Converting iOS ABPeoplePicker numbers into valid, canonical number - ios

I'm using the iOS ABPeoplePickerNavigationController to allow a user to select a phone number, but the number I get back is formatted like this:
+44 (0) 20 3162 0001
I can strip out the spaces and the parenthesis, but the number that remains isn't really a valid phone number.
Does iOS offer any way to force ABPeoplePicker to return a valid, canonical phone number i.e.
or will I be fored to apply a regex or something to it?

you will have to apply a regex. but it should just be strip all but optionally + at the beginning
STILL there is no guarantee that'll get you a valid phone number!
e.g. In Addressbook I could write +44 353 1232 (-0 / -1)
to name to alernates


International phone number format ios

In my country(Kazakhstan) phone number +7 (123) 456 7890 is equal to 8 (123) 456 7890.
So one saves numbers with +7, some with 8. I need to compare and verify these two numbers. It is easy, but I wonder if there are countries with rules like this and how to check them?
P.S. It is for an ios app in swift.

ruby/rails detect financial track data and return nil/empty string

I read through similar stackoverflow questions to understand financial track card data.
I think the issue I am facing might be slightly different or maybe I am really weak in regex.
Now we have a service that returns track data accidentally instead of the guest name.
My goal is every time I receive track data I display "" empty string, else return the guest name.( This is a temp solution until we fix the root cause)
This is what my regular expressions is but looks like it doesn't detect track data.
irb(main):043:0> guestname="%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
irb(main):044:0> (/[(%[bB])(;)]\d{3,}.{9,}[(^.+^)(=)].+\?.{,2}/.match(guestname)) ? "" : guestname
=> "%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
(Not real data)
Now, looking at the wiki for track data information I want to cover most cases, if not all:
Could some help with my regex. This is what I have:
Track 1, Format B:
Start sentinel — one character (generally '%')
Format code="B" — one character (alpha only)
Primary account number (PAN) — up to 19 characters. Usually, but not
always, matches the credit card number printed on the front of the
Field Separator — one character (generally '^')
Name — 2 to 26 characters
Field Separator — one character (generally '^')
Expiration date — four characters in the form YYMM.
Service code — three characters
Discretionary data — may include Pin Verification Key Indicator (PVKI,
1 character), PIN Verification Value (PVV, 4 characters), Card
Verification Value or Card Verification Code (CVV or CVC, 3
End sentinel — one character (generally '?')
Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) — it is one character and a
validity character calculated from other data on the track.
Track 2: This format was developed by the banking industry (ABA). This
track is written with a 5-bit scheme (4 data bits + 1 parity), which
allows for sixteen possible characters, which are the numbers 0-9,
plus the six characters : ; < = > ? . The selection of six
punctuation symbols may seem odd, but in fact the sixteen codes simply
map to the ASCII range 0x30 through 0x3f, which defines ten digit
characters plus those six symbols. The data format is as follows:
Start sentinel — one character (generally ';')
Primary account number (PAN) — up to 19 characters. Usually, but not
always, matches the credit card number printed on the front of the
Separator — one char (generally '=')
Expiration date — four characters in the form YYMM.
Service code — three digits. The first digit specifies the interchange
rules, the second specifies authorisation processing and the third
specifies the range of services
Discretionary data — as in track one
End sentinel — one character (generally '?')
Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) — it is one character and a
validity character calculated from other data on the track. Most
reader devices do not return this value when the card is swiped to the
presentation layer, and use it only to verify the input internally to
the reader.
Your example input string does not contain format code after first sentinel.
You are trying to parse html-encoded version, which is weird.
So, I would start with html decoding. E.g. with Nokogiri:
▶ guestname="%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
#⇒ "%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
▶ parsed = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(guestname).text
#⇒ "%4234242xx12^TEST/GUEST L ^324532635645744646462"
OK, now we at least have a leading percent. Now let us ask ourselves: how many users have a guest name starting with a percent sign? I bet none. You might re-check yourself by running a query against your database. Since it is a temporary solution, I would definitely shut the perfectionism up and go with:
▶ parsed =~ /\A%/ ? '' : parsed
Hope it helps.

Yahoo Pipes - How Do I Truncate the last 5 Characters

I am using Yahoo Pipes to rewrite a URL. Everything is fine but the last 6 characters of the URL need to be removed from all the links.
needs to be rewritten to
The number at the end is always changing, so I am hoping to just chop the last 6 characters off of each url.
You'll want the Sub string module. Presuming it functions in a similar way to other languages, you'll want an undefined From value, and a Length value of -6, which should cut 6 characters off the end of the URL.
Seems that a regex in (.*)(.....) and takinq only the first match should do the trick

Dynamically generate short URLs for a SQL database?

