How to use INDEX() inside ARRAYFORMULA()? - google-sheets

I am trying to use the INDEX() formula inside an ARRAYFORMULA(). As a simple (non-sense) example, with 4 elements in column A, I expected that the following array formula entered in B1 would display all four elements from A in column B:
However, this only fills field B1 with a the value found in A1.
When I enter
in B1, then I do see all numbers 1 to 4 appear in column B. Why does my first array formula not expand similar like the second one does?

The INDEX function is one that does not support "iteration" over an array if an array is used as one of its arguments. There is no documentation of this that I know of; it simply is what it is. So the second argument will always default to the first element of the array, which is ROW(A1).
One clumsy workaround to achieve what you require relies on a second adjacent column existing next to the source data* (although it is unimportant what values are actually in that second column):
or indeed something like:
edit 2015-06-09
* This is no longer a requirement in the newest version of Sheets; the second argument in the HLOOKUP can just be $A$1:$A$4.

Here is a tip for using vlookup with an array, so that even if the columns are moved later on the formula will still work correctly....
In general, configure the vlookup so that it's reading only 2 columns and returning the second. This can be done by inputting only the 2 columns required, rather than a range and column index.
Replace the following formula which would fail if columns are moved
=arrayformula( vlookup(C:C, booking!$A:$E ,5 ,false) )
with this formula which will continue to work even if columns are moved
=arrayformula( vlookup(C:C, {booking!$A:$A,booking!$E:$E} ,2 ,false) )

Note, you can also simulate the index function using vlookup.
Column R:R contains the row index numbers for looking up data in column booking!$A:$A
=arrayformula(vlookup(R:R ,arrayformula({row(booking!$A:$A), booking!$A:$A}),2 , false))
It's a nested array, so it can be helpful to test in stages, eg just the inner part for one example, eg return entry in row 10:
=vlookup(10 ,arrayformula({row(booking!$A:$A), booking!$A:$A}),2 , false)


How can I find the name of the person ranked 1?

What I'm trying to do is find the name of the person who is ranked number 1 in the table shown below. I have tried =LOOKUP and =VLOOKUP but I get an error saying that a result can't be found, even though it's obviously there. I assume that I'm either using the wrong function or just not using it right.
I tried =VLOOKUP(1;D2:H19;1) and =LOOKUP(1;D2:H19;1) but neither seems to work.
The following formula should produce the behaviour you desire:
=VLOOKUP can only be used to find values to the right of a search key. To find values to the left of a search key, use a combination of =INDEX and =MATCH.
The =MATCH function searches a specified range for a specified value and returns the relative position of the value in that range. In this case, the value to search for is 1, the range to search through is H2:H, and the 0 at the end specifies that the range is not sorted in any way.
The =INDEX function returns the contents of a cell within a range having a specified row and column offset. In this case, the range is D2:D, and the row is whichever row is returned by =MATCH. =INDEX could take a third argument if it was desired to specify a row offset as well, but that is not necessary here.
Functions used:
You sort your ascending order based on rank then return your desired data using INDEX() function. Try-
=vlookup(1,{H2:H19, D2:D19},2)
Since vlookup only searches the 1st column of the input range, to use it, you need to flip the columns by composing a local array: {H2:H19, D2:D19}.
{} means concatenation. , in it means horizontal concatenation. With that, the rank column is now the 1st column in the input of vlookup and now vlookup works.
With our local array, the 2nd column are the names and therefore index should be 2.
Also note the use of comma to separate function inputs.
your VLOOKUP formula should look like:
=VLOOKUP(1, {H2:H19, D2:D19}, 2, 0)
also try just:
=SORTN(D:D; 1; 1; H:H; 1)
You can use query (usefull in case of ex aequo)
=query(D2:H,"select D where H=1",0)

How to print different values to column based on value in another column and other conditions met?

