and full screen.
Can someone help me to implement these two things.
I've also tried to open the presentation in web view.


Multiple webview in an app or one

I'm creating an ios/android app that is implemented with partially native code and html5/css and built-in mobile webkit, I need to make it support both ios and Android, hence the html5/css selection. In my app I created a tabbar with 4 tab buttons, each tabview contains a webview, the tabs and tabbars are implemented natively, meaning the code for this is either objective-c or Java. What happens in those webviews are html5/css/js... I wonder if this is the appropriate way to implement it, or should I wrap the whole thing up in one single webview, and implement everything using html5, including the tabbar. Or let me ask this way, what did facebook do with its tabbars in its app? I'm concerning about user experience and seamless transition/animation.
If I can mimic the native ios/Android tabbar using html5, how may I? Anyone could maybe provide a link to a tutorial? Thanks!

displaying a power point presentation through a grails application

I'm working on a grails application and being asked if it's possible to display a viewable embedded powerpoint. Someone said, I should take each slide and make an image and display it that way. Anyone know of a simpler solution?
I would use SlideShare. Upload the PowerPoint to SlideShare and click "Embed" to generate an iframe element that can be embedded in your GSP.

Displaying ppt interactively on iOS device

I have browsed and searched a lot for this but couldn't find any relevant answers/posts. I am looking for a framework/library with the help of which I can convert ppt slides into images and then render them on iOS device. Any other way/procedure which will display ppt page-wise with giving control on page transition will also be great.
Thanks in advance
If you just want to view the Office files, have a look at:
Document Interaction Programming Topics for iOS: Quick Look Framework.
Quick Look Framework Reference
Quick Look Framework supports a lot of file formats as you can see in the links above. It is available in iOS 4.0 and later.
You can also use UIWebView to display them. See Using UIWebView to display select document types.

View and interact a 3d model in iPad application

i wanna ask you about how to display a 3d model exported from blender/3d max/maya and interact with it on iPad app.
I wanna load a 3d human head into my UISplitViewController Detail View
the head will be rotated, and when i came over the noise for example, i wanna it highlighted,and when i click it, it take me to another UIViewController.
I've searched about it and i came up with using HTML5, but it's hard to use.
I've came up with using Cocos3d and other engines, but how i can use it in a normal app, not a game.
can you please give me a hint about where i should start ?
Any help will be appreciated.
I've found an engine called "isgl3d engine" that have a powerful capabilities and easy to use in your iPhone/iPad app.

How to embed Adobe Photoshop in my App

We are developing a software that will automate many crucial activities in Photoshop.
This application is targeted for newbies.
In this application I want to embed Photoshop's window in my applications window. Currently Photoshop runs separately in its own window.
How can I get it to run in a particular location in given space in my application window?
How about this: find Photoshop's window handle using FindWindow, and after that use SetParent to embed it into your form/panel. You might also need to maximize and remove borders from Photoshop's window, see Windows API for more details on how to do this.
I don't know of any API to let you embed Photoshop into another application, and I don't think that API exists. However, why can't you accomplish what you want using ActionScript or a native plug-in inside Photoshop? This is accomplishing almost the same thing, just from a different direction.