My client has database of over 400,000 customers. Each customer is assigned a GUID. He wants me to select all the records, create a dynamic "short URL" which includes this GUID as a parameter. Then save this short url to a field on each clients record.
The first question I have is do any of the URL shortening sites allow you to programatically create short urls on the fly like this?
TinyUrl allow you to do it (not widely documented), for example:
So you could have
The guid doesn't end up being that clear, but the URLs should be unique
Note that you'd have to pass this through an HTTPWebRequest and get the response.
You can use Google's URL shortner, they have an API.
Here is the docs for that:
This URL is not sufficiently short:?
NOTE: Personally I think your client is asking for something strange. By asking you to create a URL field on each customer record (which will be based on the Customer's GUID through a deterministic algorithm) he is in fact essentially asking you to denormalize the database.
The algorithm URL shortening sites use is very simple:
Store the URL and map it to it's sequence number.
Convert the sequence number (id) to a fixed-length string.
Using just six lowercase letter for the second step will give you many more (24^6) combinations that the current application needs, and there's nothing preventing the use of a larger sequence at some point in time. You can use shorter sequences if you allow for numbers and/or uppercase letters.
The algorithm for the conversion is a base conversion (like when converting to hex), padding with whatever symbol represents zero. This is some Python code for the conversion:
LOWER = [chr(x + ord('a')) for x in range(25)]
DIGITS = [chr(x + ord('0')) for x in range(10)]
def i2text(i, l):
n = len(MAP)
result = ''
while i != 0:
c = i % n
result += MAP[c]
i //= n
padding = MAP[0]*l
return (padding+result)[-l:]
print i2text(0,4)
print i2text(1,4)
print i2text(12,4)
print i2text(36,4)
print i2text(400000,4)
print i2text(1600000,4)
Your URLs would then be of the form

How to recognize mobile number in a given text?

I want to extract valid(on the basis of format) mobile numbers from a text.
e.g. I/O some text (987) 456 7890, (987)-456-7890 again some text
O/P 9874567890 9874567890
problem is, there are many valid mobile formats in all over world like.
text = "Denmark 11 11 11 11, 1111 1111 "
// + "Germany 03333 123456, +49 (3333) 123456 "
// + "Netherlands + 31 44 12345678 Russia +7(555)123-123 "
// + "spain 12-123-12-12 switzerland +41 11 222 22 22 "
// + "Uk (01222) 333333 India +91-12345-12345 "
// + "Austrailia (04) 1231 1231 USA (011) 154-123-4567 "
// + "China 1234 5678 France 01-23-45-67-89 "
// + "Poland (12) 345 67 89 Singapore 123 4567 "
// + "Thailand (01) 234-5678, (012) 34-5678 "
// + "United Kingdom 0123 456 7890, 01234 567890 "
// + "United States (987) 456 7890, (987)-456-7890+ etc."
How to cover all mobile formats?
min and max length of the mobile numbers(with or without country code)?
how to recognize that mobile number has country code or not?
You might want to check if this fits your needs: A comprehensive regex for phone number validation
By experience I know how this works in my phone OS. It looks at a long enough sequences of digits, separated by a set of allowed chars.
In principle something like:
[\+]?([0-9]|[\(\).- ]){min,max}
This regex is suboptimal since it also looks for long sequences of separator chars. You will probably need to filter those results out as well.
A very simple method with some false positives, but false positives are IMPO better than misses.
You shouldn't use the list of samples you got as a guide to actual mobile phone numbers.
For example the number sequence shown for the Netherlands is incorrect, in that it doesn't cover just mobile numbers but ALL regular phone numbers (it doesn't cover such things as 0800 and 0900 numbers for which different rules apply) and is missing an element even for that.
I can only assume the list is similarly incorrect for other countries (and of course it's far from complete in that it doesn't cover all countries, but maybe you posted only a fragment).
To parse a phone number you'd have to first remove all white space and other formatting characters from what could be a phone number, then check whether it has the correct length to be one, then try to deduce whether it includes a country code or not.
If it includes a country code but doesn't start with either 00 or + (both are used to indicate an international number) it might not be a phone number after all.
Does it include an area code? If so, is the area code one associated with mobile phones (for example in the Netherlands all mobile phone numbers have area code 06, BUT in the past this wasn't always the case so if you have an old document a 06 area code may not be a mobile number anyway.
After you've deduced that (and AFAIK mobile numbers always include an area code) you have to check if the remaining numbers make up something that could be an actual phone number without area code based on the length of the number (hint: area code + numer together have to be 10 long here, and I think everywhere).
And all that while taking into consideration that the rules may well be different for different countries or even different networks within some countries.
And of course if you find a number that looks like a valid phone number it still may not be.
It could be some other number that just looks like a phone number but isn't.
Simple search of all matching string formats in this case is not right way. The optimal way is using Regular Expressions to find all matches of phone numbers, but Blackberry java don't have built-in capabilities to process Regular Expressions.
But you can use 3-rd party library for J2ME implementing RegEx processing, smth. like this.
// Regex - Check Singapore valid mobile numbers
public static boolean isSingaporeMobileNo(String str) {
Pattern mobNO = Pattern.compile("^(((0|((\\+)?65([- ])?))|((\\((\\+)?65\\)([- ])?)))?[8-9]\\d{7})?$");
Matcher matcher = mobNO.matcher(str);
if (matcher.find()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