I have a spreadsheet with several columns and I want to return a different value based on the value in Column A and if any of the other columns show a true or 1.
For example
If column A has the value "A" and any column B-N is either TRUE or 1 then I want to return "Good" to column O
If column A has the value "B" and any column B-N is either TRUE or 1 then I want to return "Best" to column O
Link to spreadsheet:
Try this in cell O2 (where your sample sheets only has values of TRUE, FALSE, Y or N in B2:N):
Alternative where values in B:N are either 0 or 1:
B2:N is the range of cells to process.
The inner SUBSTITUTE clears all 0 values.
The outer SUBSTITUTE swaps 1 values for a test to see if values in A contain "A" or "B".
IFS does the test and returns either "Good" or "Best".
IFERROR hides any #N/A values down the sheet where the rows are empty.
TRANSPOSE transposes the data for QUERY.
QUERY is used to collapse empty cells (vertically). columns(B2:N) is used in the header part of QUERY. This is a quirk of QUERY, where the header number >= the columns of data, QUERY does the collapse.
TRANSPOSE reverts the dataset to the previous orientation.
TRIM removes leading or trailing space.
ARRAYFORMULA allows the formula to automatically cascade down the sheet, rather than you needing to drag the formula down (like with =IF(AND({B2:N2}>0, A2="A"),"Good", "")).
So, you already have this partial solution. To get a second condition to be met before printing something to your cell, just add an AND() with a new COUNTIF(), comparing A column with A, and then at the else argument, repeat your original IF(), just changing A for B and the output for each case. I will look like this:
To use it on every row, just autofill the column O. The row numbers will change accordingly and work on its own.
If you need a new if() statement for a third or fourth case, just repeat it, nesting one IF() inside the other, leaving room for a default error message at the end.

Google Sheets Fill Down with Formula

I have a very hard problem to solve, which must be completed with a formula (not a script).
Basically, the Raw input column needs to be dynamically filled down until it hits the next piece of text.
Here's an example file with includes the expected output.
Is it even possible to achieve?
This will work based on your ask, assuming that A2 is never blank, place this in the first row of data (not header):
=ArrayFormula(IF(A2:A<>"", A2:A, B1:B))
It checks to see if there is a value in column A, if there is, it fills that column, if not, it copies the cell above.
Delete everything in Column B (including the header) and place the following formula in B1:
Here is a basic explanation of how this formula works:
A virtual array is created between the curly brackets { }; this virtual array contains a header and all results. You can change the header name to whatever you like.
VLOOKUP looks up every row number that is less than or equal to the highest row number that contains text in A2:A. Each of these qualifying rows is looked up in a second array that contains only the row numbers and Column-A data from non-blank rows, returning the data itself. Since rows are in perfect ascending order and the last parameter of VLOOKUP is set to TRUE, all blank rows in the first array will "fall backward" to find the most recent row that did have something in Column A.

Add title row with ARRAYFORMULA in Google Sheets

I watched a tutorial where the author uses an IF statement along with the ARRAYFORMULA function to add a title row to a column of data. Links are given to the docs; however, for an example of how to use ARRAYFORMULA see this answer.
An example can be seen below:
I was able to populate the C column by placing the following formula in C1:
=ARRAYFORMULA(if(row(A:A) = 1, "spent", B:B - A:A))
I'm confused about the syntax. I understand that X:X references the entire X column but I don't understand how it's being used to check if we're at cell A1 in one context and then being used to apply mass formulas in another context.
How does the above line work?
Can you illustrate with some examples?
It sounds to me that the information you learned led you to expect that row(A:A)=1 translates to row A1?
It works a little different than that, the syntax as your using it now, is basically saying if any row in A:A has a value of 1, then write "spent" else subtract B-A
My suggestion:
use a literal array to make your header, then use the if(arrayformula) to only populate rows with values, for aesthetics:
The {} allow you to build a literal array, and using a semicolon instead of a comma allows you to stack your cells vertically, following that we check if there is a value in column A, if so, subtract A from B, else leave it blank.
why not just put the column title directly on the first row cell, and start the array formula from the 2nd row, using the A2:A, B2:B syntax?
If something does not have to be in a formula, better put it directly on the cell - simpler for others to understand what's going on, and the formula will be simpler.
If you put the array formula in line 2, and someone sorts the data, then the arrayformula will move. If it is in the header line, this is less likely to happen.
You can also use the IFS function to achieve a similar effect to the array,
Here the first condition checks the row number, and if it is row ONE, then inserts a Column Header.
The Second condition - A1:A="",, - ensures that blank lines are ignored.
The Third condition True (ELSE) performs the calculation.
This method also allows for different calculations to performed on different rows depending on requirements.

How to find the first cell in a row where value is not empty and check if the number is less or equal the number in other cell

I've got the following Google spreadsheet:
item have ready need1 need2 need3
A 1 2 1
B 1 2 1 1
C 2 2
I want to fill ready column as follows:
find the first column in need1, ..., needN range which has a non-empty value
if the value found is less or equals the value in have column, set ready column to something cheerful (e.g. yes)
if the value found is larger than the value in have column, don't do anything
So above input, when processed should look like this:
item have ready need1 need2 need3
A 1 2 1
B 1 2 1 1
C 2 yes 2
For the first step I found a suggested solution, which did not work for me:
=INDEX( SORT( FILTER( D10:H10 , LEN( D10:H10 ) ) ,
FILTER( COLUMN( D10:H10 ) , LEN( D10:H10 ) ) , 0 ) , 1 )
(it returns #REF!) Not sure what's wrong with it or how to proceed to the next step.
Thanks in advance!
If you know how many need columns you have, or even just how many columns are on the sheet, this is quite straightforward. If not and you need to look at the entire row, you might have to redesign a bit to avoid a circular reference from the cell with the formula being part of that row.
Your second two steps are fairly simple either way - you want one of two results based on a condition, so you're going to want to use =IF. Your condition is that the 'need' number is less than or equal to the 'have' number, and you want it to say 'yes' if that's true, and nothing if it isn't. So, that gives us:
=IF(need<=have, "Yes", "")
The examples below assume your table above starts from cell A1 in the top left, and that the last column in your sheet is Z
Next we need to find 'need' and 'have'. Finding 'have' is pretty easy - it's just the number in column B.
Finding 'need' is slightly more complicated. You've got the right idea using INDEX and FILTER, but your formula seems a little overcomplicated. Basically we can use FILTER to filter out the blank values, and INDEX to find the first one that is left. First, FILTER:
The range you want to filter from is everything in the same row from column D to column Z (or whatever the final column is), and the condition you want to filter for is that those same cells are not blank. For the formula you're typing into cell C2, that gives us:
=FILTER(D2:Z2, D2:Z2<>"")
Next, INDEX: If you give INDEX an array, a row number, and a column number, it will tell you what is at that the cell where that row and column meet. As we've filtered out the blanks, we just want whatever is left in the first column of our filtered array, which gives us:
=INDEX(FILTER(D2:Z2, D2:Z2<>""), 1, 1)
Or, as we only have one row in our array, and INDEX is pretty smart, simply:
=INDEX(FILTER(D2:Z2, D2:Z2<>""), 1)
So to bring it all together, our final formula for cell C2 is:
=IF(INDEX(FILTER(D2:Z2, D2:Z2<>""), 1)<=B2, "Yes", "")
Then just drag the formula down for as many rows as you need. If your sheet is or becomes wider, just change Z to whatever your last column is.
When you don't know the size of a range, use functions row, column, rows, columns.
Simple formula
Here's an example of what you are looking:
this part of formula:
returns the range starting from given cell (D2) to the end of Sheet (COLUMNS(1:1)-column(D2)+1)
I suggest using ArrayFormula, it'll expand automatically:
=ARRAYFORMULA(if(REGEXEXTRACT(SUBSTITUTE(trim(transpose(query(transpose(OFFSET(D2,,,COUNTA(A2:A),COLUMNS(1:1)-column(D2)+1)),,COLUMNS(OFFSET(D2,,,COUNTA(A2:A),COLUMNS(1:1)-column(D2)+1)))))," ",", "),"\d+")*1<=OFFSET(B2,,,COUNTA(A2:A)),"yes",""))
It assumes that 'Item' column has no blank values.
The solution from #Max Makhrov works, and has the advantage of using a single formula for the whole column.
However, it assumes that all of your columns at the right from your ready column (D) will be need_ columns.
The solution from #dmusgrave also works, provided you remove the extra "=" before INDEX:
However, it makes the same assumption, and also limits at column Z.
Such assumptions seem reasonable, but if they are limiting you, here's how you can have any number of need_ columns starting right of your ready column:
=IF(INDEX(FILTER(INDIRECT( "D"&ROW()&":"&CHAR(67+COLUMNS(FILTER($1:$1,LEFT($1:$1, 4)="need")))&row() ), INDIRECT( "D"&ROW()&":"&CHAR(67+COLUMNS(FILTER($1:$1,LEFT($1:$1,4)="need")))&row() )<>""),1)<=B2,"Yes","")
The idea is simply to replace D2:Z2 (in #dmusgrave's solution) by :
INDIRECT( "D"&ROW()&":"&CHAR(67+COLUMNS(FILTER($1:$1,LEFT($1:$1, 4)="need")))&row() )
Explanation: You start from D at current row, and you go until the last need_ column on the same current row.
CHAR(68) is D, to which you add the number of columns titled need.*, minus one (hence the 67).
Using the same logic, you can easily make your formula more robust/generic, such as not having the need_ columns starting right form the ready column, etc.
